Make Get-GraphResource correctly use the pipeline
Generate URIs for when connection is offline in lieu of requests
Add global request id preference
Add global headers to settings, matched to uris
Make Set-GraphApplicationCertificate make only one request when multiple certificate paths are specified by the pipeline.
Add countvariable?
Add service principal support to *-graphapplicationcertificate commands, not just application
Look at using serilog for logging
Add API version to itemcontext?
Add more properties to serviceprincipal output, application
Add startswith search to get-graphapplication
Make permissions ids work with the consent and application commands
Make service principal id column title serviceprincipal
Use serviceprincipal id's when possible for Set-GraphApplicationConsent and Remove-GraphApplicationConsent
Support service principal as the consent object for Set-GraphApplicationConsent and Remove-GraphApplicationConsent
Set-GraphApplicationConsent should support partial updates for delegated by using end block to write
Don't throw exceptions in pipeline for consent / service prinicipal / app commands?
Add upn support to Set-GraphApplicationConsent?
Make self-consent explicit in Set-GraphApplicationConsent
Improve output of get-graphapplicationconsent
Allow remove and set consent commands to operate on native objects
Improve formatting of consent output
Add search for permissions to get-graphapplicationconsent
Change consent commands to use native graph objects instead of custom objects and normalize via type augmentation and formatting.
Possible need to add 'no additional permissions' setting to profiles and doc in schema
Remove resultvariable from ggr without impacting LASTGRAPHITEMS; actually looks like not an issue
Add preference variable for disabling settings
Add simple match for Get-GraphApplication
Add photo upload scenario?
Make app operations default to objectid for efficiency
Adaptive progress meter?
Should implement certificate update using addkey / removekey: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-addkey?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
Remove use of New-GraphConnection from within static methods and replace with internal version that is still mockable.
Make set-graphapplicationconsent idempotent (read grants / roles first, only add those that don't exist)
When invoke-graphrequest creates an object through post, it should add the id to the uri for the itemcontext
Add Start-GraphDeltaJob
Add output types to as many commands as possible
Add batching support
Add more command help
Refactor auth providers
Enable module re-import
Add throttling
Update build tools to not change path in order to use nuget
Add equivalent of -Token option to new-graphconnection and connect-graph -- this sets token from external source
Make verbose output more readable
Document strange splatting behavior with noteproperty
Add output types
Create interface for certificate store, make it not implemented outside of Windows
Output data based on content-type
Add request linked data to obtain odata references such as file download uri's
Allow for requests to be dumped into a directory
Add help support via write-information?
Change get-graphconnection to take a connection or a graph
Refactor applicationhelper, applicationapi, and applicationobject to move api calls out of applicationobject
Convert some verbose statements to debug
Rewrite names in scriptclass to make it easier to understand
Add default graph connection
Add named graph connections
Add connection enumeration
Possibly remove query support from Remove-GraphItem if queries on DELETE method are not supported
Add retry to service principal creation
Fix ScriptClass issue where interpolation of a string using $this for a static member may not work during argument completion
Add ScriptProperty computed fields to displayformatter?
