While placement constraints limit the nodes a service can run on, placement preferences try to place tasks on appropriate nodes in an algorithmic way (currently, only spread evenly).
For instance, if you assign each node a rack label, you can set a placement preference to spread the service evenly across nodes with the rack label, by value.
Placement constraints let you configure the service to run only on nodes with specific (arbitrary) metadata set, and cause the deployment to fail if appropriate nodes do not exist.
Distribute manager nodes
In addition to maintaining an odd number of manager nodes, pay attention to datacenter topology when placing managers.
For optimal fault-tolerance, distribute manager nodes across a minimum of 3 availability-zones to support failures of an entire set of machines or common maintenance scenarios.
If you suffer a failure in any of those zones, the swarm should maintain the quorum of manager nodes available to process requests and rebalance workloads.
Swarm manager nodes Repartition (on 3 Availability zones)
3 1-1-1
5 2-2-1
7 3-2-2
9 3-3-3
A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more containers (such as Docker containers), with shared storage/network, and a specification for how to run the containers.
A Pod's contents are always co-located and co-scheduled, and run in a shared context. A Pod models an application-specific "logical host" - it contains one or more application containers which are relatively tightly coupled --- in a pre-container world, being executed on the same physical or virtual machine would mean being executed on the same logical host.
The formatting option --format pretty-prints container output using a Go template.
When using the --format option, the ps command will either output the data exactly as the template declares or, when using the table directive, includes column headers as well.
The following example uses a template without headers and outputs the ID, name and status entries separated by a colon (:) for all running containers.
Use "\t" for extra space between columns.
In a swarm of N managers, a quorum (a majority) of manager nodes must always be available. For example, in a swarm with five managers, a minimum of three must be operational and in communication with each other. In other words, the swarm can tolerate up to (N-1)/2 permanent failures beyond which requests involving swarm management cannot be processed.
An odd number of managers is recommended because the next even number does not make the quorum easier to keep. For instance, whether you have 3 or 4 managers, you can still only lose 1 manager and maintain the quorum. If you have 5 or 6 managers, you can still only lose two.
To deploy your application to a swarm, you submit a service definition to a manager node. The manager node dispatches units of work called tasks to worker nodes.
Swarm mode has two types of services: replicated and global. For replicated services, you specify the number of replica tasks for the swarm manager to schedule onto available nodes. For global services, the scheduler places one task on each available node that meets the service's placement constraints and resource requirements.
You control the type of service using the --mode flag. If you don't specify a mode, the service defaults to replicated.
To set the maximum amount of memory the container can use one of the following flags
-m or --memory= or --memory
Possible values can take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
To scale one or multiple replicated services use:
The following command scales the "web" service to 5 tasks.
docker service scale web=5
Alternatively, you can use:
docker service update --replicas
For example
docker service update --replicas=5 web
This example also updates the number of replicas for the service to 5.
To display detailed information on one or more containers including the list of volume use:
docker container inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
To update a service use:
docker service update [OPTIONS] SERVICE
Tasks and scheduling
A task is the atomic unit of scheduling within a swarm. When you declare a desired service state by creating or updating a service, the orchestrator realizes the desired state by scheduling tasks.
For instance, you define a service that instructs the orchestrator to keep three instances of an HTTP listener running at all times. The orchestrator responds by creating three tasks. Each task is a slot that the scheduler fills by spawning a container.
The scale command enables you to scale one or more replicated services either up or down to the desired number of replicas.
This command cannot be applied to services which are global services.
The following command tries to scale a global service to 10 tasks and returns an error.
$ docker service create --mode global --name backend backend:latest
$ docker service scale backend=10
backend: scale can only be used with replicated mode
The following command shows all the tasks that are part of the redis service:
$ docker service ps redis
In addition to running tasks, the output also shows the task history. For example, after updating the service to use the redis:3.0.6 image, the output may look like this:
The number of items in the task history is determined by the --task-history-limit option that was set when initializing the swarm.
