- Setup Your Codebase:
- Fork the repository (acmpesuecc/mutual-funds-manager) to your GitHub account
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git (make sure it's installed)
git clone [email protected]:your-username/repo-name.git
Make Your Changes: After cloning and setting up your branch, make the necessary changes to the code in your IDE.
Commit and Push: Commit your changes and push them to your fork:
git commit -m "Describe the changes you made"
git push
Alternatively, use VSCode's inbuilt Git source control pane Ctrl+Shift+G if you're unconfortable with a CLI
Submit a Pull Request: After pushing your changes, open a pull request from your fork to this repository (remember to reference the correct issue in your PR).
Get Feedback: Wait for a maintainer to review your pull request (PR) and provide feedback.
Gain Bounty Points: If everything is approved, your issue will be closed, and you'll gain bounty points on the leaderboard!