Change autographps to use dynamic scope implementation
Rename DisplayFormatter to OutputFormatter
Change relativeuri parameter to 'uri' to match invoke-webrequest and invoke-restmethod
Use begin, and maybe end blocks in app cmdlets, also
Fix issue where switch parameters don't work in scriptclass methods because they don't get bound unless set explicitly -- maybe just prohibit them
Add thumbprint option to get-graphapplicationcertificate
Make AppAPI version
Reuse keycredentials in addkeycredentials
Extend Get-GraphToken to support all scenarios, better formats
Extend Get-GraphToken to support auth code
Customize README
Add app updating
Clean up parse methods in GraphUtilities
Investigate console.writeline background thread
Coding standards -- SOLID, casing, method call syntax
document semver in build.md
Minor doc update
Clean up utilities, special-case, duplicate code in get-graphuri, invoke-graphrequest, get-graphitem, get-graphchilditem
Make gcd work without hanging for new graphs
change $graphverbosepreference to $graphverboselevelpreference
docs on set-graphprompt, new-graph
docs on new-graphconnection, connect-graph
docs on update-graphmetadata
fix -expand issues
fix parent issues in public segment
Add welcome command
Major doc update
User research
Usability changes
Test schema and basic tests offline
Unauthenticated functional tests
Background runspace jobs
Add fuzzy select
Add find-property, find-type
Local metadata cache
Add more complex filter
Add regex to gls
Authenticated functional tests
Refactor invoke-graphrequest to request builder
Fix bug with graph update not clearing uri cache due to async
Enable schemaless execution
Use BEGIN, PROCESS, END in get-graphuri
Add basic help
Add uri completion
Add copy-graphitem
- graph to graph copy
- json to graph copy
- graph to json copy
Get-GraphTypeData -typename -graphitem
Add signout
Simple samples
Publish first preview / alpha
Add anonymous connections for use with test-graph item, metadata
Add new-graphentity -- PUT
Add set-graphitem -- PUT / PATCH
Add copy-graphitem
- graph to graph copy
- json to graph copy
- graph to json copy
add versions to schema, version objects
consistency in apiversion, schemaversion names
add predefined scopes: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/concepts/permissions_reference
common scopes -- use dynamicparam
scope browser
Add unit tests for parameters
Enable token refresh
Enable app-only auth
Add reply url to new-graphconnection -- only works with confidential client
Graph tracing
Graph trace replay
entity templates
security for token
generate nuspec
Extended Samples
More tests
Add get-graphmetadata
graph drive provider
- Versions
- Schemas
- Graph
create the python version
Explore graph as an idempotent DSC resource
- REST resource
- Graph resource
Graphlets -- modules built on this that expose specific parts of the graph
Handle 403's in get-graphchilditem
Add user consent, tenant consent options to set-graphconsent and new-graphapplication
Remove __GetSimpleConnection
- Color for POST / PUT / PATH operations
- Color for graph consent
- View for graph application
- Restore Connect-Graph from Connect-GraphApi -- might not be possible :(
- get-graphschema
- model for identity
- get-graphtoken
- get-graphversion
- invoke-graphrequest
- support version in invoke-graphrequest
- support json output
- Re-implement get-graphitem
- add basic scopes
- Support paging through results
- Use content-type of response for deserialization
- add paging interface to graph enumeration commands
- Fix identity function names
- Get custom appid to work
- Session support
- Add connection support to test-graph
- Publish to psgallery
- Update build steps
- Rename stdposh to ScriptClass
- Refactor GraphBuilder
- Genericize GraphContext
- Update-GraphMetadata
- Get-GraphUri -- an offline api, with -parents flag,
- Add --children flag to get-graphuri
- Add full uri support to get-graphitem
- Set-Graphlocation
- Get-GraphLocation
- Add relative path support to invoke-graphrequest
- Support .. in paths
- Move path manipulation to common helpers
- get-graph
- Make context meaningful
- new-graph
- Make context meaningful
- remove-graph
- Add display type for get-graphchilditem
- Aliases:
- ggi Get-GraphItem
- gls Get-GraphChildItem
- gcd Set-GraphLocation
- gwd Get-GraphLocation
- ggu Get-GraphUri
- gg Get-Graph
- Add 'mode'-like column with compressed information in list view
- Add offline connection
- Change json to raw or nativeoutput or equivalent
- Optimize uri parsing
- limit uri cache size with lru policy
- Add app id, user name to get-graph
- Add prompt modification
- Add query
- Add $select
- Add $expand
- Add ODataFilter
- Make default graph drive just be v1.0
- Make appid substitution nicer
- Make connect-graph connect in the custom case
- Make content-columns auto-avoid collisions
- Rudimentary token auto-refresh
- Make graph drive collision nicer
- Link to scopes docs when unauthorized
- Fix bug where context is assumed to be current rather than from uri
- Make gls, gcd have ability to ignore schema parsing when not ready
- LastGraphRequest
- TOS, Privacy: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/misc/terms-of-use
- optimize child retrieval
- add back whatif support
- Make it ignore metadata failure by default for gls
- Fix bug in parsing relative uris in get-graphuri
- fix scope args on get-graphschema, get-graphversion
- Rearrange source
- Refactor directories
- Minor source cleanup
- Preview column in get-graphchilditem
- Add auto-prompt and preference
- Fix install-devmodule
- Add build README
- Add -order
- Add -sort parameter alias for orderby
- Add link to build instructions in README
- Fix preferencehelper source file relative path issue
- Add verbosity preference to avoid dumping entire requests
- Minor source rearrangement
- Better error messages when path not found
- Code of conduct
- Issue template
- Pull request template
- Fix AADGraph bug where reply url seemed to be invalid
- Initial doc update
- Fix Application.ps1 -- class may not have initialized
- Motivation.md
- Update get-graphitem to give gls authorization warnings.
