+ pathSearch:pathColumn ?path ;
+ pathSearch:edgeColumn ?edge ;
+ pathSearch:start ?start ;
+ pathSearch:end ?end ;
+ {
+ ?start ?end.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#### Target Variable
+PREFIX pathSearch:
+SELECT ?start ?end ?path ?edge WHERE {
+ VALUES ?target {}
+ SERVICE pathSearch: {
+ _:path pathSearch:algorithm pathSearch:allPaths ;
+ pathSearch:source ;
+ pathSearch:target ?target ;
+ pathSearch:pathColumn ?path ;
+ pathSearch:edgeColumn ?edge ;
+ pathSearch:start ?start ;
+ pathSearch:end ?end ;
+ {
+ ?start ?end.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Error Handling
+The Path Search feature will throw errors in the following scenarios:
+- **Missing Start Parameter**: If the `start` parameter is not specified, an error will be raised.
+- **Multiple Start or End Variables**: If multiple `start` or `end` variables are defined, an error is raised.
+- **Invalid Non-Variable Start/End**: If the `start` or `end` parameter is not bound to a variable, the query will fail.
+- **Unsupported Argument**: Arguments other than those listed (like custom user arguments) will cause an error.
+- **Non-IRI Predicate**: Predicates must be IRIs. If not, an error will occur.
+### Example: Missing Start Parameter
+PREFIX pathSearch:
+SELECT ?start ?end ?path ?edge WHERE {
+ SERVICE pathSearch: {
+ _:path pathSearch:algorithm pathSearch:allPaths ;
+ pathSearch:source ;
+ pathSearch:target ;
+ pathSearch:pathColumn ?path ;
+ pathSearch:edgeColumn ?edge ;
+ pathSearch:end ?end ; # Missing start
+ {
+ ?start ?end.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+This query would fail with a "Missing parameter 'start'" error.
diff --git a/e2e/scientists_queries.yaml b/e2e/scientists_queries.yaml
index a945eeb574..1fc78430be 100644
--- a/e2e/scientists_queries.yaml
+++ b/e2e/scientists_queries.yaml
@@ -1017,6 +1017,34 @@ queries:
- contains_row: [""]
- contains_row: ["1.87"]
+ - query: path_search_all_paths
+ type: no-text
+ sparql: |
+ PREFIX pathSearch:
+ SERVICE pathSearch: {
+ pathSearch: pathSearch:algorithm pathSearch:allPaths;
+ pathSearch:source ;
+ pathSearch:target ;
+ pathSearch:pathColumn ?path;
+ pathSearch:edgeColumn ?edge;
+ pathSearch:start ?start;
+ pathSearch:end ?end;
+ ?start ?end
+ }}
+ }
+ }
+ checks:
+ - num_rows: 17
+ - num_cols: 4
+ - selected: ["?path", "?edge", "?start", "?end"]
+ - contains_row: ["0", "0", "", ""]
+ - contains_row: ["0", "1", "", ""]
+ - contains_row: ["0", "2", "", ""]
+ - contains_row: ["4", "0", "", ""]
+ - contains_row: ["4", "1", "", ""]
- query : property_path_inverse
type: no-text
diff --git a/src/engine/CMakeLists.txt b/src/engine/CMakeLists.txt
index 0f37137531..41a9a33a68 100644
--- a/src/engine/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/engine/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ add_library(engine
VariableToColumnMap.cpp ExportQueryExecutionTrees.cpp
CartesianProductJoin.cpp TextIndexScanForWord.cpp TextIndexScanForEntity.cpp
TextLimit.cpp LazyGroupBy.cpp GroupByHashMapOptimization.cpp SpatialJoin.cpp
- CountConnectedSubgraphs.cpp SpatialJoinAlgorithms.cpp)
+ CountConnectedSubgraphs.cpp SpatialJoinAlgorithms.cpp PathSearch.cpp)
qlever_target_link_libraries(engine util index parser sparqlExpressions http SortPerformanceEstimator Boost::iostreams s2)
diff --git a/src/engine/CheckUsePatternTrick.cpp b/src/engine/CheckUsePatternTrick.cpp
index fd153adc0d..9bfe8c4734 100644
--- a/src/engine/CheckUsePatternTrick.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/CheckUsePatternTrick.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ bool isVariableContainedInGraphPatternOperation(
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) {
return ad_utility::contains(arg.visibleVariables_, variable);
} else {
- static_assert(std::is_same_v);
+ static_assert(std::is_same_v ||
+ std::is_same_v);
// The `TransPath` is set up later in the query planning, when this
// function should not be called anymore.
diff --git a/src/engine/PathSearch.cpp b/src/engine/PathSearch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50f10210a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/engine/PathSearch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Copyright 2024, University of Freiburg,
+// Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
+// Author: Johannes Herrmann (johannes.r.herrmann(at)gmail.com)
+#include "PathSearch.h"
+#include "engine/CallFixedSize.h"
+#include "engine/QueryExecutionTree.h"
+#include "engine/VariableToColumnMap.h"
+#include "util/AllocatorWithLimit.h"
+using namespace pathSearch;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+BinSearchWrapper::BinSearchWrapper(const IdTable& table, size_t startCol,
+ size_t endCol, std::vector edgeCols)
+ : table_(table),
+ startCol_(startCol),
+ endCol_(endCol),
+ edgeCols_(std::move(edgeCols)) {}
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::vector BinSearchWrapper::outgoingEdes(const Id node) const {
+ auto startIds = table_.getColumn(startCol_);
+ auto range = std::ranges::equal_range(startIds, node);
+ auto startIndex = std::distance(startIds.begin(), range.begin());
+ std::vector edges;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < range.size(); i++) {
+ auto row = startIndex + i;
+ auto edge = makeEdgeFromRow(row);
+ edges.push_back(edge);
+ }
+ return edges;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::vector BinSearchWrapper::getSources() const {
+ auto startIds = table_.getColumn(startCol_);
+ std::vector sources;
+ std::ranges::unique_copy(startIds, std::back_inserter(sources));
+ return sources;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::vector BinSearchWrapper::getEdgeProperties(const Edge& edge) const {
+ std::vector edgeProperties;
+ for (auto edgeCol : edgeCols_) {
+ edgeProperties.push_back(table_(edge.edgeRow_, edgeCol));
+ }
+ return edgeProperties;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+Edge BinSearchWrapper::makeEdgeFromRow(size_t row) const {
+ Edge edge;
+ edge.start_ = table_(row, startCol_);
+ edge.end_ = table_(row, endCol_);
+ edge.edgeRow_ = row;
+ return edge;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+PathSearch::PathSearch(QueryExecutionContext* qec,
+ std::shared_ptr subtree,
+ PathSearchConfiguration config)
+ : Operation(qec), subtree_(std::move(subtree)), config_(std::move(config)) {
