diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index caf619d..09661b9 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -4,3 +4,9 @@ node_modules/ secrets.json tests/spec/ vendor/ +/MapView.js +MapView.js.map +/extentRouter.js +extentRouter.js.map +resources/MapView.css +resources/MapView.css.map diff --git a/ExtentRouter.js b/ExtentRouter.js deleted file mode 100644 index 884120b..0000000 --- a/ExtentRouter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// TODO: -// initRouter: function () { -// // summary: -// // sets up the url router for persisting the map extent -// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::initRouter', arguments); -// -// var that = this; -// var urlObj = ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()); -// var options = { -// scale: parseInt(urlObj.scale, 10), -// center: new Point({ -// x: parseInt(urlObj.x, 10), -// y: parseInt(urlObj.y, 10), -// spatialReference: {wkid: 3857} -// }) -// }; -// this.on('load', function () { -// if (urlObj.x && urlObj.y && urlObj.scale) { -// that.setScale(options.scale); -// that.centerAt(options.center); -// } -// that.on('extent-change', lang.hitch(that, 'updateExtentHash')); -// }); -// -// return (options.scale && options.center.x && options.center.y) ? options : {}; -// }, -// updateExtentHash: function () { -// // summary: -// // sets the extent props in the url hash -// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::updateExtentHash', arguments); -// -// var center = this.extent.getCenter(); -// if (center.x && center.y) { -// // mixin any existing url props to allow for other routers -// var newProps = lang.mixin(ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()), { -// x: Math.round(center.x), -// y: Math.round(center.y), -// scale: Math.round(this.getScale()) -// }); -// -// return hash(ioQuery.objectToQuery(newProps), true); -// } -// } -//# sourceMappingURL=ExtentRouter.js.map diff --git a/ExtentRouter.js.map b/ExtentRouter.js.map deleted file mode 100644 index fe51e8c..0000000 --- a/ExtentRouter.js.map +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"version":3,"sources":["_src/ExtentRouter.js"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA","file":"ExtentRouter.js","sourcesContent":["// TODO:\n// initRouter: function () {\n// // summary:\n// // sets up the url router for persisting the map extent\n// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::initRouter', arguments);\n//\n// var that = this;\n// var urlObj = ioQuery.queryToObject(hash());\n// var options = {\n// scale: parseInt(urlObj.scale, 10),\n// center: new Point({\n// x: parseInt(urlObj.x, 10),\n// y: parseInt(urlObj.y, 10),\n// spatialReference: {wkid: 3857}\n// })\n// };\n// this.on('load', function () {\n// if (urlObj.x && urlObj.y && urlObj.scale) {\n// that.setScale(options.scale);\n// that.centerAt(options.center);\n// }\n// that.on('extent-change', lang.hitch(that, 'updateExtentHash'));\n// });\n//\n// return (options.scale && options.center.x && options.center.y) ? options : {};\n// },\n// updateExtentHash: function () {\n// // summary:\n// // sets the extent props in the url hash\n// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::updateExtentHash', arguments);\n//\n// var center = this.extent.getCenter();\n// if (center.x && center.y) {\n// // mixin any existing url props to allow for other routers\n// var newProps = lang.mixin(ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()), {\n// x: Math.round(center.x),\n// y: Math.round(center.y),\n// scale: Math.round(this.getScale())\n// });\n//\n// return hash(ioQuery.objectToQuery(newProps), true);\n// }\n// }\n"]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js