- Fix publishmoduletodev to use module publishing rather than nuget
- Fix token refresh
- Refactor into posh-graph core sdk and poshgraph ux
- Add clear token method to auth provider
- Remove special casing of v2 auth
- Add cert auth to v1 auth
- Enable token cache for v1 auth
- Fixed corruption / wrong auth protocol being used in connect-graph scenarios where shared static object was modified outside static methods
- Add app-only mode -- symmetric
- Add app-only mode -- asymmetric
- Add $search support
- Rename to AutoGraphPS-SDK
- Customize README
- Fix invoke-graphrequest parameter names (-verb should be -method, -payload should be -body)
- Add Remove-GraphItem
- Change scopenames arguments to scopes
- New-GraphApplication
- Get-GraphApplication
- Get-GraphApplicationLocalCertificate (wrong name thought)
- Remove-GraphApplicationConsent
- Get-GraphApplicationConsent
- Set-GraphApplicationConsent
- Automatically find cert for apponly
- Add app enumeration
- Add app creation
- App deletion
- Change -tenantname to -tenantid
- Allow connect-graph to specify -tenantid to support single tenant app
- Dynamically obtain scopes
- Add formatting to get-graphapplication
- Rename get-graphapplicationcertificate to get-graphlocalcertificate
- Change -scopes to -permissions
- Add formatting to get-graphapplicationconsent
- Add scope parameter completion to new-graphapplication
- Add consent user to set-graphconsent
- Fix case sensitivity in collections
- Add scope parameter completion to get-graphitem, invoke-graphitem, get-graphapplication, any others
- Separate permissions args -- apparently apponly and delegated permissions have duplicate names, but different id's
- Preserve case on parameter completion
- Eliminate need for skipscopecheck by moving to autocompleted dynamicparams
- Make new-graphconnection position 0 argument be permissions
- Reference walkthrough at top of README -- nobody's reading!
- Remove-GraphApplication
- Get-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Change get-graphlocalcertificate to find-graphlocalcertificate
- Rename Get-GraphConnection to Get-GraphConnection
- Make common request arguments
- Register-GraphApplication
- Unregister-GraphApplication
- Remove permissions and cloud from cmdlets
- Whoa -- add scriptclass feature to generate unique hash codes (use psobject.members.gethashcode(), assuming it stays stable)
- Remove -force from remove- cmdlets
- Get-GraphApplicationServicePrincipal
- Rename GraphApplicationRegistration to GraphApplicationObject?
