This project is a portfolio website that highlights my abilities, skills, and experience as a developer. It acts as an entry point for anyone interested in knowing more about me and my professional background. The site has a clean and clear interface, making it simple for visitors to navigate and explore my portfolio content.
- As a visitor, I want to be able to navigate to different sections of the website easily.
- As a visitor, I want to be able to download the developer's CV/resume.
- As a visitor, I want to be able to click on project cards to view more information about each project.
- As a visitor, I expect project links to open in a new tab when clicked.
a deployed version of the website can be accessed Here
git clone
cd Portfolio
To view the project on MacOS use:
open ./index.html
To view the porject on Windows use:
start ./index.html
To view the project on Linux use:
(browser name) /index.html
e.g. google-chrome /index.html