Users should be able to:
- Generate a password based on the selected inclusion options
- Copy the generated password to the computer's clipboard
- See a strength rating for their generated password
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Live Site URL: Password Generator
I first decided to break down the design with some planning using Excalidraw which I will attach some screenshots to display my planning process, I broke down into sections that allowed me to better understand what needed to be built in the end.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- SASS (SCSS) - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first workflow
- React - JS library
- TypeScript
Firstly that you can use Math.random()
and multiply it by the length of an array to generate a randomly selected array index. Also I learned that you can create an array with with the array constructor and map over that passing a function reference to that map method to execute and return a 1:1 copy of that array but with the output of the given function that was passed to the method. The relevant code is below.
const characterGenerator = (): string => {
const finalArray = characterFactory(
return finalArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * finalArray.length)];
const wordGenerator = () => {
return memorableList[Math.floor(Math.random() * memorableList.length)];
const passwordGenerator = (pwdLength: Number): string => {
if (pwdLength >= 7) {
const passwordString = [...Array(parseInt(pwdLength))]
return passwordString;
} else {
const passwordString = [...Array(parseInt(pwdLength))]
return passwordString;
Another interesting insight was using the use-debounce
package, that was a hook coming from the community that allowed me to delay a function from running again for a certain period of time, I was using this with a useEffect
that was listening for window re-size changes, it helped significantly. One more thing I learned here is that clean up functions in useEffect
hooks help with reducing memory leaks and unwanted behavior of apps.
const handleWindowResize = useDebouncedCallback((): void => {
}, 1000);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize);
Other learnings from this project would be that you can set the background linear-gradient()
to apply a progressive fill based on some JS variables you pass interpolate into the string that is passed to the inline style on a HTML element:
- Firstly calculating the percentage for how much of the background the fill will be taking up (I needed to use
// prettier-ignore
here to set some custom brackets in the code)
// prettier-ignore
const sliderBackgroundPercentage =
wordsChecked && windowSize.innerWidth > 768
? `${Math.round(((passwordLength - 1) / (6 - 1)) * 100)}%`
: wordsChecked && windowSize.innerWidth <= 768
? `${Math.round(((passwordLength - 1) / (6 - 1)) * 100)}%`
: windowSize.innerWidth > 768
? `${Math.round(((passwordLength - 7) / (35 - 7)) * 100)}%`
: `${Math.round(((passwordLength - 7) / (25 - 7)) * 100)}%`;
- Then assigning the inline style the background property with the interpolated sting of percentages so they can dynamically shift when the slider is moved across the progress bar
<input style={{ background: `linear-gradient(to right, #a4ffaf
${sliderBackgroundPercentage}, #18171F ${sliderBackgroundPercentage}`, }} ... />
Lastly from this project would be using the resets on different browsers and targeting elements of the out of the box HTML5 tags such as <input/>
input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
-ms-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;
height: 8px;
Things I would like to implement on this project:
- An input field so the user can input their custom password and check how long it would take for it to be cracked
- A checkbox to select camel case, snake case, pascal case and kebab case is already implemented
- A tooltip when you hover over the time to crack field
- Reactiflux Discord - This discord is amazing when you get stuck and can't find much help on the internet or SO
- Stack overflow - Helped me to get unstuck at various phases.
- Website - Andrej Saule
- Frontend Mentor - @ajsaule
- Twitter - @ajsaule
Big thanks to the devs from Reactiflux Discord that helped me when I got stuck along the way. I learned a lot from all of you, thanks for your volunteered time and patience you had with me.
Thanks to @cbserra for providing a redesign for my whole app UI aligning it more toward the previous design that was first given in the figma file. His design can be seen here - I will at some stage redesign the whole app to make it look in line with his design.