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Helm Charts

The provided Helm charts help setting up and configure Ontoserver in a Kubernetes Cluster. They provide deployment sources for the services and the Ingress Controllers and are parameterised to allow different kinds of setups, depending on what Ingress Controller is chosen.

Before you install the charts make sure the specific variables for your set up are set correctly in the chart's example custom_values.yaml that overwrites the default values.yaml file in the actual Helm chart sources.

Ontoserver Helm chart

This Helm Chart installs Ontoserver on a Kubernetes Cluster with settings that can be customised by the externalised variables. The default settings are located in helm/ontoserver/ontoserver/values.yaml file. These settings are overwritten in helm/ontoserver/ontoserver_values.yaml file when deploying the chart using the helm/ontoserver/ deployment script. By default the deployment script expects that you set ONTOSERVER_NAMESPACE environment variable is set properly and DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD environment variables exported if you get the Ontoserver image from Please read the comments in the script how to set these variables and why are they part of the script.

Please note actual Ontoserver dot notated configuration settings should be under ontoserver.config in the values .yaml files. The available configuration items are listed in the documentation at E.g.: Ontoserver's conformance.experimental: 'false' should look like this:

     conformance.experimental: 'false'

Also note for Ontoserver configuration items true and false values need to be enclosed in single quote ' as these will be passed as environment variables to the docker image.

Here is a list of variables that are most likely to be customised for a new Ontoserver deployment.

Setting Description
ontoserver.image Name and version of the Ontoserver docker image. If is used as a source docker repository this would be set to<ctsa-version>. For images repoSecret.enabled has to be set to true and all settings under repoSecret need to be provided
ontoserver.internalHostName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host name of the deployed Ontoserver running in Kubernetes. This setting is used for the ingress controller. If Nginx ingress controller is used can define this name . The ingress controller will create the following DNS name <azure-dns-label-name>.<az-zone> This might also be set to an Azure Application Gateway's Public IP address's DNS setting if AGIC is used as ingress controller.
ontoserver.hostName FQDN where the Ontoserver deployment will be accessed from. This could be different from internalHostName for example if the deployment is using a customised domain name set in a CDN in front of the deployment. This setting is used for Ontoserver advertised urls.
ontoserver.timeZone The time zone of the deployed server in tz format. List of tz database time zones.
ontoserver.persistence.* ontoserver.persistence.enabled set to true tells the deployment to set up disks for storing Ontoserver indexes and the internal database files. You can use the default PersistentVolumeClaims or provide an Azure FileShare or Azure Disk for the ontoserver files, or an Azure Disk for the database. If ontoserver.database.external is set to true ontoserver.persistence.dbDiskName and ontoserver.persistence.dbDiskUri, or the PersistentVolumeClaim are not used and only the Ontoserver files volume is set.
ontoserver.resources.* This section sets the memory and the cpu Kubernetes limits for Ontoserver and for the database if an internal database running on Kubernetes.
ontoserver.config.* If any settings are provided under ontoserver.config variables it will be passed through to Ontoserver as an environment variable. So for example setting the following setup in the values files will set Ontoserver's conformance.publisher setting to ontoserver.config.conformance.publisher: Example
ontoserver.database.external If set to true the deployment will not set up an internal database running in a Kubernetes pod but Ontoserver will use a database hosted on
ontoserver.database.user and ontoserver.database.password Username and password to connect to an external database. This can be discarded when choosing the internal database running in a Kubernetes pod.
ontoserver.waitForPreloadSuccess If set to true the deployment sets up a Kubernetes readinessProbe that checks that ontoserver preload is successfully finished. Otherwise the readinessProbe will only check that Ontoserver started successfully.
ontoserver.customisation.mapname If this is set to anything but false the deployment mounts a custom stylesheet and a logo file for custom styling for CSIRO's Shrimp and Snapper apps. More on this at Customisation for Snapper section.
ontoserver.preload.bundle If this is set to anything but false the deployment mounts a preload.json file into the /data directory overwriting the default file in the container. The FHIR Bundle will be preloaded into Ontoserver at startup. Please note if you have preload feed set this bundle will not preload on startup unless you include file:///data/preload.json in your new feed.
ontoserver.preload.feed If this is set to anything but false the deployment mounts a preload.xml file into the /data directory overwriting the default file in the container. The content specified within the feed will be preloaded into Ontoserver at startup.
ontoserver.tolerations.* By default this setting is false otherwise it can be used to pass Kubernetes tolerations settings to the pod by adding -key configuration item(s) under it. For example it can be used to schedule the Ontoserver pod on an Azure non-spot node for high availability if the K8s Cluster has mixed spot and non-spot nodes More here
ingress.class This setting tells Kubernetes what kind of ingress class to use. The chart is set up to take ontoserver-nginx, the class name set under the nginx-ingress.* settings. It can also be set to azure/application-gateway or alb settings.
ingress.sslRedirect If you want to host Ontoserver on http you need to set this config item to false otherwise all http requests are redirected to https.
ingress.appgw.* These are settings for the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller. Here you can set sslcertificate - to use an Azure Application Gateway installed SSL certificate name - and requesttimeout to set request timeout in minutes.
ingress.alb.* AWS ALB ingress controller settings. loadBalancerGroup sets the name the ingress controller group belongs to. This is the ingress controller annotation. certificateArn is the Arn for the SSL certificate to be used for the endpoint. This is the annotation. Name to be used for the Azure generated DNS name when using nginx ingress controller. This will set the FQDN of Ontoserver to <name>.<az-zone>
nginx-ingress.controller.ingressClassResource.* and nginx-ingress.controller.ingressClass Unique name to be used for the instance of nginx ingress controller. Kubernetes 1.22.6+ requires Ingress class names to be unique accross all name spaces so the name nginx cannot be used for multiple Ingress resources. and nginx-ingress.controller.ingressClass should match and nginx-ingress.controller.ingressClassResource.controllerValue should have the name appended to
certmanager.enabled Set this to true if you have installed Kubernetes Cert Manager and you want to use it to manage SSL certificates for the ingress controller.
repoSecret.* These settings create a Docker credentials secret in Kubernetes to pass it for Docker repository authentication. It is used when the Ontoserver image is pulled from The repoSecret.dockerconfigjson setting need to be a base64 encoded Docker configuration file. A script is provided to help generate this configuration item ./ More on this here:

Customisation for Snapper

Some custom styling can be passed to Ontoserver using the Helm chart that shows custom branding in CSIRO's Shrimp and Snapper apps. The apps look for organisation.css and organisation_logo.png files in the server's Fhir endpoint's /.well-known/ location. More about this here. If you want to use your own branding you need to set ontoserver.customisation.mapname other than false and replace ontoserver/ontoserver/customisation/organisation.css and ontoserver/ontoserver/customisation/organisation_logo.png in the example.


Cert manager is Cloud native certificate manager solution for Kubernetes and OpenShift. It simplifies TLS certificate management and automates certificate renewal for Letsencrypt certificates.

Scripts are included to install Cert-manager on a Kubernetes Cluster and a cert-issuer Helm chart to install the required ClusterIssuer resource. The example uses Nginx http01 solver that requires an Nginx Ingress Controller to be installed in the cluster. Existing Nginx class names that are installed in the K8s cluster can be provided for example ontoserver-example-nginx but an included shell script can be used to install an nginx controller for this reason. cert-manager/

Use /cert-manager/ to install the cert-manager POD in the K8s cluster. Then customise the cert issuer scripts and install it using helm/cert-manager/

Make sure certmanager.enabled is set to true for the Ontoserver Helm charts to use this feature.