Tasks and scheduling
A task is the atomic unit of scheduling within a swarm. When you declare a desired service state by creating or updating a service via HTTP API endpoints, the orchestrator realizes the desired state by scheduling tasks.
For instance, you define a service that instructs the orchestrator to keep three instances of an HTTP listener running at all times. The orchestrator responds by creating three tasks. Each task is a slot that the scheduler fills by spawning a container.
To display detailed information on one or more containers, use:
docker container inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
By default, ports are published using ingress mode.
This means that the swarm routing mesh makes the service accessible at the published port on every node regardless if there is a task for the service running on the node.
However, if you set **host mode **explicitly, the port is only bound on nodes where the service is running, and a given port on a node can only be bound once. You can only set the publication mode using the long syntax.
You can publish service ports to make them available externally to the swarm using the --publish flag.
The --publish flag can take two different styles of arguments.
The short version is positional and allows you to specify the published port and target port separated by a colon (:).
$ docker service create --name my_web --replicas 3 --publish 8080:80
Here, the published port is 8080 and the target port is of the container is 80.
There is also a long format, which is easier to read and allows you to specify more options.
$ docker service create --name my_web --replicas 3 --publish
published=8080,target=80 nginx
While placement constraints limit the nodes a service can run on, placement preferences try to place tasks on appropriate nodes in an algorithmic way (currently, only spread evenly). For instance, if you assign each node a rack label, you can set a placement preference to spread the service evenly across nodes with the rack label, by value. This way, if you lose a rack, the service is still running on nodes on other racks.
Placement preferences are not strictly enforced. If no node has the label you specify in your preference, the service is deployed as though the preference was not set.
The following example sets a preference to spread the deployment across nodes based on the value of the datacenter label. If some nodes have datacenter=us-east and others have datacenter=us-west, the service is deployed as evenly as possible across the two sets of nodes.
$ docker service create \
--replicas 9 \
--name redis_2 \
--placement-pref 'spread=node.labels.datacenter' \
When updating a service with docker service update, --placement-pref-add appends a new placement preference after all existing placement preferences. --placement-pref-rm removes an existing placement preference that matches the argument.
In this diagram the containers are first placed by datacenters and then by the rack.
You can print the inspect output in a human-readable format instead of the default JSON output, by using the --pretty option.
Since the service its newly create we use
docker service create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Use the --replicas flag to set the number of replica tasks for a replicated service.
The following command creates a redis service with 5 replica tasks:
$ docker service create --name redis --replicas=5 redis:3.0.6
Docker inspect provides detailed information on constructs controlled by Docker.
By default, docker inspect will render results in a JSON array.
To remove a node from the swarm use the following on the node itself:
docker swarm leave [OPTIONS]
When you run this command on a worker, that worker leaves the swarm.
You can use the --force option on a manager to remove it from the swarm. However, this does not reconfigure the swarm to ensure that there are enough managers to maintain a quorum in the swarm.
The safe way to remove a manager from a swarm is to demote it to a worker and then direct it to leave the quorum without using --force.
Required Fields
In the .yaml file for the Kubernetes object you want to create, you'll need to set values for the following fields:
apiVersion - Which version of the Kubernetes API you're using to create this object
kind - What kind of object you want to create
metadata - Data that helps uniquely identify the object, including a name string, UID, and an optional namespace
spec - What state you desire for the object
If you'd like to start sending traffic to a Pod only when a probe succeeds, specify a readiness probe. In this case, the readiness probe might be the same as the liveness probe, but the existence of the readiness probe in the spec means that the Pod will start without receiving any traffic and only start receiving traffic after the probe starts succeeding. If your Container needs to work on loading large data, configuration files, or migrations during startup, specify a readiness probe.
If you want your Container to be able to take itself down for maintenance, you can specify a readiness probe that checks an endpoint specific to readiness that is different from the liveness probe.
