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166 lines (91 loc) · 5.65 KB


File metadata and controls

166 lines (91 loc) · 5.65 KB

File conversions

csv to json

import csv,json;reader = csv.DictReader(open('data/example.csv', 'r'), fieldnames=( "User","Country","Age"))
out=open('data/out.json','w'); out.write(json.dumps([row for row in reader]))

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. Converts a given file of comma separated values to json and store it in another file. The csv used here doesn't contain headers for the columns.

csv.DictReader(open('data/example.csv', 'r'), fieldnames=( "User","Country","Age")) gets us the DictReader object from the csv file with three columns specified as fieldnames. json.dumps([row for row in reader]), converts the json object to string for writing it in output file and out.write() method writes the data into the file.

To run it for arbitrary files

$ python -c "import csv,json,sys;reader = csv.DictReader(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'), fieldnames=( "User","Country","Age"));out=open('data/out.json','w'); out.write(json.dumps([row for row in reader]))" data/example.csv

json to csv

import json, csv; _json=json.loads(open('data/example.json', 'r').read())
out=open('data/converted.csv', 'w')
[out.write(','.join([x[x.keys()[i]] for i in range(len(x))]) + '\n')  for x in _json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. The code above creates a csv file from a json file.

json.loads(open('data/example.json', 'r').read()) Creates a json object from json file.

Base64 encoding

import base64;base64.encode(open('data/100west.txt', 'r'), open('data/encoded.txt', 'w'))

Converts an input file to base64 encoded file.

To run it for arbitrary files

$ python -c "import base64,sys,sys;base64.encode(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'), open('data/encoded.txt', 'w'))" data/test.txt

Base64 decoding

import base64;base64.decode(open('data/encoded.txt', 'r'), open('data/decoded.txt', 'w'))

Decodes the base64 encoded file back to its original encoding.

To run it for arbitrary files

$ python -c "import base64,sys;base64.decode(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'), open('data/decoded.txt', 'w'))" data/test.txt

Zip all .txt files in directory

import zipfile, os; myzip = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w'); [myzip.write(each) for each in os.listdir() if each.endswith('.txt')]

Creates a zip file called of all the .txt files present in your current directory. zipfile.ZipFile creates a new zip file. os.listdir() lists all the files in the current directory.

To run it for arbitrary directory. You must provide the absolute path to the directory

$ python -c "import zipfile,os,sys; myzip=zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w'); [myzip.write(each) for each in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]) if each.endswith('.txt')]" /User/xyz/files/

Batch rename files in directory

python -c "import sys,os,re;[os.rename(sys.argv[1]+'/'+each, sys.argv[1]+'/'+re.sub('.txt', '.rst', each)) for each in os.listdir(sys.argv[1])]" ./data

Change all files with .txt extension to .rst.

Copy all files in directory to add .bak extension

python -c "import shutil,sys,os,re;[shutil.copyfile(sys.argv[1]+'/'+each, sys.argv[1]+'/'+re.sub('.ext', '.bak.ext', each)) for each in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]) if (each.endswith('.ext') and not each.endswith('.bak.ext'))]" ./data

Copy all files with name filename.ext to filename.bak.ext

Find all python files in directory which are less than 280 chars, excepting lines which start with a #

def return_character_count(_file):
    count=sum([len(each) for each in open(_file, 'rb') if not each.startswith(b'#') and len(each) <=280])
    return _file if count<=280 else None
[return_character_count(each) for each in os.listdir() if each.endswith('.py')]

Finds all the files in a directory which contains code of 280 characters or less (excluding comments).

Managing your downloads folder

import os,shutil, datetime as dt;result_dict={};download_dir='~/Desktop/'
[result_dict.setdefault(dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(download_dir+each)), '%Y-%m'), []).append(each) for each in os.listdir(download_dir) if os.path.isfile(download_dir+each)]
for x in result_dict: new_dir = download_dir+x+'/'; os.makedirs(new_dir, exist_ok=True);[shutil.move(download_dir+each, new_dir+each) for each in result_dict[x]]

When you download files, it generally goes ~/Downloads. This folder grows and becomes unwieldy as time goes.

So to manage this, we will create a folder of format YYYY-MM in the ~/Downloads folder and move all files to the correct folder.

prettify json

import json; json.dumps([{"one":123,"two":455,"three":789}], indent=4)

Returns a prettified json string for the given json object. The above json object will be converted as below:

        "one": 123,
        "two": 455,
        "three": 789

convert CSV to sqlite