Releases: XilinJia/Podcini
Releases · XilinJia/Podcini
- added EpisodeMedia null relationship handling
- in sleep timer setting, added "to end of episode" option
- frequency of sleep timer check is reduced to every 10 seconds (from 1 second)
- in Queue bin view, items' order is changed to descending
- in Queue bin view, disabled some menu items
- refined "remove from queue" operation when an episode ended playing
- eliminated the double starts when playing the next episode in queue
- re-ensured circular queue
- first foot into Jetpack Compose, various views are in Compose
- in Queue view, added menu option to change the name of the active queue, with a Compose dialog
- Default queue can not be changed, only unique names are allowed
- in Queue view, added menu option to add a new queue, maximum number of queues allowed is 10
- in Downloads view, revealed the message toaster for Reconsile operation
- added associated queue setting for feed, with three choices: Default, Active and Custom
- the default queue for every feed is Default
- episodes added to queue upon downloading are added to the respective queues associated with the feed
- fixed crash issue when multi-select actions in Subscriptions
- added associated queue setting in multi-select actions in Subscriptions
- playing an episode from an episodes list other than the queue is now a one-off play: no "next episode" to play, unless the episode is on the active queue, in which case, the next episode in the queue will be played
- corrected the wrong displays in DownloadLog view
- likely fixed crash issue when Podcini comes back from background during download
- likely fixed a crash issue when deleting the last playing media in queue
- updated various dependencies, media3 is up at 1.4.0
- enabled swipe actions in Queue bin view (same actions as in Queue)
- both icons of show bin and back to queue are changed to be more intuitive
- bin items are sorted based on the update time
- added a reconsile feature in Downloads view that verifies episodes' download status with media files in system and performs cleanup
- likely fixed syncing with nextcloud and gpoddernet servers.
- minor adjustments on FeedInfo page, especially for handling long feed title
- disabled feed updates via menu or down-swipe in Queue, AllEpisodes, History, and Downloads views
- in multi-select menu, replaced add/remove favorite with "toggle favorites" and mark read/unread with "Toggle played"
- added a bin for every queue for all removed episodes
- added Bin view in Queue and action bar item to switch to/from Bin view.
- in menu of Queue view added "Clean bin" and removed "Switch queue"
- updated some dependencies
- fixed issue of "mark excluded episodes played" checkbox not being reflected from the setting
- in FeedSetting, fixed issue of auto-download options being enabled even if auto-download is not enabled
- "Put in queue" changed to "Add to queue..." and added checkbox for removing from other queues
- refined some handling on events
- fixed issue of deleted episodes not being correctly handled in some lists
- fixed issue of current media kept being played when removed or when removed from queue
- in FeedEpisodes view, fixed (mostly) issue of not being promptly filtered when an episode state changes
- when screen is turned back on during playback, PlayerUI is promptly updated
- added feed setting in the header of FeedInfo view
- in all episodes list views, click on an episode image brings up the FeedInfo view
- added countingPlayed for auto download in feed setting, when set to false, downloaded episodes that have been played are not counted as downloaded to the limit of auto-download
- fixed possible mal-function of feed sorting
- improved feed sorting efficiency
- improved feed update efficiency
- in Subscriptions view added sorting info on every feed (List Layout only)
- "Put to queue" text changed to "Put in queue"
- in dialogs "Put in queue" and "Switch queue" the spinner is changed to list of radio buttons
- likely fixed hang when switching queue sometimes
- fixed crash issue when setting the inclusive or exclusive filters in feed auto-download setting
- fixed player UI not updating on change of episode
- changed title of Queues view to a spinner for easily switching queues
- added "Put to queue" in multi-select menu putting selected episodes to a queue, this would also remove the episodes from any previous queues.
- added condition checks for preparing enqueuing sync actions
- in Subscriptions view added feeds filter based on feed preferences, in the same style as episodes filter
- in FeedEpisode view fixed filtering after an episode's play state is changed
- fixed refreshing a feed causes duplicate episodes in FeedEpisodes view
- fixed the non-functioning of "Set navigation drawer items"
- fixed crash when changing filter during media playing
- item selection in list views only updates the selected item (rather than the whole list)
- fixed episode action button not updated when deleting the media in episode list views
- skipped concurrent calls for loading data in multiple views
- toggle "Auto backup of OPML" in Settings will restart Podcini
- automatically restoring backup of OPML upon new install is disabled. Instead, in AddFeed view, when subscription is empty and OPML backup is available, a dialog is shown to ask about restoring.
- added auto downloadable to episodes filter
- added download date to episodes sorting
- added download date to feed sorting
- auto download algorithm is changed to individual feed based.
- When auto download is enabled in the Settings, feeds to be auto-downloaded need to be separately enabled in the feed settings.
- Each feed also has its own download policy (only new episodes, newest episodes, and oldest episodes. newest episodes meaning most recent episodes new or old)
- Each feed has its own limit (Episode cache) for number of episodes downloaded, this limit rules in combination of the overall limit for the app.
- After auto download run, episodes with New status is changed to Unplayed.
- auto download feed setting dialog is also changed:
- there are now separate dialogs for inclusive and exclusive filters where filter tokens can be specified independently
- on exclusive dialog, there are optional check boxes "Exclude episodes shorter than" and "Mark excluded episodes played"
- set default value of "Include in auto downloads" in feed setting to false
- remove an episode from queue no longer triggers auto download
- got rid of many string delegates, in favor of enums
- some class restructuring