This project consists of developing a Geoenriched Web GIS Platform to enhance national security. It presents features resulting in correct, quicker and better decisions and operations by mitigating threats and raising preparedness.
- Points of interest layers Module
- Agents Management Module
- Accidentology Module
- Criminology Module
- Risk Activities Module
- Real-time Tracking of Protests Module
- Management of Processions Module
- Data Analysis Dashboard Module
- OpenLayers v4.6.5.
- Ol-ext
- API Navcities
- PostgreSQL 10.5
- PostGIS
- Highcharts JS v6.1.1.
- Turf.js
- DataTables v1.10.19.
- SheetJS
- jQuery v2.1.1.
- jQuery UI - v1.10.2.
- Etc.
PHP 7.
PostgreSQL 10.5 or above.
PgAdmin 4.
Any PHP Server.
Activate mb_strtoupper extension :
In Windows :
Edit your php.ini.
In a Linux-based system :
$ sudo apt install php-mbstring // Installing the extension $ sudo service apache2 restart // Restarting the apache server
Clone this repository to your local php server directory.
Open pgadmin, then create a PostgreSQL database.
Right click on your database, choose Restore and put this database backup in Filename, then click on Restore button.
Change the parameters of the connection_string in assets/php/connect.php based on your credentials, see the example below :
port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=postgres
Open your browser, then access to the web application, by default : localhost/national-security-project.
If you get any warnings while restoring the database but the tables were imported successfully, just ignore them and continue.
To enable errors output in the browser's console, change this variable to true in assets/js/GestionDesModules.js.
var rappErreurs = true;