index 89f9bf3..9b6e915 100644 --- a/Gruntfile.js +++ b/Gruntfile.js @@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) { ] } }, + exec: { + main: { + cmd: 'node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js --config=tests/e2e/jasmine.json' + }, + debug: { + cmd: 'DEBUG=true node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js --config=tests/e2e/jasmine.json' + } + }, jasmine: { main: { options: { @@ -112,6 +120,17 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) { 'eslint', 'connect', 'babel', - 'jasmine' + 'jasmine', + 'exec:main' + ]); + + grunt.registerTask('e2e', [ + 'connect', + 'exec:main' + ]); + + grunt.registerTask('e2edebug', [ + 'connect', + 'exec:debug' ]); }; diff --git a/MapView.js b/MapView.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5fffa3f..0000000 --- a/MapView.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -define(['dijit/_TemplatedMixin', 'dijit/_WidgetBase', 'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/text!./resources/templates/loader.html', 'dojo/_base/declare'], function (_TemplatedMixin, _WidgetBase, domClass, domConstruct, query, loaderTemplate, declare) { - return declare(null, { - // loader: DomNode - // the widget containing the loader animation - loader: null, - - constructor: function constructor(mapView) { - var _this = this; - - // summary: - // Customizes the esri map view in the following ways: - // - sets the extent to be the state of utah - // - "Powered by ESRI" -> "Powered by AGRC" - // - adds a loader - // mapView: esri/views/MapView - console.log('map-tools/MapView:constructor', arguments); - - mapView.extent = { - xmax: -11762120.612131765, - xmin: -13074391.513731329, - ymax: 5225035.106177688, - ymin: 4373832.359194187, - spatialReference: 3857 - - // wait until dom has been built - };mapView.when(function () { - // AGRC attribution - var poweredByDiv = query('.esri-attribution__powered-by', mapView.container)[0]; - domConstruct.empty(poweredByDiv); - poweredByDiv.innerHTML = 'Built by '; - domConstruct.create('a', { - href: 'https://gis.utah.gov', - innerHTML: 'AGRC', - target: '_blank', - 'class': 'esri-attribution__link' - }, poweredByDiv); - - // loader - required to be a widget so as to retain a reference to the dom node for use in toggleLoader - _this.loader = new (declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], { - templateString: loaderTemplate, - baseClass: 'hidden sk-double-bounce' - }))(); - mapView.ui.add(_this.loader, 'bottom-left'); - }); - }, - toggleLoader: function toggleLoader(show) { - // summary: - // toggles the visibility of the loader on the map - console.log('map-tools/Mapview:toggleLoader', arguments); - - domClass.toggle(this.loader.domNode, 'hidden', !show); - } - }); -}); -//# sourceMappingURL=MapView.js.map diff --git a/MapView.js.map b/MapView.js.map deleted file mode 100644 index 8cffba6..0000000 --- a/MapView.js.map +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"version":3,"sources":["_src/MapView.js"],"names":["define","_TemplatedMixin","_WidgetBase","domClass","domConstruct","query","loaderTemplate","declare","loader","constructor","mapView","console","log","arguments","extent","xmax","xmin","ymax","ymin","spatialReference","when","poweredByDiv","container","empty","innerHTML","create","href","target","templateString","baseClass","ui","add","toggleLoader","show","toggle","domNode"],"mappings":"AAAAA,OAAO,CACH,uBADG,EAEH,mBAFG,EAIH,gBAJG,EAKH,oBALG,EAMH,YANG,EAOH,6CAPG,EAQH,oBARG,CAAP,EASG,UACCC,eADD,EAECC,WAFD,EAICC,QAJD,EAKCC,YALD,EAMCC,KAND,EAOCC,cAPD,EAQCC,OARD,EASD;AACE,WAAOA,QAAQ,IAAR,EAAc;AACjB;AACA;AACAC,gBAAQ,IAHS;;AAKjBC,mBALiB,uBAKLC,OALK