2.0.0 (2024-04-30)
- Support for Figma Typography and Effect
- Allow CDN usage
- Handle cherry-picking for components
- Add Lottie Player components
- update AWC (8b21a67)
- Update Storybook
1.6.8 (2024-01-04)
- icon: Icon mutation error (52dad5a)
1.6.7 (2023-12-01)
- icon: Handle currentColor for spriteSheet SVG (2502efc)
1.6.6 (2023-11-30)
- file-upload: Update UI from Figma (10712d4)
1.6.5 (2023-11-30)
- Icon: handle incorrect loading attribute (3f996a0)
1.6.4 (2023-11-29)
- Github workflow (9452092)
1.6.3 (2023-11-29)
- Docker workflow (18ed935)
1.6.2 (2023-11-29)
- Helm deployment (cfdef92)
1.6.1 (2023-11-29)
1.6.0 (2023-11-28)
- block: Add drawer to navbar (d1d6f0e)
- carousel: Migrate to swiper (aee1534)
- components: add pagination component file and modify readme for rules to create a new component (8b34283)
- copy-button: Add copy-button (a8bfcc0)
- copy-button: Add copy-button (21731b9)
- file-upload: Add dropzone component (ff95fc7)
- listing: add footer css part (8ae5b8a)
- listing: add layout for reviews and add drawer on mobile for third listing (644b332)
- listing: begin listing block (d3faa32)
- listings: add blocks (89bdad3)
- map: add map layers (#16) (22d115d)
- megaMenu: add blocks (51f0e96)
- megaMenu: add responsive (ac3a641)
- navBar: add drawer logo and begin topNavBar (65dc10c)
- navBar: add missing drawers parameters (47a853a)
- navBar: add three layouts (334fab6)
- object3d: add hotspot and camera view (1cb5eed)
- object3d: add stories and documentation for modelViewer (c802259)
- pagination: add static pagination component (0f1bd3d)
- pagination: add translations, custom event declaration (b683cd8)
- pagination: begin componant (d52f955)
- pagination: wip (9fc4739)
- rating: add missing styles (243f484)
- search: add search block (b627709)
- topNavBar: add rating rate and layout for topNavBar (312d869)
- topNavBar: finish (d297bf3)
- typography: deprecate typography (df8cdc1)
- add Tailwind preset (3e14465)
- align code (8164b61)
- Allow card to open an URL (383961b)
- Allow card to open an URL (cda0e61)
- buttons: handle figma token changes (c7b75b1)
- code style (c11faae)
- Codepen React sample (e6d1ea5)
- docs: cleanup old docs (f2f569a)
- file-upload: handle dark theme (9f8f423)
- install: add cmds to init project (cebca7f)
- map: typo in zoom control (58a3ce0)
- pagination: handle paginate (a3829a8)
- perfs: add lazyload for icon (7613345)
- plop: make creator working (85d435e)
- rating: follow lit convention (e7ad149)
- React components (3efc87c)
- react: Fix React .d.ts files to import from valid path; (1b3e0a6)
- react: fix react wrapper build (d4df2b1)
- react: handle build process to add react-wrapper in package (26576f9)
- skeleton: removes duplicative style declaration in the skeleton component (24a2c09)
- stepper: Add stepper components (8b5aeea)
- tailwind: correct tailwind preset path (5037750)
- textarea: border color css var typo (3362ba3)
- translations: Update translations (acd92a2)
- translations: Update translations (d557de8)
- update buttons from figma (cf03327)
- update docs (cc169a8)
- update docs npm (bf9e735)
- Update Plop generator with stories (3e9eae6)
1.5.8 (2023-11-28)
- update buttons from figma (cf03327)
1.5.7 (2023-11-28)
- update docs (cc169a8)
1.5.6 (2023-11-24)
- buttons: handle figma token changes (c7b75b1)
1.5.5 (2023-11-23)
- stepper: Add stepper components (8b5aeea)
1.5.4 (2023-11-22)
- docs: cleanup old docs (f2f569a)
- react: Fix React .d.ts files to import from valid path; (1b3e0a6)
- skeleton: removes duplicative style declaration in the skeleton component (24a2c09)
1.5.3 (2023-11-22)
- react: handle build process to add react-wrapper in package (26576f9)
1.5.2 (2023-11-22)
1.5.1 (2023-11-21)
- map: typo in zoom control (58a3ce0)
1.5.0 (2023-11-21)
1.4.0 (2023-11-17)
- block: Add drawer to navbar (d1d6f0e)