+ AD_CORRECTNESS_CHECK(qec != nullptr);
+ auto startCol = subtree_->getVariableColumn(config_.start_);
+ auto endCol = subtree_->getVariableColumn(config_.end_);
+ subtree_ = QueryExecutionTree::createSortedTree(subtree_, {startCol, endCol});
+ resultWidth_ = 4 + config_.edgeProperties_.size();
+ size_t colIndex = 0;
+ variableColumns_[config_.start_] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ variableColumns_[config_.end_] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ variableColumns_[config_.pathColumn_] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ variableColumns_[config_.edgeColumn_] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ if (std::holds_alternative(config_.sources_)) {
+ resultWidth_++;
+ const auto& sourceColumn = std::get(config_.sources_);
+ variableColumns_[sourceColumn] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ }
+ if (std::holds_alternative(config_.targets_)) {
+ resultWidth_++;
+ const auto& targetColumn = std::get(config_.targets_);
+ variableColumns_[targetColumn] = makeAlwaysDefinedColumn(colIndex);
+ colIndex++;
+ }
+ for (const auto& edgeProperty : config_.edgeProperties_) {
+ auto subVarCols = subtree_->getVariableColumns();
+ auto colInfo = subVarCols[edgeProperty];
+ variableColumns_[edgeProperty] = {colIndex, colInfo.mightContainUndef_};
+ colIndex++;
+ }
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::vector PathSearch::getChildren() {
+ std::vector res;
+ res.push_back(subtree_.get());
+ if (sourceAndTargetTree_.has_value()) {
+ res.push_back(sourceAndTargetTree_.value().get());
+ } else {
+ if (sourceTree_.has_value()) {
+ res.push_back(sourceTree_.value().get());
+ }
+ if (targetTree_.has_value()) {
+ res.push_back(targetTree_.value().get());
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::string PathSearch::getCacheKeyImpl() const {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "PathSearch:\n";
+ os << config_.toString();
+ os << "Subtree:\n" << subtree_->getCacheKey() << '\n';
+ if (sourceTree_.has_value()) {
+ os << "Source Side subtree:\n"
+ << sourceTree_.value()->getCacheKey() << '\n';
+ }
+ if (targetTree_.has_value()) {
+ os << "Target Side subtree:\n"
+ << targetTree_.value()->getCacheKey() << '\n';
+ }
+ if (sourceAndTargetTree_.has_value()) {
+ os << "Source And Target Side subtree:\n"
+ << sourceAndTargetTree_.value()->getCacheKey() << '\n';
+ }
+ return std::move(os).str();
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+string PathSearch::getDescriptor() const {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "PathSearch";
+ return std::move(os).str();
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+size_t PathSearch::getResultWidth() const { return resultWidth_; };
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+size_t PathSearch::getCostEstimate() {
+ // TODO: Figure out a smart way to estimate cost
+ return 1000;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+uint64_t PathSearch::getSizeEstimateBeforeLimit() {
+ // TODO: Figure out a smart way to estimate size
+ return 1000;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+float PathSearch::getMultiplicity(size_t col) {
+ (void)col;
+ return 1;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+bool PathSearch::knownEmptyResult() {
+ for (auto child : getChildren()) {
+ if (child->knownEmptyResult()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+vector PathSearch::resultSortedOn() const { return {}; };
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathSearch::bindSourceSide(std::shared_ptr sourcesOp,
+ size_t inputCol) {
+ sourceTree_ = sourcesOp;
+ sourceCol_ = inputCol;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathSearch::bindTargetSide(std::shared_ptr targetsOp,
+ size_t inputCol) {
+ targetTree_ = targetsOp;
+ targetCol_ = inputCol;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathSearch::bindSourceAndTargetSide(
+ std::shared_ptr sourceAndTargetOp, size_t sourceCol,
+ size_t targetCol) {
+ sourceAndTargetTree_ = sourceAndTargetOp;
+ sourceCol_ = sourceCol;
+ targetCol_ = targetCol;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+Result PathSearch::computeResult([[maybe_unused]] bool requestLaziness) {
+ std::shared_ptr subRes = subtree_->getResult();
+ IdTable idTable{allocator()};
+ idTable.setNumColumns(getResultWidth());
+ const IdTable& dynSub = subRes->idTable();
+ if (!dynSub.empty()) {
+ auto timer = ad_utility::Timer(ad_utility::Timer::Started);
+ auto subStartColumn = subtree_->getVariableColumn(config_.start_);
+ auto subEndColumn = subtree_->getVariableColumn(config_.end_);
+ std::vector edgeColumns;
+ for (const auto& edgeProp : config_.edgeProperties_) {
+ edgeColumns.push_back(subtree_->getVariableColumn(edgeProp));
+ }
+ BinSearchWrapper binSearch{dynSub, subStartColumn, subEndColumn,
+ std::move(edgeColumns)};
+ timer.stop();
+ auto buildingTime = timer.msecs();
+ timer.start();
+ auto [sources, targets] = handleSearchSides();
+ timer.stop();
+ auto sideTime = timer.msecs();
+ timer.start();
+ PathsLimited paths{allocator()};
+ std::vector allSources;
+ if (sources.empty()) {
+ allSources = binSearch.getSources();
+ sources = allSources;
+ }
+ paths = allPaths(sources, targets, binSearch, config_.cartesian_);
+ timer.stop();
+ auto searchTime = timer.msecs();
+ timer.start();
+ CALL_FIXED_SIZE(std::array{getResultWidth()},
+ &PathSearch::pathsToResultTable, this, idTable, paths,
+ binSearch);
+ timer.stop();
+ auto fillTime = timer.msecs();
+ timer.start();
+ auto& info = runtimeInfo();
+ info.addDetail("Time to build graph & mapping", buildingTime.count());
+ info.addDetail("Time to prepare search sides", sideTime.count());
+ info.addDetail("Time to search paths", searchTime.count());
+ info.addDetail("Time to fill result table", fillTime.count());
+ }
+ return {std::move(idTable), resultSortedOn(), subRes->getSharedLocalVocab()};
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+VariableToColumnMap PathSearch::computeVariableToColumnMap() const {
+ return variableColumns_;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+std::pair, std::span>
+PathSearch::handleSearchSides() const {
+ std::span sourceIds;
+ std::span targetIds;
+ if (sourceAndTargetTree_.has_value()) {
+ auto resultTable = sourceAndTargetTree_.value()->getResult();
+ sourceIds = resultTable->idTable().getColumn(sourceCol_.value());