- Make app cmdlets use real time types
- Add times to new-graphapplication and new-localgraphcertificate
- Add full pipeline support to consent commands
- make token cache per app for v2 auth at least
- Add confidential client to user auth for app creation and commands
- Make new-graphapplication explicitly use confidential / public
- Remove graphuri from getauthcontext
- Simplify token cache
- fix scriptclass issue where argument names collide with the invoke method in scriptclass
- Add app creation, enumeration, update
- Add automatic tenantid detection
- Add parameter to disconnect-graph
- Make connect-graph support confidential delegated user
- Consistency in noninteractiveauth names
- Simplify parametersets on new-graphapplication, others
- Fix psm1
- Fix copyrights
- Update README
- Remove Get-GraphSchema
- Remove Get-GraphVersion
- Fix bug in scopehelper where we return all scopes when asked only for delegated
- Get module to install and function on Linux
- Fix output for remote ps sessions in device code login
- Add -value parameter
- clean error stream
- Update to latest msal / adal
- make connect-graph and new-graphconnection have same arguments or make an alias
- Set-GraphApplicationConsent, New-GraphApplication parameter renaming to clarify permissions, public vs. confidential: -AppPermissions, -DelegatedUserPermissions, -NoConsent -ConsentUser -ConfidentialClient -PublicClient
- Remove-GraphApplicationConsent should remove approleassignments
- Add support for test endpoints by allowing alternate resource for endpoint uri
- Make comments start at beginning of command
- Make Get-GraphToken take all params from new-graphconnection and get-graphconnection
- Add client-side correlationid
- Add logging implementation
- Change Get-GraphItem, Remove-GraphItem to Get-GraphResource, Remove-GraphResource
- Change name of ODataFilter parameter on several commands to Filter
- Add ToAbsoluteUri method GraphUtilities
- Make property parameter second positional parameter
- Use begin / process / end for Invoke-GraphRequest and Get-GraphResource commands
- Add 'NoRequest' mode to output what request would have been made.
- Make Uri argument a non-array
- Add delta
- Parse odata context
- Use a new appid hosted in a normal aad tenant rather than a consumer-initiated tenant
- Add useragent to connection commands
- Add Get-GraphProfileSettings, Select-GraphProfileSettings
- Add Get-GraphConnection, Remove-GraphConnection
- Add Get-GraphProfileSettings, Select-GraphProfile
- Add Get-GraphConnection, Select-GraphConnection
- Allow named connections
- Support certificate paths to certificate files outside of the certificate store to allow apponly support on Linux
- Add -NoProfile option to Connect-GraphApi to remove impact of profiles on connections
- Add request and response sizes to basic log level log entries
- Add AllResults option to Get-GraphResource and Invoke-GraphRequest, and corresponding preference variable
- Support for eventual consistency options in Graph requests
- Make public client apps aad only by default for multi-tenant apps
- Add the Count parameter to Invoke-GraphRequest and Get-GraphResource to return the count of results instead of the results using OData $count when supported
- Fix intra-entity requests
- Add Get-LastGraphResponse with view parameters
- Color for Get-GraphConnectionInfo
- Enable color schemes
- Swap method and size fields in get-graphlog default view?