- carousel: Migrate to swiper (aee1534)
- components: add pagination component file and modify readme for rules to create a new component (8b34283)
- copy-button: Add copy-button (a8bfcc0)
- copy-button: Add copy-button (21731b9)
- file-upload: Add dropzone component (ff95fc7)
- listing: add footer css part (8ae5b8a)
- listing: add layout for reviews and add drawer on mobile for third listing (644b332)
- listing: begin listing block (d3faa32)
- listings: add blocks (89bdad3)
- megaMenu: add blocks (51f0e96)
- megaMenu: add responsive (ac3a641)
- navBar: add drawer logo and begin topNavBar (65dc10c)
- navBar: add missing drawers parameters (47a853a)
- navBar: add three layouts (334fab6)
- object3d: add hotspot and camera view (1cb5eed)
- object3d: add stories and documentation for modelViewer (c802259)
- pagination: add static pagination component (0f1bd3d)
- pagination: add translations, custom event declaration (b683cd8)
- pagination: begin componant (d52f955)
- pagination: wip (9fc4739)
- rating: add missing styles (243f484)
- search: add search block (b627709)
- topNavBar: add rating rate and layout for topNavBar (312d869)
- topNavBar: finish (d297bf3)
- typography: deprecate typography (df8cdc1)
- add Tailwind preset (3e14465)
- align code (8164b61)
- Allow card to open an URL (383961b)
- Allow card to open an URL (cda0e61)
- code style (c11faae)
- Codepen React sample (e6d1ea5)
- file-upload: handle dark theme (9f8f423)
- install: add cmds to init project (cebca7f)
- pagination: handle paginate (a3829a8)
- plop: make creator working (85d435e)
- rating: follow lit convention (e7ad149)
- React components (3efc87c)
- tailwind: correct tailwind preset path (5037750)
- textarea: border color css var typo (3362ba3)
- translations: Update translations (acd92a2)
- translations: Update translations (d557de8)
- Update Plop generator with stories (3e9eae6)
1.3.0 (2023-11-17)
- object3d: add stories and documentation for modelViewer (c802259)
- tailwind: correct tailwind preset path (5037750)
1.2.1 (2023-11-13)
- file-upload: handle dark theme (9f8f423)
1.2.0 (2023-11-13)
- block: Add drawer to navbar (d1d6f0e)
- carousel: Migrate to swiper (aee1534)
- components: add pagination component file and modify readme for rules to create a new component (8b34283)
- file-upload: Add dropzone component (ff95fc7)
- listing: add footer css part (8ae5b8a)
- listing: add layout for reviews and add drawer on mobile for third listing (644b332)
- listing: begin listing block (d3faa32)
- listings: add blocks (89bdad3)
- megaMenu: add blocks (51f0e96)
- megaMenu: add responsive (ac3a641)
- navBar: add drawer logo and begin topNavBar (65dc10c)
- navBar: add missing drawers parameters (47a853a)
- navBar: add three layouts (334fab6)
- pagination: add static pagination component (0f1bd3d)
- pagination: add translations, custom event declaration (b683cd8)
- pagination: begin componant (d52f955)
- pagination: wip (9fc4739)
- rating: add missing styles (243f484)
- search: add search block (b627709)
- topNavBar: add rating rate and layout for topNavBar (312d869)
- topNavBar: finish (d297bf3)
- typography: deprecate typography (df8cdc1)
- install: add cmds to init project (cebca7f)
- pagination: handle paginate (a3829a8)
- plop: make creator working (85d435e)
- rating: follow lit convention (e7ad149)
- textarea: border color css var typo (3362ba3)
- translations: Update translations (acd92a2)
- translations: Update translations (d557de8)
1.1.1 (2023-11-02)
1.1.0 (2023-09-25)
- copy-button: Add copy-button (a8bfcc0)
1.0.4 (2023-07-19)
- React components (3efc87c)
1.0.3 (2023-07-19)
- Codepen React sample (e6d1ea5)
1.0.2 (2023-07-19)
- code style (c11faae)
1.0.1 (2023-07-19)
- add Tailwind preset (3e14465)
- Allow card to open an URL (383961b)
- Allow card to open an URL (cda0e61)
- Allow card to open an URL (cda0e61)