+ targetIds = resultTable->idTable().getColumn(targetCol_.value());
+ return {sourceIds, targetIds};
+ }
+ if (sourceTree_.has_value()) {
+ sourceIds = sourceTree_.value()->getResult()->idTable().getColumn(
+ sourceCol_.value());
+ } else if (config_.sourceIsVariable()) {
+ sourceIds = {};
+ } else {
+ sourceIds = std::get>(config_.sources_);
+ }
+ if (targetTree_.has_value()) {
+ targetIds = targetTree_.value()->getResult()->idTable().getColumn(
+ targetCol_.value());
+ } else if (config_.targetIsVariable()) {
+ targetIds = {};
+ } else {
+ targetIds = std::get>(config_.targets_);
+ }
+ return {sourceIds, targetIds};
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+PathsLimited PathSearch::findPaths(const Id& source,
+ const std::unordered_set& targets,
+ const BinSearchWrapper& binSearch) const {
+ std::vector edgeStack;
+ Path currentPath{EdgesLimited(allocator())};
+ std::unordered_map<
+ uint64_t, PathsLimited, std::hash, std::equal_to,
+ ad_utility::AllocatorWithLimit>>
+ pathCache{allocator()};
+ PathsLimited result{allocator()};
+ std::unordered_set, std::equal_to,
+ ad_utility::AllocatorWithLimit>
+ visited{allocator()};
+ visited.insert(source.getBits());
+ for (auto edge : binSearch.outgoingEdes(source)) {
+ edgeStack.push_back(std::move(edge));
+ }
+ while (!edgeStack.empty()) {
+ checkCancellation();
+ auto edge = edgeStack.back();
+ edgeStack.pop_back();
+ visited.insert(edge.end_.getBits());
+ while (!currentPath.empty() && edge.start_ != currentPath.end()) {
+ visited.erase(currentPath.end().getBits());
+ currentPath.pop_back();
+ }
+ currentPath.push_back(edge);
+ if (targets.empty() || targets.contains(edge.end_.getBits())) {
+ result.push_back(currentPath);
+ }
+ for (const auto& outgoingEdge : binSearch.outgoingEdes(edge.end_)) {
+ if (!visited.contains(outgoingEdge.end_.getBits())) {
+ edgeStack.push_back(outgoingEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+PathsLimited PathSearch::allPaths(std::span sources,
+ std::span targets,
+ const BinSearchWrapper& binSearch,
+ bool cartesian) const {
+ PathsLimited paths{allocator()};
+ Path path{EdgesLimited(allocator())};
+ if (cartesian || sources.size() != targets.size()) {
+ std::unordered_set targetSet;
+ for (auto target : targets) {
+ targetSet.insert(target.getBits());
+ }
+ for (auto source : sources) {
+ for (const auto& path : findPaths(source, targetSet, binSearch)) {
+ paths.push_back(path);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
+ for (const auto& path :
+ findPaths(sources[i], {targets[i].getBits()}, binSearch)) {
+ paths.push_back(path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return paths;
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathSearch::pathsToResultTable(IdTable& tableDyn, PathsLimited& paths,
+ const BinSearchWrapper& binSearch) const {
+ IdTableStatic table = std::move(tableDyn).toStatic();
+ std::vector edgePropertyCols;
+ for (const auto& edgeVar : config_.edgeProperties_) {
+ auto edgePropertyCol = variableColumns_.at(edgeVar).columnIndex_;
+ edgePropertyCols.push_back(edgePropertyCol);
+ }
+ size_t rowIndex = 0;
+ for (size_t pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < paths.size(); pathIndex++) {
+ auto path = paths[pathIndex];
+ std::optional sourceId = std::nullopt;
+ if (config_.sourceIsVariable()) {
+ sourceId = path.edges_.front().start_;
+ }
+ std::optional targetId = std::nullopt;
+ if (config_.targetIsVariable()) {
+ targetId = path.edges_.back().end_;
+ }
+ for (size_t edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < path.size(); edgeIndex++) {
+ checkCancellation();
+ auto edge = path.edges_[edgeIndex];
+ table.emplace_back();
+ table(rowIndex, getStartIndex()) = edge.start_;
+ table(rowIndex, getEndIndex()) = edge.end_;
+ table(rowIndex, getPathIndex()) = Id::makeFromInt(pathIndex);
+ table(rowIndex, getEdgeIndex()) = Id::makeFromInt(edgeIndex);
+ if (sourceId) {
+ table(rowIndex, getSourceIndex().value()) = sourceId.value();
+ }
+ if (targetId) {
+ table(rowIndex, getTargetIndex().value()) = targetId.value();
+ }
+ auto edgeProperties = binSearch.getEdgeProperties(edge);
+ for (size_t edgePropertyIndex = 0;
+ edgePropertyIndex < edgeProperties.size(); edgePropertyIndex++) {
+ table(rowIndex, edgePropertyCols[edgePropertyIndex]) =
+ edgeProperties[edgePropertyIndex];
+ }
+ rowIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ tableDyn = std::move(table).toDynamic();
diff --git a/src/engine/PathSearch.h b/src/engine/PathSearch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e330d1d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/engine/PathSearch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// Copyright 2024, University of Freiburg,
+// Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
+// Author: Johannes Herrmann (johannes.r.herrmann(at)gmail.com)
+#pragma once
+#include "engine/Operation.h"
+#include "global/Id.h"
+#include "util/AllocatorWithLimit.h"
+enum class PathSearchAlgorithm { ALL_PATHS };
+ * @brief Represents the source or target side of a PathSearch.
+ * The side can either be a variable or a list of Ids.
+ */
+using SearchSide = std::variant>;
+namespace pathSearch {
+struct Edge {
+ Id start_;
+ Id end_;
+ size_t edgeRow_;
+using EdgesLimited = std::vector>;
+struct Path {
+ EdgesLimited edges_;
+ bool empty() const { return edges_.empty(); }
+ size_t size() const { return edges_.size(); }
+ void push_back(const Edge& edge) { edges_.push_back(edge); }
+ void pop_back() { edges_.pop_back(); }
+ const Id& end() { return edges_.back().end_; }
+using PathsLimited = std::vector>;
+ * @class BinSearchWrapper
+ * @brief Encapsulates logic for binary search of edges in
+ * an IdTable. It provides methods to find outgoing edges from
+ * a node and retrie
+ *
+ */
+class BinSearchWrapper {
+ const IdTable& table_;
+ size_t startCol_;
+ size_t endCol_;
+ std::vector edgeCols_;
+ public:
+ BinSearchWrapper(const IdTable& table, size_t startCol, size_t endCol,
+ std::vector edgeCols);
+ /**
+ * @brief Return all outgoing edges of a node
+ *
+ * @param node The start node of the outgoing edges
+ */
+ std::vector outgoingEdes(const Id node) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the start nodes of all edges.
+ * In case the sources field for the path search is empty,
+ * the search starts from all possible sources (i.e. all
+ * start nodes). Returns only unique start nodes.
