Note: "Secure Keyboard Entry" must be disabled for binds to work.
- prefix-key: ctrl-s
- cmd:
- return (enter): opens a new iTerm window
- cmd+alt+ctrl:
- t: toggle focus-mode (autofocus -> autoraise -> disabled)
- q: quit kwm
- m: mark the focused container
- h: mark the west container
- j: mark the south container
- k: mark the north container
- l: mark the east container
- prefix:
- s: toggle split-type of existing container
- h: decrease split-ratio of focused container
- l: increase split-ratio of focused container
- f: toggle window fullscreen
- d: toggle window parent container
- w: toggle window floating
- x: increase horizontal gap
- y: increase vertical gap
- p: increase screen padding all directions
- larrow: increase screen padding-left
- rarrow: increase screen padding-right
- uarrow: increase screen padding-top
- darrow: increase screen padding-bottom
- prefix+shift:
- x: decrease horizontal gap
- y: decrease vertical gap
- p: decrease screen padding all directions
- larrow: decrease screen padding-left
- rarrow: decrease screen padding-right
- uarrow: decrease screen padding-top
- darrow: decrease screen padding-bottom
- ctrl+shift:
- x: detach marked window and insert at focused container
- h: detach focused window and insert at west container
- j: detach focused window and insert at south container
- k: detach focused window and insert at north container
- l: detach focused window and insert at east container
- ctrl+alt:
- m: swap with the marked window
- h: swap with west window
- j: swap with south window
- k: swap with north window
- l: swap with east window
- 1: send window to screen id 0
- 2: send window to screen id 1
- 3: send window to screen id 2
- cmd+alt
- h: focus window west
- j: focus window south
- k: focus window north
- l: focus window east
- 1: give focus to screen id 0
- 2: give focue to screen id 1
- 3: give focus to screen id 2
- cmd+ctrl:
- a: set mode of current space to bsp
- s: set mode of current space to monocle
- d: set mode of current space to float
- r: rotate window-tree by 90 degrees