Note that if you just want to be able to drain requests when the Pod is deleted, you do not necessarily need a readiness probe; on deletion, the Pod automatically puts itself into an unready state regardless of whether the readiness probe exists. The Pod remains in the unready state while it waits for the Containers in the Pod to stop.
To return low-level information on Docker objects use:
docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]
To configure the restart policy for a container, use the --restart flag when using the docker run command. The value of the --restart flag can be any of the following:
· no - Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)
· on-failure - Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as a non-zero exit code.
· always - Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. (See the second bullet listed in restart policy details)
· unless-stopped - Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped (manually or otherwise), it is not restarted even after Docker daemon restarts.
A task is a one-directional mechanism.
This means that it progresses monotonically through a series of states: assigned, prepared, running, etc. If the task fails the orchestrator removes the task and its container and then creates a new task to replace it according to the desired state specified by the service.
docker inspect command returns low-level information on Docker objects.
Publish service ports externally to the swarm (-p, --publish)
You can publish service ports to make them available externally to the swarm using the --publish flag.
The --publish flag can take two different styles of arguments. The short version is positional, and allows you to specify the published port and target port separated by a colon (:).
$ docker service create --name my_web --replicas 3 --publish 8080:80
There is also a long format, which is easier to read and allows you to specify more options. The long format is preferred. You cannot specify the service's mode when using the short format.
Here is an example of using the long format for the same service as above:
$ docker service create --name my_web --replicas 3 --publish
published=8080,target=80 nginx
You can also specify the protocol to use, tcp, udp, or sctp. Defaults to tcp. To bind a port for both protocols, specify the -p or --publish flag twice.
$ docker service create --name my_web --replicas 3 --publish
8080:80/udp nginx
You can change almost everything about an existing service using the docker service update command.
When creating a service, use the -p or --publish flag.
When updating an existing service, use the flag is --publish-add. There is also a --publish-rm flag to remove a port that was previously published.
Docker manager nodes store the swarm state and manager logs in the /var/lib/docker/swarm/ directory.
Usually, on Linux distributions:
"/etc" is used for configurations (.conf files etc). here you find all the configs and settings for your system.
"/var" is usually used for log files, 'temporary' files (like mail spool, printer spool, etc), databases, and all other data not tied to a specific user. Logs are usually in "/var/log", databases in "/var/lib" (mysql - "/var/lib/mysql"), etc.
To deploy an application image when Docker Engine is in swarm mode, you create a service. Frequently a service is the image for a microservice within the context of some larger application.
Examples of services might include an HTTP server, a database, or any other type of executable program that you wish to run in a distributed environment.
Tasks and scheduling
Using either docker-compose.yml or a stack.
If the service is replicated (which is the default), specify the number of containers that should be running at any given time in the yml file.
version: "3.8"
image: dockersamples/worker
mode: replicated
replicas: 6
To set environment variables use -e or --env flags:
For example, this sets an environment variable for all tasks in a service:
$ docker service create \
--name redis_2 \
--replicas 5 \
--env MYVAR=foo \
Alternatively, you can use templates for some flags of service create, using the syntax provided by the Go's text/template package.
The supported flags are the following :
Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:
Placeholder Description
.Service.ID Service ID
.Service.Name Service name
.Service.Labels Service labels
.Node.ID Node ID
.Node.Hostname Node Hostname
.Task.ID Task ID
.Task.Name Task name
.Task.Slot Task slot
For example, we are going to set the template of the created containers based on the service's name, the node's ID, and the hostname where it sits.
$ docker service create \
--name hosttempl \
busybox top
You control the type of service using the --mode flag.
If you don't specify a mode, the service defaults to replicated.