- Add alias for get-graphconnectioninfo
- Add Set-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Should add Set-GraphApplicationCertificate (was Add-GraphApplicationCertificate)
- Add file output to new-graphlocalcertificate
- Should add Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Disable auto-cert generation for apps, make it opt-in everywhere (not just Linux) and add warnings
- Change size in Get-GraphLog to ResponseRawContentSize field
- Remove Get-GraphSchema
- Remove Get-GraphVersion
- Add useragent to connection commands
- Add Get-GraphProfileSettings, Select-GraphProfileSettings
- Add Get-GraphConnection, Remove-GraphConnection
- Allow named connections
- Fix New-GraphApplicationCertificate to correctly handle file system-based certificates
- Formatting for application
- Add Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Fix $app | get-graphapplicationcertificate | remove-graphapplicationcertificate
- Fix Get-GraphError to just use the log
- Add formatting to Get-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Formatting for get-graphapplicationcertificate
- Outputtype for application certificate commands
- outputtype for application commands
- Make GraphConnectionStatus commands not return connection info :(
- Add Select-GraphConnection
- Change get-graphconnectioninfo to get-graphcurrentconnection
- Add additionalproperties parameter to New-GraphApplication
- Rename *-grapphprofilesettings to *-graphprofile
- Add CertificatePath option to New-GraphLocalCertificate and New-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Add thumbprint option to Set-GraphApplicationCertificate
- Add view to get-grapherror
- Set-GraphApplicationCertificate to set to an existing certificate
- Add named graph connections
- Add connection enumeration
- Add return types to cmdlets
- View for graph application
- Increase default cert key size
- Add formatting for get-graphapplicationserviceprincipal
- Use browser for powershell core auth by default except on Linux
- Don't request user.read by default, use nothing # looks like you don't need to explicitly request '.default' with MSAL
- Re-implement test-graph
- Validate user confidential flow in profile
- Add
- Add Test-GraphSettings
- Prevent removal of a context if it is the current context
- Remove AADGraph support
- Remove ADAL
- Added Index parameter to Get-GraphLog
- Make ggl alias First for newest and Last for oldest
- Rename Get-GraphToken to Get-GraphAccessToken
- Make Register-GraphApplication use the formatting for service principal
- Remove publisherdomain from serviceprincipal output as the property does not exist
- Fix New-GraphConnection name parameter returning unnamed?!!!
- Fix missing redirecturi in connection format output
- NOREPRO: Fix errors missing headers and other information in the log
- Fix Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate by keyid removing other keys!!!
- Make exportedcertficatepath member of new-graph*certificate use a fully qualified path
- Fix unnecessary token acquisitions
- New-GraphApplicationCertificate -NoCertCredential parameter does not work for the parameter set with -AppId and -CertOutputDirectory
- Add GraphResponseObject type to any created items like application, consent output
- Add tags to get-graphapplication
- Rename some consent parameters in New-GraphApplication for consistency with other commands.
- Normalize command parameters for consent across all commands
- Fix empty sets with get-graphresource returning non-null object
- Remove nuget.exe and nuspec from build process, use only modern csproj and dotnet tool
- Fix Remove-Graph bug in RemoveContext method of LogicalGraphManager
- transform schema, version objects to hashtables
- Delay schema parsing at startup -- this didn't seem to improve startup perf, and the sleep we inserted took effect after the module was available for user input, which itself had a 10s + delay. Optimizing that delay would seem to be in order before putting in a delay to processing.
- Make content column actually add the columns
- Add hint of additional records
- Add continue feature?
- Test Release
- Remove enums
- Fix missing keyid output column in new-graphapplicationcertificate -- maybe not worth it as it's a basic limitation of the API with unfortunate workarounds (i.e. another REST request to do a GET because the response is empty).
- Should Get-GraphApplication throw when the app is not found?
- Get-GraphItem -offline # offline retrieves type data, requires metadata download
- Get-GraphChildItems -offline # offline retrieves type data, requires metadata download
- Show content in default list view?
- Change listview content from name to id?
- Make public graph items have id instead of name
- switch to 3 columns by default -- remove class
- Move some data to info, possibly show rwx
- Make token caches per app-per cloud.
- Use argumentcompleter advanced parameter rather than registerparametercompleter
- Emit header object in get-graphchilditem ? -- handled with ps format xml
- Add $ref? Is this New-GraphItemReference, or New-GraphItem with a reference option? -- handled with other commands in another module
- Add -filter to get-graphschema
- New-GraphApplicationCertificate with -noupload option
- Fix ScopeHelper => GetPermissionsByName to allow failures to be ignored
- Fix deserialization of scriptproperty members
- Performance of method calls through |=> rather than .