+ */
+ std::vector getSources() const;
+ std::vector getEdgeProperties(const Edge& edge) const;
+ private:
+ Edge makeEdgeFromRow(size_t row) const;
+} // namespace pathSearch
+struct PathSearchConfiguration {
+ PathSearchAlgorithm algorithm_;
+ SearchSide sources_;
+ SearchSide targets_;
+ Variable start_;
+ Variable end_;
+ Variable pathColumn_;
+ Variable edgeColumn_;
+ std::vector edgeProperties_;
+ bool cartesian_ = true;
+ bool sourceIsVariable() const {
+ return std::holds_alternative(sources_);
+ }
+ bool targetIsVariable() const {
+ return std::holds_alternative(targets_);
+ }
+ std::string searchSideToString(const SearchSide& side) const {
+ if (std::holds_alternative(side)) {
+ return std::get(side).toSparql();
+ }
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ for (auto id : std::get>(side)) {
+ os << id << ", ";
+ }
+ return std::move(os).str();
+ }
+ std::string toString() const {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ if (algorithm_ == PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS) {
+ os << "Algorithm: All paths" << '\n';
+ }
+ os << "Source: " << searchSideToString(sources_) << '\n';
+ os << "Target: " << searchSideToString(targets_) << '\n';
+ os << "Start: " << start_.toSparql() << '\n';
+ os << "End: " << end_.toSparql() << '\n';
+ os << "PathColumn: " << pathColumn_.toSparql() << '\n';
+ os << "EdgeColumn: " << edgeColumn_.toSparql() << '\n';
+ os << "EdgeProperties:" << '\n';
+ for (const auto& edgeProperty : edgeProperties_) {
+ os << " " << edgeProperty.toSparql() << '\n';
+ }
+ return std::move(os).str();
+ }
+ * @class PathSearch
+ * @brief Main class implementing the path search operation.
+ * It manages the configuration, executes the search and
+ * builds the ResultTable.
+ *
+ */
+class PathSearch : public Operation {
+ std::shared_ptr subtree_;
+ size_t resultWidth_;
+ VariableToColumnMap variableColumns_;
+ PathSearchConfiguration config_;
+ // The following optional fields are filled, depending
+ // on how the PathSearch is bound.
+ std::optional sourceCol_;
+ std::optional targetCol_;
+ std::optional> sourceTree_;
+ std::optional> targetTree_;
+ std::optional> sourceAndTargetTree_;
+ public:
+ PathSearch(QueryExecutionContext* qec,
+ std::shared_ptr subtree,
+ PathSearchConfiguration config);
+ std::vector getChildren() override;
+ const PathSearchConfiguration& getConfig() const { return config_; }
+ ColumnIndex getStartIndex() const {
+ return variableColumns_.at(config_.start_).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ ColumnIndex getEndIndex() const {
+ return variableColumns_.at(config_.end_).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ ColumnIndex getPathIndex() const {
+ return variableColumns_.at(config_.pathColumn_).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ ColumnIndex getEdgeIndex() const {
+ return variableColumns_.at(config_.edgeColumn_).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ std::optional getSourceIndex() const {
+ if (!config_.sourceIsVariable()) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const auto& sourceVar = std::get(config_.sources_);
+ return variableColumns_.at(sourceVar).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ std::optional getTargetIndex() const {
+ if (!config_.targetIsVariable()) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ const auto& targetVar = std::get(config_.targets_);
+ return variableColumns_.at(targetVar).columnIndex_;
+ }
+ string getCacheKeyImpl() const override;
+ string getDescriptor() const override;
+ size_t getResultWidth() const override;
+ size_t getCostEstimate() override;
+ uint64_t getSizeEstimateBeforeLimit() override;
+ float getMultiplicity(size_t col) override;
+ bool knownEmptyResult() override;
+ vector resultSortedOn() const override;
+ void bindSourceSide(std::shared_ptr sourcesOp,
+ size_t inputCol);
+ void bindTargetSide(std::shared_ptr targetsOp,
+ size_t inputCol);
+ void bindSourceAndTargetSide(
+ std::shared_ptr sourceAndTargetOp, size_t sourceCol,
+ size_t targetCol);
+ bool isSourceBound() const {
+ return sourceTree_.has_value() || sourceAndTargetTree_.has_value() ||
+ !config_.sourceIsVariable();
+ }
+ bool isTargetBound() const {
+ return targetTree_.has_value() || sourceAndTargetTree_.has_value() ||
+ !config_.targetIsVariable();
+ }
+ std::optional getSourceColumn() const {
+ if (!config_.sourceIsVariable()) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ return variableColumns_.at(std::get(config_.sources_))
+ .columnIndex_;
+ }
+ std::optional getTargetColumn() const {
+ if (!config_.targetIsVariable()) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ return variableColumns_.at(std::get(config_.targets_))
+ .columnIndex_;
+ }
+ Result computeResult([[maybe_unused]] bool requestLaziness) override;
+ VariableToColumnMap computeVariableToColumnMap() const override;
+ private:
+ std::pair, std::span> handleSearchSides() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Finds paths based on the configured algorithm.
+ * @return A vector of paths.
+ */
+ pathSearch::PathsLimited findPaths(
+ const Id& source, const std::unordered_set& targets,
+ const pathSearch::BinSearchWrapper& binSearch) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Finds all paths in the graph.
+ * @return A vector of all paths.
+ */
+ pathSearch::PathsLimited allPaths(
+ std::span sources, std::span targets,
+ const pathSearch::BinSearchWrapper& binSearch, bool cartesian) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Converts paths to a result table with a specified width.
+ * @tparam WIDTH The width of the result table.
+ * @param tableDyn The dynamic table to store the results.
+ * @param paths The vector of paths to convert.
+ */
+ template
+ void pathsToResultTable(IdTable& tableDyn, pathSearch::PathsLimited& paths,
+ const pathSearch::BinSearchWrapper& binSearch) const;
diff --git a/src/engine/QueryPlanner.cpp b/src/engine/QueryPlanner.cpp
index aeb247d45e..b63958e198 100644
--- a/src/engine/QueryPlanner.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/QueryPlanner.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "engine/Bind.h"
#include "engine/CartesianProductJoin.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
#include "engine/NeutralElementOperation.h"
#include "engine/OptionalJoin.h"
#include "engine/OrderBy.h"
+#include "engine/PathSearch.h"
#include "engine/Service.h"
#include "engine/Sort.h"
#include "engine/SpatialJoin.h"
@@ -37,9 +39,11 @@
#include "engine/Values.h"
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/LiteralExpression.h"
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/RelationalExpressions.h"
+#include "global/Id.h"
#include "global/RuntimeParameters.h"
#include "parser/Alias.h"
#include "parser/SparqlParserHelpers.h"
+#include "util/Exception.h"
namespace p = parsedQuery;
namespace {
@@ -1820,6 +1824,11 @@ std::vector QueryPlanner::createJoinCandidates(
return {makeSubtreePlan(_qec, a._qet, b._qet)};
+ if (auto opt = createJoinWithPathSearch(a, b, jcs)) {
+ candidates.push_back(std::move(opt.value()));
+ return candidates;
+ }
// Check if one of the two Operations is a SERVICE. If so, we can try
// to simplify the Service Query using the result of the other operation.
if (auto opt = createJoinWithService(a, b, jcs)) {
@@ -2064,6 +2073,98 @@ auto QueryPlanner::createSubtreeWithService(const SubtreePlan& a,
return plan;
+// _____________________________________________________________________
+auto QueryPlanner::createJoinWithPathSearch(
+ const SubtreePlan& a, const SubtreePlan& b,
+ const std::vector>& jcs)
+ -> std::optional {
+ auto aRootOp =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast(a._qet->getRootOperation());
+ auto bRootOp =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast(b._qet->getRootOperation());
+ // Exactly one of the two Operations can be a path search.