,EAKI;AAAA;;AACjB;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACAC,oBAAQC,GAAR,CAAY,+BAAZ,EAA6CC,SAA7C;;AAEAH,oBAAQI,MAAR,GAAiB;AACbC,sBAAM,CAAC,kBADM;AAEbC,sBAAM,CAAC,kBAFM;AAGbC,sBAAM,iBAHO;AAIbC,sBAAM,iBAJO;AAKbC,kCAAkB;;AAGtB;AARiB,aAAjB,CASAT,QAAQU,IAAR,CAAa,YAAM;AACf;AACA,oBAAIC,eAAehB,MAAM,+BAAN,EAAuCK,QAAQY,SAA/C,EAA0D,CAA1D,CAAnB;AACAlB,6BAAamB,KAAb,CAAmBF,YAAnB;AACAA,6BAAaG,SAAb,GAAyB,WAAzB;AACApB,6BAAaqB,MAAb,CAAoB,GAApB,EAAyB;AACrBC,0BAAM,sBADe;AAErBF,+BAAW,MAFU;AAGrBG,4BAAQ,QAHa;AAIrB,6BAAS;AAJY,iBAAzB,EAKGN,YALH;;AAOA;AACA,sBAAKb,MAAL,GAAc,KAAKD,QAAQ,CAACL,WAAD,EAAcD,eAAd,CAAR,EAAwC;AACvD2B,oCAAgBtB,cADuC;AAEvDuB,+BAAW;AAF4C,iBAAxC,CAAL,GAAd;AAIAnB,wBAAQoB,EAAR,CAAWC,GAAX,CAAe,MAAKvB,MAApB,EAA4B,aAA5B;AACH,aAlBD;AAmBH,SA1CgB;AA2CjBwB,oBA3CiB,wBA2CJC,IA3CI,EA2CE;AACf;AACA;AACAtB,oBAAQC,GAAR,CAAY,gCAAZ,EAA8CC,SAA9C;;AAEAV,qBAAS+B,MAAT,CAAgB,KAAK1B,MAAL,CAAY2B,OAA5B,EAAqC,QAArC,EAA+C,CAACF,IAAhD;AACH;AAjDgB,KAAd,CAAP;AAmDH,CAtED","file":"MapView.js","sourcesContent":["define([\n 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin',\n 'dijit/_WidgetBase',\n\n 'dojo/dom-class',\n 'dojo/dom-construct',\n 'dojo/query',\n 'dojo/text!./resources/templates/loader.html',\n 'dojo/_base/declare'\n], function (\n _TemplatedMixin,\n _WidgetBase,\n\n domClass,\n domConstruct,\n query,\n loaderTemplate,\n declare\n) {\n return declare(null, {\n // loader: DomNode\n // the widget containing the loader animation\n loader: null,\n\n constructor(mapView) {\n // summary:\n // Customizes the esri map view in the following ways:\n // - sets the extent to be the state of utah\n // - \"Powered by ESRI\" -> \"Powered by AGRC\"\n // - adds a loader\n // mapView: esri/views/MapView\n console.log('map-tools/MapView:constructor', arguments);\n\n mapView.extent = {\n xmax: -11762120.612131765,\n xmin: -13074391.513731329,\n ymax: 5225035.106177688,\n ymin: 4373832.359194187,\n spatialReference: 3857\n }\n\n // wait until dom has been built\n mapView.when(() => {\n // AGRC attribution\n let poweredByDiv = query('.esri-attribution__powered-by', mapView.container)[0]\n domConstruct.empty(poweredByDiv);\n poweredByDiv.innerHTML = 'Built by ';\n domConstruct.create('a', {\n href: 'https://gis.utah.gov',\n innerHTML: 'AGRC',\n target: '_blank',\n 'class': 'esri-attribution__link'\n }, poweredByDiv);\n\n // loader - required to be a widget so as to retain a reference to the dom node for use in toggleLoader\n this.loader = new (declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], {\n templateString: loaderTemplate,\n baseClass: 'hidden sk-double-bounce'\n }))();\n mapView.ui.add(this.loader, 'bottom-left');\n });\n },\n toggleLoader(show) {\n // summary:\n // toggles the visibility of the loader on the map\n console.log('map-tools/Mapview:toggleLoader', arguments);\n\n domClass.toggle(this.loader.domNode, 'hidden', !show);\n }\n });\n});\n"]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_SpecRunner.html b/_SpecRunner.html index 181f818..0ec198c 100644 --- a/_SpecRunner.html +++ b/_SpecRunner.html @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ - - diff --git a/_src/ExtentRouter.js b/_src/ExtentRouter.js deleted file mode 100644 index adca4eb..0000000 --- a/_src/ExtentRouter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -// TODO: -// initRouter: function () { -// // summary: -// // sets up the url router for persisting the map extent -// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::initRouter', arguments); -// -// var that = this; -// var urlObj = ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()); -// var options = { -// scale: parseInt(urlObj.scale, 10), -// center: new Point({ -// x: