OACC - pronounced [oak] - is a fully featured API to both enforce and manage your application's authentication and authorization needs.
In a nutshell, OACC provides permission-based authorization services and allows your application to enforce security by answering the question:
Is entity 'A' allowed to perform action 'p' on entity 'B'?
Fully implemented API
All the functionality to manage your application's security model, out of the box. -
Single access-control paradigm
Always operate at the resource level. Manage permissions exclusively between resources. -
Flexible security model
Secure any operation between your domain objects and the actors on them. -
Permission delegation
Authorize subjects to delegate their permissions to others with GRANT OPTIONS. -
Identity delegation
Authorize an authenticated subject to securely "impersonate" another subject. -
Efficient query methods
Find resources by permission with efficient symmetric query methods.
Learn more about all of OACC's authorization and authentication features on the Features page of the project website.
OACC is open source software released under the commercial friendly Apache License, Version 2.0.
OACC persists all security relationships in database tables and currently supports the following databases:
- IBM DB2 10.5
- Microsoft SQL Server 12.0 (2014)
- Oracle 11g R2
- PostgreSQL 9.3
- HSQLDB 2.3
- MySQL 5.6 / MariaDB 10.0
- SQLite 3.8
OACC is compatible with Java™ SE 7 (Java™ version 1.7.0), or higher.
The easiest way to include the latest OACC release into your project is to declare the following Maven coordinates as a dependency in your POM file:
To install, configure and initialize the OACC database, please refer to the Get Started Tutorial on the project website.
The SecureTodo sample application illustrates how to integrate OACC into a Java application and how to address several real-world authorization scenarios. The writeup is also available in the Github repository that contains the full source code.
You can find more information about OACC, including the latest Javadocs, releases, and tutorials on the project website: oaccframework.org.
Acciente, LLC is a software company located in Scottsdale, Arizona specializing in systems architecture and software design for medium to large scale software projects.