ZXingCpp is a .NET wrapper for zxing-cpp.
There is a NuGet package available: https://www.nuget.org/packages/ZXingCpp. It does currently not yet contain the native binary dll file. That needs to be copied/build separately at the moment.
See either the ZXingCpp/README.md or the ZXingCpp.Demo project.
To run the ZXingCpp.Demo
sample program, it is important that the dotnet runtime finds the native
in your path. E.g. on Linux a complete command line would look like this
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<ZXing.so-path> dotnet run --project ZXingCpp.Demo -- ../../test/samples/multi-1/1.png
To compare the performance of this .NET wrapper project with other available barcode scanner .NET libraries, I started the project zxing-bench. The README contains a few results to get an idea.