For replicated services, you specify the number of replica tasks you want to start using the --replicas flag. For example, to start a replicated nginx service with 3 replica tasks:
$ docker service create \
--name my_web \
--replicas 3 \
To start a global service on each available node, pass --mode global to docker service create. Every time a new node becomes available, the scheduler places a task for the global service on the new node. For example to start a service that runs alpine on every node in the swarm:
$ docker service create \
--name myservice \
--mode global \
alpine top
Sometimes, such as planned maintenance times, you need to set a node to DRAIN availability.
DRAIN availability prevents a node from receiving new tasks from the swarm manager.
It also means the manager stops tasks running on the node and launches replica tasks on a node with ACTIVE availability.
The following flags are supported by docker service create command:
--label , -l
Service labels in order to set metadata on a service.
--publish , -p
Publish a port as a node port
--tty , -t
Allocate a pseudo-TTY
docker service command does not support -v or --volume flags. Instead the --mount flag is used when creating the service, or --mount-add when updating the service.
The type of mount can be either volume, bind, tmpfs, or npipe. Defaults to volume if no type is specified.
For example:
$ docker service create \
--name my-service \
--replicas 3 \
--mount type=volume,source=my-volume,destination=/path/in/container \
Here, for each replica of the service, the engine requests a volume named "my-volume" from the default ("local") volume driver where the task is deployed. If the volume does not exist, the engine creates a new volume.
To update metadata about a node, such as its availability, labels, or roles use:
docker node update [OPTIONS] NODE
To add or update a node label (key=value) use:
docker node update --label-add NODE
Here are a few examples of when a service might remain in state pending.
· If all nodes are paused or drained, and you create a service, it is pending until a node becomes available. In reality, the first node to become available gets all of the tasks, so this is not a good thing to do in a production environment.
· You can reserve a specific amount of memory for a service. If no node in the swarm has the required amount of memory, the service remains in a pending state until a node is available which can run its tasks. If you specify a very large value, such as 500 GB, the task stays pending forever, unless you really have a node which can satisfy it.
· You can impose placement constraints on the service, and the constraints may not be able to be honored at a given time.
When you create a service, you define its optimal state, that is, a number of replicas, network and storage resources available to it, ports the service exposed to the outside world, and more).
--secret Specify secrets to expose to the service
--network Network attachments
--mount Attach a filesystem mount to the service
The --mount flag supports most options that are supported by the -v or --volume flag for docker run, with some important exceptions:
Here all available configuration options when creating a service.
Choosing your orchestrator
Docker Enterprise provides access to the full API sets of three popular orchestrators:
· Kubernetes: full YAML object support
· SwarmKit: Service-centric, Compose file version 3
· "Classic" Swarm: Container-centric, Compose file version 2
Docker Enterprise proxies the underlying API of each orchestrator, giving you access to all of the capabilities of each orchestrator, along with the benefits of Docker Enterprise, like role-based access control and Docker Content Trust.
There are different kinds of resources for creating Pods:
· Use a Deployment, ReplicaSet or StatefulSet for Pods that are not expected to terminate, for example, web servers.
· Use a Job for Pods that are expected to terminate once their work is complete; for example, batch computations. Jobs are appropriate only for Pods with restartPolicy equal to OnFailure or Never.
· Use a DaemonSet for Pods that need to run one per eligible node.
Swarm mode has two types of services: replicated and global.
For replicated services, you specify the number of replica tasks for the swarm manager to schedule onto available nodes.
For global services, the scheduler places one task on each available node that meets the service's placement constraints and resource requirements.
You can define one or multiple topologySpreadConstraint to instruct the kube-scheduler on how to place each incoming Pod in relation to the existing Pods across your cluster. The fields are:
· maxSkew describes the degree to which Pods may be unevenly distributed. It's the maximum permitted difference between the number of matching Pods in any two topology domains of a given topology type. It must be greater than zero.
· topologyKey is the key of node labels. If two Nodes are labelled with this key and have identical values for that label, the scheduler treats both Nodes as being in the same topology. The scheduler tries to place a balanced number of Pods into each topology domain.
