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BlackBird Linux Onboard

Jordan Singer edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Getting Started


  • At least 1024 MB RAM
  • Python 3.5+
  • pip 9.0.1+
  • git

Requirements for running BlackBird on Linux are minimal. However, please note...

  • It is recommended that you develop with a CUDA-capable GPU, with tensorflow-gpu installed. This is not a requirement, but you may find that large networks take a long time to run in the default version of tensorflow. You can find help getting the prerequisites working in Ubuntu here.
  • Compatibility with Python 2.x is not guaranteed, nor is it tested for. It is strongly recommended that you develop in Python 3.5+. Should you be interested in incorporating backwards compatibility into BlackBird, please consult one of the project managers (jordan-singer, kevdog25).

Setup Steps

  1. Clone the master repository
    1. git clone
    2. cd BlackBird
  2. Set up a virtual environment
    1. pip install virtualenv
    2. python -m virtualenv BlackBirdEnvironment
    3. source BlackBirdEnvironment/bin/activate
    4. pip install -r requirements.txt
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