Read the ABSCAL.HIS file and visualize the results of the absolute calibration with liquid nitrogen of an RPG microwave radiometer
Table of Contents
This repository was created to display the results of the absolute calibration with liquid nitrogen of the microwave radiometer HATPRO manufactured by Radiometer Physics GmbH. For this purpose, the binary file ABSCAL.HIS is read in and converted into an xarray. Then the receiver gain, the temperature of the noise diode, the temperature of the system noise and the non-linearity factor are displayed in comparison to the previous and other prior calibrations.
Below is an example of how run the script, which reads in the data and plots the results. This method relies on external dependencies such as xarray, numpy and others (see
Clone the repo
git clone
Install the package
python install
- set your specifications (e.g. paths of the ABSCAL.his file) in the user specifications section at the top within the routine
- run the routine
- see the results in the results_ln2_cal.png image
- add meaningful docstrings
- make documentation --> readthedocs
- enable pip install ...
- Released version 1
- Add Tests
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Special thanks for templates and help during implementation.