- Make default display of objects sane
- Fix initializers, use scriptblock for non-string object types
- Add private methods
- Private fields
- strict-val for pscustomobjects
- remove script-level variables
- inheritance
- Store methods per class rather than per instance to save space
- Fixed deserialization of scriptmethod members
In order to authenticate as a user, you need the following:
- An AppID -- this can just be hard-coded into the app
- A login endpoint
- A graph endpoint
- User credentials
- A tenant for the user credentials in the case of aad
- An authentication method
In order to authenticate as an app, you need the same thing, except
1a. You need a unique app id 4a. Instead of user credentials, you need an app secret
The model contains the following entities:
- Connection
- Endpoint
- Login endpoint - 2
- graph endpoint - 3
- Kind
- Auth method - 6
- Identity
- Tenant - 5
- App
- ID - 1, 1a
- Secret - 4a
- Kind
- User name - 4
- Token - 4, 4a
- Endpoint
So, this corresponds to the following non-leaf objects or enums from the list above:
class GraphConnection
class GraphEndpoint
enum GraphKind
enum AuthMethod
These issues have been addressed -- see following section for details.
A key issue now is that each method is duplicated for every instance -- actually twice, since the type data is part of the instance and includes the entire class script.
A related problem is that of serialization. Currently methods and even hidden members are serialized as snapshots.
We might be able to use a type adapter to better solve the latter problem: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/besidethepoint/2011/11/22/psobject-and-the-adapted-and-extended-type-systems-ats-and-ets/ Derive from PSPropertyAdapter
In general though we need to simplify ScriptClass objects. Here are a few notes:
- NoteProperty members are serialized as you would expect, i.e. as JSON representations of themselves (expanded if their state is non-scalar).
- NoteProperty members of type ScriptBlock are tostring()'d as the full script representation of the ScriptBlock, causing problems objects like ScriptClass (not good)
- ScriptProperty members are serialized as the output of calling the ScriptBlock, so a ScriptProperty with a highly complex function will still be serialized as the string form of "2" if that's what the function returns (good)
- Properties that are not part of the DefaultDisplayPropertySet are serialized anyway -- not good as these include "hidden" properties underlying the type
- ScriptMethod members are a good alternative to ScriptProperty members for read-only members that you want to prevent from being serialized and are ok with being "hidden" from property enumeration via DefaultDisplayPropertySet
The solution to the duplication problem and in some ways the formatting problem is something like the following:
- Make ScriptClass a ScriptMethod and implement set it to a DefaultDisplayProperty. It should return a value from the class table. It should also be hidden. The ScriptClass will look up the ScriptClass to find the actual class in the state table.
- Make all methods just invoke methods from the class table
- Make PSTypeName hidden unless it helps with type adapters
Now we need to add ToHashTable() -- this can be used eliminate the hidden members and then it can be serialized. In theory we can deserialize from it as well via a type adapter.
- Method duplication: Methods are actually defined in an external table referenced by the class, and there is only one instance of that table
Ok, you can grab the entire data model (e.g. type definitions and associations) from the root of the versioned graph service + $metadata
, i.e. https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata
. While consuming it can be rather convoluted for my purposes, it appears we can use it to answer the following questions which are key to our use cases:
- An object was just returned to me -- what is its schematized type definition?
- If I traverse a navigation property, what type will I get back?
So it looks like we can use the @odata.context
returned in every response. Here's how I think it works:
Let's say you get an @odata.context
like the following after a GET
to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root/children. You'll get an @odata.context
like this:
@odata.context : https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('5e3d030a-cb5c-4c5e-afbe-3c4513c2c962')/drive/root/children/$entity
Ok, so the alphanumeric string after $metadata
is the entity set that contains the type, i.e. users
. Now if you've already retrieved all the metadata (you need to pre-process and cache it -- it's huge), just look up the entity set and get the entitytype
object -- you'll get Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User
And now you have the type.
Imagine that you've retrieved an entity and you'd like to know what other entities are reachable from it. How do you do this? The ability to get the type for an entity or entity set as described earlier is what helps us here:
- Get the type of the entity as described in the previous section
- Enumerate the navigation properties of that type
- Each navigation property has a "Target" attribute -- this is the entity set that this property returns
- Use the entity set again as above to obtain the actual type
The tricks described earlier, combined with some knowledge of how Graph constructs URL's, will let you determine how to find the next possible segments in the URL. We'll describe the algorithm below. To make it easier to understand, we give some analogies for OData terminology that pervades the schema:
- Entity: These are essentially "objects" that can be described with a schema. The schema is a set of properties with unique names within the entity. An entity has exactly one schema that describes it. Each property has a scalar or complex type and an associated value that conforms to that type.