· whenUnsatisfiable indicates how to deal with a Pod if it doesn't satisfy the spread constraint: DoNotSchedule (default) tells the scheduler not to schedule it. ScheduleAnyway tells the scheduler to still schedule it while prioritizing nodes that minimize the skew.
· labelSelector is used to find matching Pods. Pods that match this label selector are counted to determine the number of Pods in their corresponding topology domain. See Label Selectors for more details.
Memory reservation is a kind of memory soft limit that allows for greater sharing of memory. Under normal circumstances, containers can use as much of the memory as needed and are constrained only by the hard limits set with the -m/--memory option.
When memory reservation is set, Docker detects memory contention or low memory and forces containers to restrict their consumption to a reservation limit.
To set the maximum amount of memory the container can use one of the following.
-m or --memory=
To specify a soft limit which is activated when Docker detects contention or low memory on the host machine use the following flag:--memory-reservation
If you use --memory-reservation, it must be set lower than --memory for it to take precedence. Because it is a soft limit, it does not guarantee that the container doesn't exceed the limit.
You can change almost everything about an existing service using the docker service update command.
When creating a service, use the -p or --publish flag.
When updating an existing service, use the flag is --publish-add. There is also a --publish-rm flag to remove a port that was previously published.
Assuming that the my_web service exists, use the following command to remove the published port 80.
$ docker service update --publish-rm 80 my_web
You can change node availability.
For example, to change a manager node to Drain availability use:
$ docker node update --availability drain node-1
This is useful when you want to:
· drain a manager node so that only performs swarm management tasks and is unavailable for task assignment.
· drain a node so you can take it down for maintenance.
Setting a node to DRAIN does not remove standalone containers from that node, such as those created with docker run, docker-compose up, or the Docker Engine API.
A node's status, including DRAIN, only affects the node's ability to schedule swarm service workloads.
DRAIN availability prevents a node from receiving new tasks from the swarm manager. It also means the manager stops tasks running on the node and launches replica tasks on a node with ACTIVE availability.
Containers running in a service are called "tasks" or "replicas".
To scale the number of containers in the service you can use one of the following commands.
$ docker service scale <SERVICE-ID>=<NUMBER-OF-TASKS>
$ docker service update --replicas=<NUMBER-OF-TASKS> <SERVICE-ID>
For example, these commands are equivalent:
$ docker service scale web=5
$ docker service update --replicas=5 web
A node is an instance of the Docker engine participating in the swarm. You can also think of this as a Docker node.
You can run one or more nodes on a single physical computer or cloud server, but production swarm deployments typically include Docker nodes distributed across multiple physical and cloud machines.
To rollback a specified service to its previous version from the swarm you can execute one of the following commands:
docker service rollback [OPTIONS] SERVICE
docker service update --rollback SERVICE
When using 'docker service create' and 'docker service update' you can set a --update-delayflag to delay between updates.
For example:
$ docker service update --update-delay 30s redis
The --update-delay 30s setting introduces a 30 second delay between tasks so that the rolling restart happens gradually.
You can use the following units ns|us|ms|s|m|h.
A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in an image. Users can create secrets and the system also creates some secrets.
To use a secret, a Pod needs to reference the secret. A secret can be used with a Pod in three ways:
· As files in a volume mounted on one or more of its containers.
· As container environment variable.
· By the kubelet when pulling images for the Pod.
To remove a node from the swarm use the following on the node itself:
docker swarm leave [OPTIONS]
When you run this command on a worker itself, that worker leaves the swarm.
To configure the restart policy for a container, use the --restart flag when using the docker run command. The value of the --restart flag can be any of the following:
· no - Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)
· on-failure - Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as a non-zero exit code.
· always - Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. (See the second bullet listed in restart policy details)
· unless-stopped - Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped (manually or otherwise), it is not restarted even after Docker daemon restarts.
To list the tasks that are running as part of the specified services use:
docker service ps [OPTIONS] SERVICE [SERVICE...]