+ if (static_cast(aRootOp) == static_cast(bRootOp)) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ auto pathSearch = aRootOp ? aRootOp : bRootOp;
+ auto sibling = bRootOp ? a : b;
+ auto decideColumns = [aRootOp](std::array joinColumns)
+ -> std::pair {
+ auto thisCol = aRootOp ? joinColumns[0] : joinColumns[1];
+ auto otherCol = aRootOp ? joinColumns[1] : joinColumns[0];
+ return {thisCol, otherCol};
+ };
+ // Only source and target may be bound directly
+ if (jcs.size() > 2) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ auto sourceColumn = pathSearch->getSourceColumn();
+ auto targetColumn = pathSearch->getTargetColumn();
+ // Either source or target column have to be a variable to create a join
+ if (!sourceColumn && !targetColumn) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ // A join on an edge property column should not create any candidates
+ auto isJoinOnSourceOrTarget = [sourceColumn,
+ targetColumn](size_t joinColumn) {
+ return ((sourceColumn && sourceColumn.value() == joinColumn) ||
+ (targetColumn && targetColumn.value() == joinColumn));
+ };
+ if (jcs.size() == 2) {
+ // To join source and target, both must be variables
+ if (!sourceColumn || !targetColumn) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ auto [firstCol, firstOtherCol] = decideColumns(jcs[0]);
+ auto [secondCol, secondOtherCol] = decideColumns(jcs[1]);
+ if (!isJoinOnSourceOrTarget(firstCol) &&
+ !isJoinOnSourceOrTarget(secondCol)) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ if (sourceColumn == firstCol && targetColumn == secondCol) {
+ pathSearch->bindSourceAndTargetSide(sibling._qet, firstOtherCol,
+ secondOtherCol);
+ } else if (sourceColumn == secondCol && targetColumn == firstCol) {
+ pathSearch->bindSourceAndTargetSide(sibling._qet, secondOtherCol,
+ firstOtherCol);
+ } else {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ } else if (jcs.size() == 1) {
+ auto [thisCol, otherCol] = decideColumns(jcs[0]);
+ if (!isJoinOnSourceOrTarget(thisCol)) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ if (sourceColumn && sourceColumn == thisCol &&
+ !pathSearch->isSourceBound()) {
+ pathSearch->bindSourceSide(sibling._qet, otherCol);
+ } else if (targetColumn && targetColumn == thisCol &&
+ !pathSearch->isTargetBound()) {
+ pathSearch->bindTargetSide(sibling._qet, otherCol);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ SubtreePlan plan = makeSubtreePlan(pathSearch);
+ mergeSubtreePlanIds(plan, a, b);
+ return plan;
// _____________________________________________________________________
void QueryPlanner::QueryGraph::setupGraph(
const std::vector& leafOperations) {
@@ -2289,6 +2390,8 @@ void QueryPlanner::GraphPatternPlanner::graphPatternOperationVisitor(Arg& arg) {
c.type = SubtreePlan::MINUS;
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) {
+ visitPathSearch(arg);
} else {
@@ -2396,6 +2499,24 @@ void QueryPlanner::GraphPatternPlanner::visitTransitivePath(
+// _______________________________________________________________
+void QueryPlanner::GraphPatternPlanner::visitPathSearch(
+ parsedQuery::PathQuery& pathQuery) {
+ auto candidatesIn = planner_.optimize(&pathQuery.childGraphPattern_);
+ std::vector candidatesOut;
+ const auto& vocab = planner_._qec->getIndex().getVocab();
+ auto config = pathQuery.toPathSearchConfiguration(vocab);
+ for (auto& sub : candidatesIn) {
+ auto pathSearch =
+ std::make_shared(qec_, std::move(sub._qet), config);
+ auto plan = makeSubtreePlan(std::move(pathSearch));
+ candidatesOut.push_back(std::move(plan));
+ }
+ visitGroupOptionalOrMinus(std::move(candidatesOut));
// _______________________________________________________________
void QueryPlanner::GraphPatternPlanner::visitUnion(parsedQuery::Union& arg) {
// TODO here we could keep all the candidates, and create a
diff --git a/src/engine/QueryPlanner.h b/src/engine/QueryPlanner.h
index 360a40d556..8d3a13cd3b 100644
--- a/src/engine/QueryPlanner.h
+++ b/src/engine/QueryPlanner.h
@@ -344,6 +344,10 @@ class QueryPlanner {
const SubtreePlan& a, const SubtreePlan& b,
const std::vector>& jcs);
+ [[nodiscard]] static std::optional createJoinWithPathSearch(
+ const SubtreePlan& a, const SubtreePlan& b,
+ const std::vector>& jcs);
[[nodiscard]] static std::optional createSubtreeWithService(
const SubtreePlan& a, const SubtreePlan& b);
@@ -532,6 +536,7 @@ class QueryPlanner {
void visitBasicGraphPattern(const parsedQuery::BasicGraphPattern& pattern);
void visitBind(const parsedQuery::Bind& bind);
void visitTransitivePath(parsedQuery::TransPath& transitivePath);
+ void visitPathSearch(parsedQuery::PathQuery& config);
void visitUnion(parsedQuery::Union& un);
void visitSubquery(parsedQuery::Subquery& subquery);
diff --git a/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.cpp b/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.cpp
index bddd21c5e9..efceda159c 100644
--- a/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.cpp
+++ b/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.cpp
@@ -5,9 +5,14 @@
#include "parser/GraphPatternOperation.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "parser/ParsedQuery.h"
+#include "parser/TripleComponent.h"
+#include "util/Exception.h"
#include "util/Forward.h"
namespace parsedQuery {
@@ -67,6 +72,146 @@ void BasicGraphPattern::appendTriples(BasicGraphPattern other) {
ad_utility::appendVector(_triples, std::move(other._triples));
+// ____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathQuery::addParameter(const SparqlTriple& triple) {
+ auto simpleTriple = triple.getSimple();
+ TripleComponent predicate = simpleTriple.p_;
+ TripleComponent object = simpleTriple.o_;
+ if (!predicate.isIri()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("Predicates must be IRIs");
+ }
+ auto getVariable = [](std::string_view parameter,
+ const TripleComponent& object) {
+ if (!object.isVariable()) {
+ throw PathSearchException(absl::StrCat("The value ", object.toString(),
+ " for parameter '", parameter,
+ "' has to be a variable"));
+ }
+ return object.getVariable();
+ };
+ auto setVariable = [&](std::string_view parameter,
+ const TripleComponent& object,
+ std::optional& existingValue) {
+ auto variable = getVariable(parameter, object);
+ if (existingValue.has_value()) {
+ throw PathSearchException(absl::StrCat(
+ "The parameter '", parameter, "' has already been set to variable: '",
+ existingValue.value().toSparql(), "'. New variable: '",
+ object.toString(), "'."));
+ }
+ existingValue = object.getVariable();
+ };
+ std::string predString = predicate.getIri().toStringRepresentation();
+ if (predString.ends_with("source>")) {
+ sources_.push_back(std::move(object));
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("target>")) {
