This document describes the deployment of ULS via a k8s deployment file. This is just an example file to get you started.
It is strongly recommended to create a dedicated namespace and not use the "default" namespace.
Replace <your-namespace>
with your values then run the following command:
kubectl create namespace <your-namespace>
kubectl create namespace akamai-uls
Please replace <your-namespace>
and <your-edgerc-file>
with your values then run the following command
kubectl create secret generic akamai-edgerc -n <your-namespace> --from-file=edgerc=<your-edgerc-file>
kubectl create secret generic akamai-edgerc -n akamai-uls --from-file=edgerc=/home/username/.edgerc
Please replace <your-namespace>
with your value then run the following command
kubectl apply -n <your-namespace> -f uls-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -n akamai-uls -f uls-deployment.yml