A ROS Package with a C# msg generator. Kind of like genpy/gencpp/genlisp, but a lot more hacky, and certainly unofficial
Instructions can be found on Microsoft's website. Linux version must be 64-bit.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/YaseenAlk/msg_dll_generator.git
If successful, repo should be cloned to ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/
- If not already in repo folder,
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/
git submodule update --init
- If not already in repo folder,
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/
git submodule update --remote
YAMLParser is a C# program that autogenerates C# projects for .msg/.srv/action files.
- If not already in repo folder,
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/
If you have now have a folder in ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/bin/
filled with the following files, then you're good:
You should now be able to run the following script in terminal:
and that script should be able to autogenerate a .NET Core dll package in the folder ~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/catkin_make_with_dll/autogenerated_msg_dll
. The three files in this folder can now be used as a C# library anywhere: in unity, in other C# projects, etc.
cd ~
nano .bashrc
- Add the following line to the
alias catkin_make_dll = '~/catkin_ws/src/msg_dll_generator/catkin_make_with_dll'
- Save your
file and restart terminal
You should now be able to run the command catkin_make_dll
in any directory in terminal! Woohoo! :D
Now it's ready to use!