Containers can join multiple networks that allow you to provide fine-grained network policy for connectivity and isolation.
By default, a container will be created with one network attached. If no network is specified then this will be the default docker0 network.
After the container has been created more networks can be attached to a container using the docker network connect command.
Docker only allows a single network to be specified with the docker run command. To connect multiple networks docker network connect is used to connect additional networks.
By default, swarm services can run on any node in the cluster. If you choose to constrain where services run, please note the following examples.
To ensure a service runs on worker nodes rather than managers, use a node.role constraint in the service definition. For example:
docker service create \
--name nginx-workers-only \
--constraint node.role==worker \
Constraint expressions can either use a match (==) or exclude (!=) rule. Multiple constraints find nodes that satisfy every expression (AND match).
Tasks advance through a number of states until they complete or fail.
Tasks are initialized in the NEW state.
The task progresses forward through a number of states, and its state doesn't go backward. For example, a task never goes from COMPLETE to RUNNING.
Maintain the quorum of managers
If the swarm loses the quorum of managers, the swarm cannot perform administrative tasks such as scaling or updating services and joining or removing nodes from the swarm.
Nevertheless, tasks on existing worker nodes continue to run.
Swarm is resilient to failures and the swarm can recover from any number of temporary node failures (machine reboots or crash with restart) or other transient errors. However, a swarm cannot automatically recover if it loses a quorum.
In a swarm of N managers, a quorum (a majority) of manager nodes must always be available. For example, in a swarm with five managers, a minimum of three must be operational and in communication with each other. In other words, the swarm can tolerate up to (N-1)/2 permanent failures beyond which requests involving swarm management cannot be processed.
An odd number of managers is recommended because the next even number does not make the quorum easier to keep. For instance, whether you have 3 or 4 managers, you can still only lose 1 manager and maintain the quorum. If you have 5 or 6 managers, you can still only lose two.
Swarm mode has two types of services: replicated and global.
For replicated services, you specify the number of replica tasks for the swarm manager to schedule onto available nodes.
For global services, the scheduler places one task on each available node that meets the service's placement constraints and resource requirements.
When you start a service and define a volume, each service container uses its own local volume. None of the containers can share this data if you use the local volume driver, but some volume drivers do support shared storage.
The following example starts a nginx service with four replicas, each of which uses a local volume called myvol2.
$ docker service create -d \
--replicas=4 \
--name devtest-service \
--mount source=myvol2,target=/app \
To update a service to add or update a mount on a service use:
$ docker service update --mount-add SERVICE
To prevent the scheduler from placing tasks on a manager node in a multi-node swarm, set the availability for the manager node to Drain.
The scheduler gracefully stops tasks on nodes in Drain mode and schedules the tasks on an Active node. The scheduler does not assign new tasks to nodes with Drain availability.
You can change node availability.
For example, to change a manager node to Drain availability use:
$ docker node update --availability drain node-1
This is useful when you want to:
· drain a manager node so that only performs swarm management tasks and is unavailable for task assignment.
· drain a node so you can take it down for maintenance.
Swarm never creates individual containers. Instead, all Swarm workloads are scheduled as services, which are scalable groups of containers. Each of the services has a certain number of replicas or tasks.
A stack is used to describe a collection of swarm services that are related, most probably because they are part of the same application.
In that sense, we could also say that a stack describes an application that consists of one to many services that we want to run on the swarm.
The command to initialize a swarm is:
docker swarm init [OPTIONS]
When you run the docker swarm init command to create a swarm, the Docker Engine starts running in swarm mode and it creates a single-node swarm on the current node.
The Engine sets up the swarm as follows:
· switches the current node into swarm mode.
· creates a swarm named default.
· designates the current node as a leader manager node for the swarm.
· names the node with the machine hostname.
· configures the manager to listen on an active network interface on port 2377.
· sets the current node to Active availability, meaning it can receive tasks from the scheduler.