+ targets_.push_back(std::move(object));
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("start>")) {
+ setVariable("start", object, start_);
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("end>")) {
+ setVariable("end", object, end_);
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("pathColumn>")) {
+ setVariable("pathColumn", object, pathColumn_);
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("edgeColumn>")) {
+ setVariable("edgeColumn", object, edgeColumn_);
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("edgeProperty>")) {
+ edgeProperties_.push_back(getVariable("edgeProperty", object));
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("cartesian>")) {
+ if (!object.isBool()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("The parameter 'cartesian' expects a boolean");
+ }
+ cartesian_ = object.getBool();
+ } else if (predString.ends_with("algorithm>")) {
+ if (!object.isIri()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("The 'algorithm' value has to be an Iri");
+ }
+ auto objString = object.getIri().toStringRepresentation();
+ if (objString.ends_with("allPaths>")) {
+ algorithm_ = PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS;
+ } else {
+ throw PathSearchException(
+ "Unsupported algorithm in pathSearch: " + objString +
+ ". Supported Algorithms: "
+ "allPaths.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw PathSearchException(
+ "Unsupported argument " + predString +
+ " in PathSearch. "
+ "Supported Arguments: source, target, start, end, "
+ "pathColumn, edgeColumn, "
+ "edgeProperty, algorithm.");
+ }
+// ____________________________________________________________________________
+std::variant> PathQuery::toSearchSide(
+ std::vector side, const Index::Vocab& vocab) const {
+ if (side.size() == 1 && side[0].isVariable()) {
+ return side[0].getVariable();
+ } else {
+ std::vector sideIds;
+ for (const auto& comp : side) {
+ if (comp.isVariable()) {
+ throw PathSearchException(
+ "Only one variable is allowed per search side");
+ }
+ auto opt = comp.toValueId(vocab);
+ if (opt.has_value()) {
+ sideIds.push_back(opt.value());
+ } else {
+ throw PathSearchException("No vocabulary entry for " + comp.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return sideIds;
+ }
+// ____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathQuery::addBasicPattern(const BasicGraphPattern& pattern) {
+ for (SparqlTriple triple : pattern._triples) {
+ addParameter(triple);
+ }
+// ____________________________________________________________________________
+void PathQuery::addGraph(const GraphPatternOperation& op) {
+ if (childGraphPattern_._graphPatterns.empty()) {
+ auto pattern = std::get(op);
+ childGraphPattern_ = std::move(pattern._child);
+ }
+// ____________________________________________________________________________
+PathSearchConfiguration PathQuery::toPathSearchConfiguration(
+ const Index::Vocab& vocab) const {
+ auto sources = toSearchSide(sources_, vocab);
+ auto targets = toSearchSide(targets_, vocab);
+ if (!start_.has_value()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("Missing parameter 'start' in path search.");
+ } else if (!end_.has_value()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("Missing parameter 'end' in path search.");
+ } else if (!pathColumn_.has_value()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("Missing parameter 'pathColumn' in path search.");
+ } else if (!edgeColumn_.has_value()) {
+ throw PathSearchException("Missing parameter 'edgeColumn' in path search.");
+ }
+ return PathSearchConfiguration{
+ algorithm_, sources, targets,
+ start_.value(), end_.value(), pathColumn_.value(),
+ edgeColumn_.value(), edgeProperties_, cartesian_};
// ____________________________________________________________________________
cppcoro::generator Bind::containedVariables() const {
for (const auto* ptr : _expression.containedVariables()) {
diff --git a/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.h b/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.h
index df95f80e89..6367d4e510 100644
--- a/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.h
+++ b/src/parser/GraphPatternOperation.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+#include "engine/PathSearch.h"
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/SparqlExpressionPimpl.h"
#include "parser/GraphPattern.h"
#include "parser/TripleComponent.h"
@@ -143,6 +144,91 @@ struct TransPath {
GraphPattern _childGraphPattern;
+class PathSearchException : public std::exception {
+ std::string message_;
+ public:
+ explicit PathSearchException(const std::string& message)
+ : message_(message) {}
+ const char* what() const noexcept override { return message_.data(); }
+// The PathQuery object holds intermediate information for the PathSearch.
+// The PathSearchConfiguration requires concrete Ids. The vocabulary from the
+// QueryPlanner is needed to translate the TripleComponents to ValueIds.
+// Also, the members of the PathQuery have defaults and can be set after
+// the object creation, simplifying the parsing process. If a required
+// value has not been set during parsing, the method 'toPathSearchConfiguration'
+// will throw an exception.
+// All the error handling for the PathSearch happens in the PathQuery object.
+// Thus, if a PathSearchConfiguration can be constructed, it is valid.
+struct PathQuery {
+ std::vector sources_;
+ std::vector targets_;
+ std::optional start_;
+ std::optional end_;
+ std::optional pathColumn_;
+ std::optional edgeColumn_;
+ std::vector edgeProperties_;
+ PathSearchAlgorithm algorithm_;
+ GraphPattern childGraphPattern_;
+ bool cartesian_ = true;
+ /**
+ * @brief Add a parameter to the PathQuery from the given triple.
+ * The predicate of the triple determines the parameter name and the object
+ * of the triple determines the parameter value. The subject is ignored.
+ * Throws a PathSearchException if an unsupported algorithm is given or if the
+ * predicate contains an unknown parameter name.
+ *
+ * @param triple A SparqlTriple that contains the parameter info
+ */
+ void addParameter(const SparqlTriple& triple);
+ /**
+ * @brief Add the parameters from a BasicGraphPattern to the PathQuery
+ *
+ * @param pattern
+ */
+ void addBasicPattern(const BasicGraphPattern& pattern);
+ /**
+ * @brief Add a GraphPatternOperation to the PathQuery. The pattern specifies
+ * the edges of the graph that is used by the path search
+ *
+ * @param childGraphPattern
+ */
+ void addGraph(const GraphPatternOperation& childGraphPattern);
+ /**
+ * @brief Convert the vector of triple components into a SearchSide
+ * The SeachSide can either be a variable or a list of Ids.
