Composable function to display a horizontal calendar view.
: The start date of the calendar.pagerState
: The PagerState used to control the horizontal paging behavior of the calendar.modifier
: The modifier for styling and layout of the calendar.pageSize
: The size of each page in the calendar. Default isPageSize.Fill
: The number of pages to keep loaded beyond the visible bounds. Default is 1.contentPadding
: The padding applied around the content of the calendar.calendarAnimator
: The animator used for animating calendar transitions.calendarView
: The composable function to display the content of each calendar page.
Composable function to display a month picker with selectable months.
: The number of columns in the grid layout of the month picker. Default is 4.horizontalArrangement
: The horizontal alignment of items in the grid layout. Default isAlignment.CenterHorizontally
: The vertical arrangement of items in the grid layout. Default isArrangement.Center
: The modifier for styling and layout of the month picker.userScrollEnabled
: Whether scrolling is enabled for the month picker. Default is true.monthCount
: The total number of months to display in the picker. Default is 12.onMonthSelected
: The callback invoked when a month is selected.monthView
: The composable function to display each month item in the picker.
Composable function to display a vertical calendar view.
: The start date of the calendar.calendarAnimator
: The animator used for animating calendar transitions.modifier
: The modifier for styling and layout of the calendar.pageSize
: The size of each page in the calendar. Default isPageSize.Fill
: The padding applied around the content of the calendar.beyondBoundsPageCount
: The number of pages to keep loaded beyond the visible bounds. Default is 1calendarView
: The composable function to display the content of each calendar page.
Composable function to display a week view with selectable days.
: The start date of the week view. Default is the current date.minDate
: The minimum selectable date in the week view. Default is three months before the start date.maxDate
: The maximum selectable date in the week view. Default is three months after the end date of the month containing the start date.daysOffset
: The offset in days from the start date. Default is 0.showDaysBesideRange
: Whether to show days beside the range. Default is true.calendarAnimator
: The animator used for animating calendar transitions.isActive
: A lambda function to determine if a date is considered active. Default is comparison with the current date.modifier
: The modifier for styling and layout of the week view.firstVisibleDate
: A callback invoked with the first visible date in the week
: The composable function to display each day item in the week view.
WeekView { state ->
Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
onClick = { },
Composable function to display a year picker with selectable years.
: The number of columns in the grid layout of the year picker. Default is 4.rows
: The number of rows in the grid layout of the year picker. Default is 3.startDate
: The start date of the year picker. Default is the current date.mode
: The mode of the year picker. Default isYearPickerMode.HORIZONTAL
: The offset in years from the start date. Default is 0.modifier
: The modifier for styling and layout of the year picker.pageSize
: The size of each page in the year picker. Default isPageSize.Fill
: The callback invoked when a year is selected.yearView
: The composable function to display each year item in the picker.
onYearSelected = {
date = date.copy(year = it)
mode = DatePickerMode.DAY
config = rememberCalendarState(
startDate = startDate,
monthOffset = monthOffset,
selectionMode = SelectionMode.Range,
rangeConfig = RangeConfig(rangeIllustrator = RoundedRangeIllustrator(Pallete.LightGreen)),
You can draw yourself implementations of RangeIllustrator, or use
predefined RoundedRangeIllustrator
and UnderlineIllustrator
config = ...,
onDateSelected = { date ->
// date: List<LocalDate> <--- selected dates
selectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiply(3) // SelectionMode.Single or SelectionMode.Range
will return:
- SelectionMode.Single - one element list
- SelectionMode.Multiply(N) - N elements list
- SelectionMode.Range - two elements list where first item is older than second item
You can animate calendar to scroll to desired date.
val startDate by remember { mutableStateOf( }
val calendarAnimator by remember { mutableStateOf(CalendarAnimator(startDate)) }
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
startDate = startDate,
calendarAnimator = calendarAnimator,
// to scroll after click on button:
Button(onClick = {
coroutineScope.launch {
calendarAnimator.animateTo(LocalDate(1995, Month.NOVEMBER, 12))
}) {
CalendarAnimator provides also pager methods like:
scrollToPage(page: Int, pageOffsetFraction: Float = 0f)