· starts an internal distributed data store for Engines participating in the swarm to maintain a consistent view of the swarm and all services running on it.
· by default, generates a self-signed root CA for the swarm.
· by default, generates tokens for worker and manager nodes to join the swarm.
· creates an overlay network named ingress for publishing service ports external to the swarm.
· creates an overlay default IP addresses and subnet mask for your networks
The output for docker swarm init provides the connection command to use when you join new worker nodes to the swarm
A ConfigMap is an API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs. Pods can consume ConfigMaps as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as configuration files in a volume.
A ConfigMap allows you to decouple environment-specific configuration from your container images, so that your applications are easily portable.
Use a ConfigMap for setting configuration data separately from the application code.
For example, imagine that you are developing an application that you can run on your own computer (for development) and in the cloud (to handle real traffic). You write the code to look in an environment variable named DATABASE_HOST. Locally, you set that variable to localhost. In the cloud, you set it to refer to a Kubernetes Service that exposes the database component to your cluster.
Don't use naked Pods (that is, Pods not bound to a ReplicaSet or Deployment) if you can avoid it. Naked Pods will not be rescheduled in the event of a node failure.
A Deployment, which both creates a ReplicaSet to ensure that the desired number of Pods is always available and specifies a strategy to replace Pods (such as RollingUpdate), is almost always preferable to creating Pods directly, except for some explicit restartPolicy: Never scenarios. A Job may also be appropriate.
A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. However, a Deployment is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and provides declarative updates to Pods along with a lot of other useful features. Therefore, we recommend using Deployments instead of directly using ReplicaSets, unless you require custom update orchestration or don't require updates at all.
This actually means that you may never need to manipulate ReplicaSet objects: use a Deployment instead, and define your application in the spec section.
docker node inspect self --pretty
You can run docker node inspect <NODE-ID> on a manager node to view the details for an individual node. The output defaults to JSON format, but you can pass the --pretty flag to print the results in human-readable format.
docker node ls [OPTIONS]
Lists all the nodes that the Docker Swarm manager knows about. This is a cluster management command and must be executed on a swarm manager node. To learn about managers and workers, refer to the Swarm mode section in the documentation.
You can change almost everything about an existing service using the docker service update command.
Use the --network-add or --network-rm flags to add or remove a network for a service.
Assuming that the my_web service from the previous section still exists, use the following command to add a network:
$ docker service update --network-add
When Docker is running in swarm mode, you can still run standalone containers on any of the Docker hosts participating in the swarm, as well as swarm services.
A key difference between standalone containers and swarm services is that only swarm managers can manage a swarm, while standalone containers can be started on any daemon. Docker daemons can participate in a swarm as managers, workers, or both.
One of the key advantages of swarm services over standalone containers is that you can modify a service's configuration, including the networks and volumes it is connected to, without the need to manually restart the service. Docker will update the configuration, stop the service tasks with the out of date configuration, and create new ones matching the desired configuration.
To configure the restart policy for a container, use the --restart flag when using the docker run command. The value of the --restart flag can be any of the following:
· no - Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)
· on-failure - Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as a non-zero exit code.
· always - Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. (See the second bullet listed in restart policy details)
· unless-stopped - Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped (manually or otherwise), it is not restarted even after Docker daemon restarts.
The following are typical use cases for Deployments:
· Create a Deployment to rollout a ReplicaSet. The ReplicaSet creates Pods in the background. Check the status of the rollout to see if it succeeds or not.
· Declare the new state of the Pods by updating the PodTemplateSpec of the Deployment. A new ReplicaSet is created and the Deployment manages moving the Pods from the old ReplicaSet to the new one at a controlled rate. Each new ReplicaSet updates the revision of the Deployment.
· Rollback to an earlier Deployment revision if the current state of the Deployment is not stable. Each rollback updates the revision of the Deployment.
· Scale up the Deployment to facilitate more load.