+ * A PathSearchException is thrown if more than one variable is given.
+ *
+ * @param side A vector of TripleComponents, containing either exactly one
+ * Variable or zero or more ValueIds
+ * @param vocab A Vocabulary containing the Ids of the TripleComponents.
+ * The Vocab is only used if the given vector contains IRIs.
+ */
+ std::variant> toSearchSide(
+ std::vector side, const Index::Vocab& vocab) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Convert this PathQuery into a PathSearchConfiguration object.
+ * This method checks if all required parameters are set and converts
+ * the PathSearch sources and targets into SearchSides.
+ * A PathSearchException is thrown if required parameters are missing.
+ * The required parameters are start, end, pathColumn and edgeColumn.
+ *
+ * @param vocab A vocab containing the Ids of the IRIs in
+ * sources_ and targets_
+ * @return A valid PathSearchConfiguration
+ */
+ PathSearchConfiguration toPathSearchConfiguration(
+ const Index::Vocab& vocab) const;
// A SPARQL Bind construct.
struct Bind {
sparqlExpression::SparqlExpressionPimpl _expression;
@@ -159,7 +245,7 @@ struct Bind {
// class actually becomes `using GraphPatternOperation = std::variant<...>`
using GraphPatternOperationVariant =
+ Values, Service, PathQuery, Minus, GroupGraphPattern>;
struct GraphPatternOperation
: public GraphPatternOperationVariant,
public VisitMixin {
diff --git a/src/parser/TripleComponent.h b/src/parser/TripleComponent.h
index 85450c9975..fb874fc3c1 100644
--- a/src/parser/TripleComponent.h
+++ b/src/parser/TripleComponent.h
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ class TripleComponent {
return std::holds_alternative(_variant);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool isBool() const {
+ return std::holds_alternative(_variant);
+ }
+ bool getBool() const { return std::get(_variant); }
bool isLiteral() const { return std::holds_alternative(_variant); }
Literal& getLiteral() { return std::get(_variant); }
const Literal& getLiteral() const { return std::get(_variant); }
diff --git a/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.cpp b/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.cpp
index 777f29714d..65de837da2 100644
--- a/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/RelationalExpressions.h"
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/SampleExpression.h"
#include "engine/sparqlExpressions/UuidExpressions.h"
+#include "parser/GraphPatternOperation.h"
#include "parser/RdfParser.h"
#include "parser/SparqlParser.h"
#include "parser/TokenizerCtre.h"
@@ -708,8 +709,33 @@ GraphPatternOperation Visitor::visit(Parser::OptionalGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
return GraphPatternOperation{parsedQuery::Optional{std::move(pattern)}};
+GraphPatternOperation Visitor::visitPathQuery(
+ Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
+ auto parsePathQuery = [](parsedQuery::PathQuery& pathQuery,
+ const parsedQuery::GraphPatternOperation& op) {
+ if (std::holds_alternative(op)) {
+ pathQuery.addBasicPattern(std::get(op));
+ } else if (std::holds_alternative(op)) {
+ pathQuery.addGraph(op);
+ } else {
+ throw parsedQuery::PathSearchException(
+ "Unsupported element in pathSearch."
+ "PathQuery may only consist of triples for configuration"
+ "And a { group graph pattern } specifying edges.");
+ }
+ };
+ parsedQuery::GraphPattern graphPattern = visit(ctx->groupGraphPattern());
+ parsedQuery::PathQuery pathQuery;
+ for (const auto& op : graphPattern._graphPatterns) {
+ parsePathQuery(pathQuery, op);
+ }
+ return pathQuery;
// Parsing for the `serviceGraphPattern` rule.
-parsedQuery::Service Visitor::visit(Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
+GraphPatternOperation Visitor::visit(Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
// Get the IRI and if a variable is specified, report that we do not support
// it yet.
@@ -728,6 +754,10 @@ parsedQuery::Service Visitor::visit(Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
auto serviceIri =
+ if (serviceIri.toStringRepresentation() ==
+ " ") {
+ return visitPathQuery(ctx);
+ }
// Parse the body of the SERVICE query. Add the visible variables from the
// SERVICE clause to the visible variables so far, but also remember them
// separately (with duplicates removed) because we need them in `Service.cpp`
@@ -743,9 +773,10 @@ parsedQuery::Service Visitor::visit(Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx) {
// Create suitable `parsedQuery::Service` object and return it.
- return {std::move(visibleVariablesServiceQuery), std::move(serviceIri),
- prologueString_, getOriginalInputForContext(ctx->groupGraphPattern()),
- static_cast(ctx->SILENT())};
+ return parsedQuery::Service{
+ std::move(visibleVariablesServiceQuery), std::move(serviceIri),
+ prologueString_, getOriginalInputForContext(ctx->groupGraphPattern()),
+ static_cast(ctx->SILENT())};
// ____________________________________________________________________________
diff --git a/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.h b/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.h
index e68087b056..aa6ec1e0c9 100644
--- a/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.h
+++ b/src/parser/sparqlParser/SparqlQleverVisitor.h
@@ -254,7 +254,11 @@ class SparqlQleverVisitor {
parsedQuery::GraphPatternOperation visit(
Parser::GraphGraphPatternContext* ctx);
- parsedQuery::Service visit(Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx);
+ parsedQuery::GraphPatternOperation visit(
+ Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx);
+ parsedQuery::GraphPatternOperation visitPathQuery(
+ Parser::ServiceGraphPatternContext* ctx);
parsedQuery::GraphPatternOperation visit(Parser::BindContext* ctx);
diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
index bcbee2b48e..eaf4b037de 100644
--- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ addLinkAndDiscoverTest(IdTableTest util)
addLinkAndDiscoverTest(TransitivePathTest engine)
+addLinkAndDiscoverTest(PathSearchTest engine)
diff --git a/test/PathSearchTest.cpp b/test/PathSearchTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da8bd31c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/PathSearchTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+// Copyright 2024, University of Freiburg,
+// Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
+// Author: Johannes Herrmann (johannes.r.herrmann(at)gmail.com)
+#include "engine/PathSearch.h"
+#include "engine/QueryExecutionTree.h"
+#include "engine/Result.h"
+#include "engine/ValuesForTesting.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "util/IdTableHelpers.h"
+#include "util/IdTestHelpers.h"
+#include "util/IndexTestHelpers.h"
+using ad_utility::testing::getQec;
+namespace {
+auto V = ad_utility::testing::VocabId;
+auto I = ad_utility::testing::IntId;
+using Var = Variable;
+using Vars = std::vector>;
+} // namespace
+Result performPathSearch(PathSearchConfiguration config, IdTable input,
+ Vars vars) {
+ auto qec = getQec();
+ auto subtree = ad_utility::makeExecutionTree(
+ qec, std::move(input), vars);
+ PathSearch p = PathSearch(qec, std::move(subtree), std::move(config));
+ return p.computeResult(false);
+TEST(PathSearchTest, constructor) {
+ auto qec = getQec();
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({});
+ sub.setNumColumns(2);
+ auto subtree = ad_utility::makeExecutionTree(
+ qec, std::move(sub), vars);
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(1)};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ PathSearch p = PathSearch(qec, std::move(subtree), config);
+TEST(PathSearchTest, emptyGraph) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({});
+ sub.setNumColumns(2);
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({});
+ expected.setNumColumns(4);
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, singlePath) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, singlePathWithProperties) {
+ auto sub =
+ makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1, 10}, {1, 2, 20}, {2, 3, 30}, {3, 4, 40}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(10)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1), V(20)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2), V(30)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3), V(40)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}, Variable{"?edgeProperty"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {Var{"?edgeProperty"}}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, singlePathAllSources) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1), V(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2), V(0)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3), V(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(1), I(1), V(1)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(1), I(2), V(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(2), I(1), V(2)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(3), I(0), V(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ Var{"?sources"},
