To install the web client in a React application, add the snippet inside the <head> tag of index.html
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
If your application contains arguments in the URL's path, you likely want to
record custom page IDs so that the arguments can be removed and the pages will
be properly aggregated in CloudWatch. For example, if we have two URLs
, we likely
want to remove the user ID from the path so that the page ID is /user
for both
For React applications, we can use a React Router hook to record a custom page ID:
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
declare function cwr(operation: string, payload: any): void;
const Container = () => {
let location = useLocation();
React.useEffect(() => {
cwr("recordPageView", location.pathname);
}, [location]);
return (
{<MyComponent />}
export default Container;
React intercepts uncaught JavaScript errors that originate within the React
application. Because React intercepts these errors, they will not be recorded by
the web client. This can be fixed by adding error
that record uncaught errors using the web client's recordError
declare function cwr(operation: string, payload: any): void;
class App extends Component {
componentDidCatch(error, info) {
cwr('recordError', error);