parseInt(urlObj.x, 10), -// y: parseInt(urlObj.y, 10), -// spatialReference: {wkid: 3857} -// }) -// }; -// this.on('load', function () { -// if (urlObj.x && urlObj.y && urlObj.scale) { -// that.setScale(options.scale); -// that.centerAt(options.center); -// } -// that.on('extent-change', lang.hitch(that, 'updateExtentHash')); -// }); -// -// return (options.scale && options.center.x && options.center.y) ? options : {}; -// }, -// updateExtentHash: function () { -// // summary: -// // sets the extent props in the url hash -// console.log('agrc.widgets.map.BaseMap::updateExtentHash', arguments); -// -// var center = this.extent.getCenter(); -// if (center.x && center.y) { -// // mixin any existing url props to allow for other routers -// var newProps = lang.mixin(ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()), { -// x: Math.round(center.x), -// y: Math.round(center.y), -// scale: Math.round(this.getScale()) -// }); -// -// return hash(ioQuery.objectToQuery(newProps), true); -// } -// } diff --git a/_src/MapView.js b/_src/MapView.js index 0073fcc..e30b72f 100644 --- a/_src/MapView.js +++ b/_src/MapView.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ define([ 'dojo/query', 'dojo/text!./resources/templates/loader.html', 'dojo/_base/declare' -], function ( +], ( _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetBase, @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ define([ query, loaderTemplate, declare -) { +) => { return declare(null, { // loader: DomNode // the widget containing the loader animation diff --git a/_src/extentRouter.js b/_src/extentRouter.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9de037d --- /dev/null +++ b/_src/extentRouter.js @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +define([ + 'dojo/hash', + 'dojo/io-query', + + 'esri/core/watchUtils', + 'esri/geometry/Point' +], ( + hash, + ioQuery, + + watchUtils, + Point +) => { + const updateExtentHash = (mapView) => { + // summary: + // sets the extent props in the url hash + // mapView: esri/views/mapView + console.log('map-tools/ExtentRouter:updateExtentHash', arguments); + + if ((!mapView.scale && !mapView.zoom) || !mapView.center) { + return; + } + + const center = mapView.center; + // mixin any existing url props to allow for other routers + const newProps = Object.assign(ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()), { + x: Math.round(center.x), + y: Math.round(center.y) + }); + + if (mapView.zoom) { + newProps.zoom = mapView.zoom; + } else { + newProps.scale = Math.rount(mapView.scale); + } + + return hash(ioQuery.objectToQuery(newProps), true); + }; + + return (mapView) => { + // summary: + // sets up the url router for persisting the map extent + // mapView: esri/views/mapView + console.log('map-tools/ExtentRouter:constructor', arguments); + + const urlObj = ioQuery.queryToObject(hash()); + const options = { + scale: parseInt(urlObj.scale, 10), + center: new Point({ + x: parseInt(urlObj.x, 10), + y: parseInt(urlObj.y, 10), + spatialReference: {wkid: 3857} + }), + zoom: parseInt(urlObj.zoom, 10) + }; + mapView.when(() => { + if (options.center.x && options.center.y && (options.scale || options.zoom)) { + if (options.zoom) { + mapView.zoom = options.zoom; + } else { + mapView.scale = options.scale; + } + + mapView.center = options.center; + } + watchUtils.whenTrue(mapView, 'stationary', updateExtentHash.bind(null, mapView)); + }); + + // return for unit tests assertion + return options; + }; +}); diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index d14bf3e..8960f12 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ } }, "acorn": { - 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