- [ ] darkroom aufsetzen für org mode
- [ ] long line mode für orgmode (only)
- [ ] vterm
- [ ] snippets support for autocompletion
- [X] org roam ui
- [X] org timeblock
- [X] magit todos
- [X] relative lines!!
- [X] vr/replace!!!
- [X] return to automatically insert new org item
- [X] proper keybinds
- [X] switch windows
- [X] switch buffer
- [X] comments
- [-] org roam
- [X] keybinds
- [X] cite ref function using cite: syntax
- [ ] automatically start org-roam-bibtex-mode
- [X] get bibtex integration
- [X] workspaces
- [X] fix keybinds and errors
- [X] treesitter
- [X] different modes
- [X] movement keybinds
- [X] search project
- [X] swiper integration
- [X] org agenda
- [X] evil
- [X] my agenda view
- [X] use correct files
- [X] prettify org mode
- [-] lsp
- [-] languages and servers
- [X] c
- [X] fortran (f90)
- [X] go
- [X] julia
- [X] python
- [ ] more?
- [X] autocompletion
- [X] fix sideline diagnostics!!
- [X] use cape file completion in lsp
- [X] goto references keybinds
- [-] languages and servers
- [ ] dashboard
- [ ] use enlight and grid.el and make smth cool looking
- [ ] convert termine into diary file, mark in dashboard calendar
- [-] latex
- [ ] Overall
- [X] In Org Mode
- [X] treemacs
- [X] lsp integration
- [X] themes
- [X] use C-J and C-K to scroll through lists
- [X] delete word with backspace ONLY in find file