· Pause the Deployment to apply multiple fixes to its PodTemplateSpec and then resume it to start a new rollout.
· Use the status of the Deployment as an indicator that a rollout has stuck.
· Clean up older ReplicaSets that you don't need anymore.
Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of their Pods. These pods are created from the same spec, but are not interchangeable: each has a persistent identifier that it maintains across any rescheduling.
Maintain the quorum of managers
If the swarm loses the quorum of managers, the swarm cannot perform administrative tasks such as scaling or updating services and joining or removing nodes from the swarm.
Nevertheless, tasks on existing worker nodes continue to run.
To remove one or more services from the swarm use:
docker service rm SERVICE [SERVICE...]
Note: This is a cluster management command, and must be executed on a swarm manager node.
You can print the inspect output in a human-readable format instead of the default JSON output, by using the --pretty option:
docker service inspect --pretty serviceName
While placement constraints limit the nodes a service can run on, placement preferences try to place tasks on appropriate nodes in an algorithmic way (currently, only spread evenly). For instance, if you assign each node a rack label, you can set a placement preference to spread the service evenly across nodes with the rack label, by value. This way, if you lose a rack, the service is still running on nodes on other racks.
Placement preferences are not strictly enforced. If no node has the label you specify in your preference, the service is deployed as though the preference was not set.
Use placement constraints to control the nodes a service can be assigned to.
In the following example, the service only runs on nodes with the label region set to east. If no appropriately-labeled nodes are available, tasks will wait in Pending until they become available.
$ docker service create \
--name my-nginx \
--replicas 5 \
--constraint node.labels.region==east \
There is no limit on the number of manager nodes.
The decision about how many manager nodes to implement is a trade-off between performance and fault-tolerance.
Adding manager nodes to a swarm makes the swarm more fault-tolerant. However, additional manager nodes reduce write performance because more nodes must acknowledge proposals to update the swarm state. This means more network round-trip traffic.
By default, a container has no resource constraints and can use as much of a given resource as the host's kernel scheduler allows. Docker provides ways to control how much memory, or CPU a container can use, setting runtime configuration flags of the docker run command.
To fetch the logs of a container use:
The output might look like this:
The docker logs command batch-retrieves logs present at the time of execution.
Using Secrets as environment variables
To use a secret in an environment variable in a Pod:
· Create a secret or use an existing one. Multiple Pods can reference the same secret.
· Modify your Pod definition in each container that you wish to consume the value of a secret key to add an environment variable for each secret key you wish to consume. The environment variable that consumes the secret key should populate the secret's name and key in env[].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.
· Modify your image and/or command line so that the program looks for values in the specified environment variables.
This is an example of a Pod that uses secrets from environment variables:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: secret-env-pod
- name: mycontainer
image: redis
name: mysecret
key: username
When the Docker Engine runs in swarm mode, manager nodes implement the Raft Consensus Algorithm to manage the global cluster state.
Raft requires a majority of managers, also called the quorum, to agree on proposed updates to the swarm, such as node additions or removals.
If the swarm loses the quorum of managers, the swarm cannot perform administrative tasks such as scaling or updating services and joining or removing nodes from the swarm.
Nevertheless, tasks on existing worker nodes continue to run.
Raft tolerates up to (N - 1)/2 failures and requires a majority or quorum of** (N/2) + 1** members to agree on values proposed to the cluster. This means that in a cluster of 5 Managers running Raft, if 3 nodes are unavailable, the system cannot process any more requests to schedule additional tasks. The existing tasks keep running but the scheduler cannot rebalance tasks to cope with failures if the manager set is not healthy.
Docker provides restart policies to control whether your containers start automatically when they exit, or when Docker restarts. Restart policies ensure that linked containers are started in the correct order. Docker recommends that you use restart policies, and avoid using process managers to start containers.
Restart policies only apply to containers. Restart policies for swarm services are configured differently using other flags related to service restart.