- EntityType: This is the infinite class of all entities that share the same schema that could ever exist. Each EntityType is associated with exactly one EntitySet.
- EntitySet: One or more finite subsets of an EntityType -- it can be thought of as a database table, where each row is an entity. Rows may have different columns depending on the EntityType of the entity for that row
- Singleton: An alias to a single instance of a particular entity that is accessed outside the context of an EntitySet
- Navigation property: this is a property whose value is itself a subset of some EntitySet.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Every Entity is a member of exactly one and only one EntitySet.
- EntitySets can contain entities of more than one EntityType
An important (to me) note is that the name Graph is constantly invoked but its descriptive applicability is never explained in any reference I've seen. I use the definitions from the data model above to suggest a clear definition how of the Graph conforms to the technical definition of Graph:
Graph can be described as a graph because its data model can be mapped to the formal definition of graph. Specifically, a graph is an object G(V,E) where V is a set of of vertices and E is a set of ordered pairs (u,v) where u and v are members of V. This has an exact correspondence for Graph where union of the data model's EntitySet corresponds to V, and all entities in the graph are the members of V. The edges E correspond to each ordered pair of entities such that a navigation property of the first entity in the pair refers to a set that contains the second entity in the pair.
To put it simply, entities are the vertices of the graph, and navigation properties are the (sets) of edges.
And here are some axioms about how Graph URL's are structured with regard to the data model. In dicussing the URL, we ignore the service URI and its version, segment e.g. we will not mention https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/
- The first URL segment is either the name of an EntitySet or a Singleton
- The second segment is either an entity identifier if the first segment was an EntitySet, or a navigation property if the first was a singleton
- Any segment after the two above is either an entity if the preceding segment referred to a navigation property, or a navigation property if the preceding segment was an entity set.
In generic graph terms, the Graph URL segments are structured in the following way if we consider each segment a vertex, and say that there is an edge from one segment to another if that segment can precede the other segment in the URL:
- There exists a set of vertices with no incoming edges. These vertices are labeled either singletons or entitysets. These vertices can reach every other vertex in the graph that is not a singleton or entityset vertex, and these are the only such vertices.
- For all other vertices there is at least one incoming edge -- these vertices are called entities.
- Singleton vertices and entitiy vertices, there is an edge to one more more entity vertices if that entity contains a non-empty navigation property
With the above definitions, we can obtain the possible values for the next segment from the previous segment. Note that in order to retrieve entities, we need to actually query the Graph service, but schematically we can usually refer to a placeholder since the entity will have a specific entiytype in all cases except where it is preceded by an entityset segment. In the case of entitysets, the specific type is ambiguous in many cases, i.e. where the set of all schemas defines more than one type as included in an entityset. In the worst case, we could allow interrogators to select from a list of possible types and then continue to traverse the URI.
Here is an algorithm:
Let R be the set of the names of all singletons and entitysets from the schema. We define the root of URI R to be the versioned service URI S, e.g. https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0. If U is a graph URI of the form S/U1/U2/...UN
where S is the predecessor of U1 and UN-1 is the predecessor of UN, the successor of segment UN can be determined as follows:
If S is the predecessor of UN, then UN may be the name of any of the members of R
If the predecessor of UN is an entityset or a navigationproperty that returns a collection, then UN may be any of the identifiers of any of the entities in the entityset or returned by the navigation property. A query can be made to determine those identifiers.
If the predecessor of UN is an entityset or a navigationproperty that returns a single entity, then UN may be any of the navigation properties of the type of the entity returned by the navigation property.
