🚀 Features
- Add search history (beta) - by @ruaharico (a68e0)
- Add some icons to make it user-friendly and - by @ruaharico (fd9da)
- UI and intro updates - by @ruaharico (2c932)
- Index: UI and intro updates - by @ruaharico (65bfa)
- Delete backToHome from Bangumi Info Card - by @ruaharico (e19e7)
- Index: add updateTitle feature when query text changed - by @ruaharico (4cc0d)
- Add png placeholder for BangumiResult and TokutenItem - by @ruaharico (ba255)
- Loading ui ani - by @ruaharico (78a61)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Search item and not load data in server - by @yjl9903 (06a10)
- Mangoah: logic of date and price - by @ruaharico (3f1fe)
- Continue fixing mangaoh items' price and date logic - by @ruaharico (e7acc)