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We have to use C++98 and compile with the -std=c++98 flag (be careful, the macOS c++ compiler sometimes doesn't warns you if you're using newer features, so make sure to compile on Linux to be safe)
No norm 🥳
Class names must be in UpperCamelCase format. Files containing class code will always be named according to the class name.
You are allowed to use almost everything from the standard library. Thus, instead of sticking to what you already know, it would be smart to use as much as possible the C++-ish versions of the C functions you are used to.
Forbidden: Boost libraries, *printf(), *alloc(), free(), using namespace <ns_name> (but using <namespace>::<class> is allowed), friend keyword
Containers and Algorithms (<algorithm> header) are only allowed in Module 08 and 09
Avoid memory leaks
From Module 02 to 09, your classes must be designed in the Orthodox Canonical Form, except when explicitely stated otherwise
simple Animal class gets inherited by Dog and Cat classes
Animal has makeSound method that prints nothing, but Dog and Cat overrides the function to print an applicaple message
WrongAnimal and WrongCat proove understanding of method overriding
implicitly casting pointer of derived class to pointer of base class
deepened the knowledge of the virtual keyword
01: I don’t want to set the world on fire
Brain class has an array of std::string ideas
Dog and Cat get pointer to Brain attribute that gets allocated on construction and freed on destruction
copy of ideas must be deep copies
why constructors and destructors are awesome for managing allocated memory
02: Abstract class
Animal's makeSound method is made pure virtual
pure virtual functions make classes abstract and non-instantiable, derived classed need to provide implementation if instatiation is desired
03: Interface & recap
Ice, Cure, Character and MateriaSource inherit provided abstract class AMateria and interfaces ICharacter and IMateriaSource respectively
they all have attributes and methods that take the objects (pointers) as arguments
pure abstract classes are called 'interfaces' even though they don't exist as a data structure in C++ as in other programming languages
more working with object pointers and references, as well as arrays and memory allocation with classes
CPP 05
Repetition and Exceptions
00: Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a bureaucrat!
Bureaucrat class with grade attribute and increment/decrement methods
if a Bureaucreat is constructed or the grade is increment/decrement beyond the range, a Bureaucrat::GradeTooHighException or Bureaucrat::GradeTooLowException are thrown
exceptions for handling errors
writing my own exception class that overrides the what function, which provides the reason for the exception
throw keyword, can also throw simple data types, though std::exception is preferred
try catch block
01: Form up, maggots!
Form class has name, isSigned, signGrade and executeGrade attributes
has beSigned method that signs the form if the grade of the Bureaucrat is valid according to the Form attributes, otherwise throws exceptions
signForm method is added to the Bureaucreat that calls beSigned on the provided From
02: No, you need form 28B, not 28C...
Form gets pure virtual execute method that makes the class abstract
ShrubberyCreationForm, RobotomyRequestForm and PresidentialPardonForm are derived from AForm with different values and implementation for the execute method
adds executeForm to the Bureaucrat
03: At least this beats coffee-making
Intern class has a makeForm method that takes a name of a form and returns a pointer to the correct heap allocated object
CPP 06
C++ casts
00: Conversion of scalar types
ScalarConverter class contains static method convert which converts a string representation of char, int, float and double as literal to all four data types and prints them out
pseudo literals inf (positive or negative) and nan, both float (inff) or double, have to be handled as well
static_cast to change the datatype and keep the value
01: Serialization
Serializer class has two static methods: serialize converts Data pointer to uintptr_t, deserialize converts uintptr_t to Data pointer
Data is just an example class to proove that it works
reinterpret_cast changes the data type but keeping the exact same value
02: Identify real type
A, B, C classes are derived from Base class
generate function returns a random class as a Base pointer
identify prints the name of the derived class - has two implementations, one taking a Base pointer, the other taking a Base reference
dynamic_cast to cast at runtime
returns NULL when casting pointer, throws exception when casting object (reference)
CPP 07
C++ templates
00: Start with a few functions
swap template function swaps the two given arguments
min and max template functions return the right value
template syntax
01: Iter
iter template function iterates over an array of any type and applies the provided function to each element
02: Array
Array template class has pointer that allocates an array of the provided type with the size provided at construction
operator [] overload lets you access elements inside the array
throws exception if index is out of bounds
template classes
CPP 08
Templated containers, iterators, algorithms
00: Easy find
template function easyfind takes any container on integers and returns an iterator to the provided integer
what are containers and iterators
std::find algorithm to do the job
01: Span
Span class has a std::vector of integers with the maximum size specified on construction
addNumber and addRange (using iterators) let you add numbers to the vector
shortestSpan and longestSpan calculate the distance between any numbers in the vector
std::sort for faster calculation of the shortest span
std::min_element and std::max_element for very easy calculation of longest span
02: Mutated abomination
template class MutantStack inherits from std::stack (defaults to std::deque container) and adds iterator and const_iterator
begin and end methods return the corresponding iterator
multiple typenames for a template class
how iterators work in more detail
CPP 09
00: Bitcoin Exchange
btc program takes file as argument which is a list of dates and values
prints the value multiplied the exchange rate according to the date indicated in a database 'csv' file
std::map for key-value pairs
std:lower_bound returns the first element smaller than value
std::runtime_error for clean exception throwing
overall working on a larger project with many C++ features
01: Reverse Polish Notation
RPN program takes string of digits and operations +, -, * and / and calculates the result in Reverse Polish Notation
what Reverse Polish Notation is
std::stack is ideal for pushing numbers ontop then popping and calculating the top two when there is an operation and pushing pushing the result back
02: PmergeMe
PmergeMe program takes a positive integer sequence and uses merge-insertion-sort aka Ford Johnson algorithm on two containers to print a sorted sequence as well as the time it took
algorithm: splits sequence into pairs, sorts each pair, recursively merge-sorts the pairs according to the first value, creates a sequence of all firsts of the pairs, uses Jacobsthal sequence to efficiently insert the sequence of seconds of the pairs into the result sequence using insertion-sort
Ford Johnson algorithm is one of the best when it comes to low number of comparisons
what's the Jacobsthal sequence and why does it make the algorithm efficient
std::vector and std::deque with their methods
std::upper_bound which is implemented as binary-search (required for insersion-sort)