If the predecessor of UN is a singleton or an entity identifier, then UN may be the name of any of the navigation properties of the singleton or entity
PowerShell's default ls
(i.e. get-childitem) and Unix's ls
both have a "mode" column that gives compressed information about the item in the list. Output can be very repetitive for class
and type
fields, especially when enumerating a collection, so compressing this into one field and then using one field for something that's unique, say the actual content, could be more appealing.
For example, this:
Relation Class Type Name
-------- ----- ---- ----
Collection EntitySet contract contracts
Data Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
Data Singleton deviceManagement deviceManagement
Collection EntitySet device devices
Data Singleton directory directory
Collection EntitySet directoryObject directoryObjects
Collection EntitySet directoryRole directoryRoles
Collection EntitySet directoryRoleTemplate directoryRoleTemplates
Collection EntitySet domainDnsRecord domainDnsRecords
Could be
Location (bool) , Source (bool), Kind (char), Size (bool
Kind Entityset Singleton entityType Action Function Navigation
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
lg* EntitySet contract contracts
lm Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g Action device devices
m Function directory directory
lg Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or ok
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
lg* EntitySet contract contracts
lm- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
-m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
-g- Action device devices
-m- Function directory directory
lg- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
lg* EntitySet contract contracts
lm- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
-m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
-g-? Action device devices
-m- Function directory directory
lg- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
++* EntitySet contract contracts
+- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
--* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
-+ Action device devices
-- Function directory directory
++ Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
++* EntitySet contract contracts
+ Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
+ Action device devices
Function directory directory
++ Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
l+* EntitySet contract contracts
l Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
+ Action device devices
Function directory directory
l+ Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
.+* EntitySet contract contracts
. Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
+ Action device devices
Function directory directory
.+ Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or ok
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>+* EntitySet contract contracts
> Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
+ Action device devices
Function directory directory
>+ Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>+* EntitySet contract contracts
>-- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
--* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
-+- Action device devices
--- Function directory directory
>+- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
or no
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>g* EntitySet contract contracts
>m- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
-m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
-g- Action device devices
-m- Function directory directory
>g- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>g* EntitySet contract contracts
>m- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g- Action device devices
m- Function directory directory
>g- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
g* > EntitySet contract contracts
m- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g ? Action device devices
m- > Function directory directory
g- > Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
g* > EntitySet contract contracts
m Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g ? Action device devices
m > Function directory directory
g > Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>g* EntitySet contract contracts
>m Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g Action device devices
m Function directory directory
>g Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>g* EntitySet contract contracts
>m Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g ? Action device devices
m Function directory directory
>g Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
>g* EntitySet contract contracts
>m- Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
m* EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g-? Action device devices
m- Function directory directory
>g- Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Info Class Type Name
---- ----- ---- ----
*g > EntitySet contract contracts
m > Singleton deviceAppManagement deviceAppManagement
*m EntityType deviceManagement deviceManagement
g? Action device devices
m Function directory directory
g > Navigation directoryObject directoryObjects
Here are the cmdlets using -json:
- Invoke-GraphRequest
- Get-GraphItem.ps1
- Get-GraphSchema.ps1
- Get-GraphVersion.ps1
- Test-Graph.ps1
- Get-GraphChildItem.ps1
The 'Class' column is not very useful -- other than at the root, it's always the same for all results when actions and funtions are excluded, which is the normal case.
So let's stick it in the Info column. '>' is equivalent to 'not executable.'
Hmm, didn't like it :(.
Update: added 'Preview' column, so we ended up removing the 'Class' column and moving it to 'Info,' so in the end we did do a version of this.
I thought it was possible to specify a named parameter more than once in a PowerShell cmdlet, looks like this is not the case. In that case, to support multi-column sorts with arbitrary ascending / descending directions, we'll have to go beyond basic parameters and add extra interpretation to the values. Unfortunate.
Here's an attempt
ggi /me/messages -first 10 -orderby Received -descending
ggi /me/messages -first 10 -orderby Received -descending
ggi /me/messages -first 10 -orderby @{Received=$true;Sender=$false}