Do we want to keep individual records for each update? Yes.
Form How many reps?
The user should be able to see their status and the status of their peers. The user should be able to add reps.
[C1] Create/edit a user [Q1] Retrieve a user [C2] Create/edit a post (rep entry; +10 reps of $exercise @ $time) [Q2] Retrieve a post [Q3] List a user's posts in short form
create/edit a team retreive a team
[C3] Create a comment [Q4] List a post's comments [C4] Like a post [Q5] List a post's likes [Q6] List the x most recent posts created in short form (feed)
"id": "<team-id>",
"type": "team",
"createdBy": "<user-id>",
"teamId": "<team-id>",
"teamName": "",
"teamAvatar": "",
"targetReps": "",
"totalReps": "",
"creationDate": "<post-creation-date>"
// "last24hr": "", // needs further thought
"id": "<member-id>",
"type": "member",
"teamId": "<team-id>",
"userId": "<user-id>",
"userName": "",
"userAvatar": "",
"exercise": "",
"role": "",
"totalReps": "",
"postCount": ""