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, singlePathAllTargets) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1), V(2)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(2), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(2), I(1), V(3)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(2), V(3)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(3), I(0), V(4)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(3), I(1), V(4)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(3), I(2), V(4)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(3), I(3), V(4)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0
+ * / \
+ * 1 < > 3
+ * \ /
+ * > 2 <
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, twoPathsOneTarget) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {0, 3}, {3, 2}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(3), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(3), V(2), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(2)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0
+ * / \
+ * 1 < > 3
+ * / \
+ * 2 < > 4
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, twoPathsTwoTargets) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {0, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(3), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(2), V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ *
+ * 2<---1
+ * \ ^
+ * \ |
+ * > 0
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, cycle) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1), V(2)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ *
+ * 2<---1--->3
+ * \ ^ /
+ * \ | /
+ * > 0 <
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, twoCycle) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}, {1, 3}, {3, 0}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({{V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(1), V(3), I(1), I(1), V(3)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(2), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(2), I(1), V(2)}});
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ *
+ * 0
+ * / \
+ * 1 2
+ * \ / \
+ * 3 4
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, allPaths) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(1), I(0), V(4)},
+ {V(2), V(4), I(1), I(1), V(4)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(2), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(1), V(3)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(3), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(4), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(1), V(3), I(4), I(1), V(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, allPathsWithPropertiesSwitched) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1, 10, 11},
+ {1, 3, 20, 21},
+ {0, 2, 30, 31},
+ {2, 3, 40, 41},
+ {2, 4, 50, 51}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0), V(2), V(31), V(30)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(1), I(0), V(4), V(31), V(30)},
+ {V(2), V(4), I(1), I(1), V(4), V(51), V(50)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(2), I(0), V(3), V(31), V(30)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(1), V(3), V(41), V(40)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(3), I(0), V(1), V(11), V(10)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(4), I(0), V(3), V(11), V(10)},
+ {V(1), V(3), I(4), I(1), V(3), V(21), V(20)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}, Variable{"?edgeProperty1"},
+ Variable{"?edgeProperty2"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{
+ PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {Var{"?edgeProperty2"}, Var{"?edgeProperty1"}}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ *
+ * 0
+ * |\
+ * | \
+ * 1->2->3
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, allPathsPartialAllTargets) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(1), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(1), I(1), V(3)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(2), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(3), I(0), V(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(3), I(1), V(2)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(4), I(0), V(3)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(4), I(1), V(3)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(4), I(2), V(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?targets"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, allPathsPartialAllSources) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0), V(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(1), V(0)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0), V(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1), V(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(1), I(2), V(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(2), I(0), V(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(1), V(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(3), I(0), V(2)},
+ });
+ std::vector targets{V(3)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ Var{"?sources"},
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
+ * ^
+ * /
+ * 5
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, singlePathWithIrrelevantNode) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {5, 4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0
+ * |
+ * 1
+ * / \
+ * 2 3
+ * \ /
+ * 4
+ * |
+ * 5
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, elongatedDiamond) {
+ auto sub =
+ makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(3), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(2)},
+ {V(4), V(5), I(0), I(3)},
+ {V(0), V(1), I(1), I(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(1)},
+ {V(2), V(4), I(1), I(2)},
+ {V(4), V(5), I(1), I(3)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ std::vector targets{V(5)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ * Graph:
+ * 0 4
+ * \ /
+ * 2-->3
+ * / \
+ * 1 5
+ */
+TEST(PathSearchTest, multiSourceMultiTargetallPaths) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(5), I(0), I(2)},
+ {V(0), V(2), I(1), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(1), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(1), I(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(2), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(2), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(5), I(2), I(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(3), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(3), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(3), I(2)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0), V(1)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4), V(5)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, multiSourceMultiTargetallPathsNotCartesian) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(2), I(0), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(2)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(1), I(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(1), I(1)},
+ {V(3), V(5), I(1), I(2)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0), V(1)};
+ std::vector targets{V(4), V(5)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {},
+ false};
+ auto resultTable = performPathSearch(config, std::move(sub), vars);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, sourceBound) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto sourceTable = makeIdTableFromVector({{0}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(0)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1), V(0)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2), V(0)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3), V(0)},
+ });
+ std::vector targets{V(4)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ Var{"?source"},
+ targets,
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto qec = getQec();
+ auto subtree = ad_utility::makeExecutionTree(
+ qec, std::move(sub), vars);
+ auto pathSearch = PathSearch(qec, std::move(subtree), std::move(config));
+ Vars sourceTreeVars = {Var{"?source"}};
+ auto sourceTree = ad_utility::makeExecutionTree(
+ qec, std::move(sourceTable), sourceTreeVars);
+ pathSearch.bindSourceSide(sourceTree, 0);
+ auto resultTable = pathSearch.computeResult(false);
+ ASSERT_THAT(resultTable.idTable(),
+ ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+TEST(PathSearchTest, targetBound) {
+ auto sub = makeIdTableFromVector({{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}});
+ auto targetTable = makeIdTableFromVector({{4}});
+ auto expected = makeIdTableFromVector({
+ {V(0), V(1), I(0), I(0), V(4)},
+ {V(1), V(2), I(0), I(1), V(4)},
+ {V(2), V(3), I(0), I(2), V(4)},
+ {V(3), V(4), I(0), I(3), V(4)},
+ });
+ std::vector sources{V(0)};
+ Vars vars = {Variable{"?start"}, Variable{"?end"}};
+ PathSearchConfiguration config{PathSearchAlgorithm::ALL_PATHS,
+ sources,
+ Var{"?target"},
+ Var{"?start"},
+ Var{"?end"},
+ Var{"?edgeIndex"},
+ Var{"?pathIndex"},
+ {}};
+ auto qec = getQec();
+ auto subtree = ad_utility::makeExecutionTree