Initialization and update
— Methodinit_kcu!(kcu::KCU, set::KiteUtils.Settings)
Inititalze the model of the kite control unit (KCU). The actual and the set values of depower are initialized to set.depower_offset * 0.01, the actual and the set values of steering to zero.
— Functionon_timer(kcu::KCU, dt = 0.0)
Must be called at each clock tick. Parameter: Δt in seconds Updates the current values of steering and depower depending on the set values and the last value. If dt == 0.0, then it will be set to 1.0 / kcu.set.sample_freq .
Input and Output
— Methodset_depower_steering(kcu::KCU, depower, steering)
Set the values of depower and steering. The value for depower must be between 0.0 and 1.0, the value for steering between -1.0 and +1.0 . The steering value is multiplied by the constant kcu.set.cs_4p.
— Methodget_depower(kcu::KCU)
Read the current depower value. Result will be between 0.0 and 1.0.
— Methodget_steering(kcu::KCU)
Read the current steering value. Result will be between -1.0 and 1.0.
— Methodcalc_alpha_depower(kcu::KCU, rel_depower)
Calculate the change of the angle between the kite and the last tether segment [rad] as function of the actual rel_depower value.
Returns nothing
in case of error.