The license of this project is LGPLv3 or later. See file src/main/resources/LICENSE for the full text.
This package contains the core architecture use by the json-schema-validator library.
For more details on this library, see this page. The roadmap for this library can be seen hee.
You can see sample usages of this library in a separate project.
The current stable verson is 1.0.1 (ChangeLog, Javadoc).
Replace your-version-here with the appropriate version:
The versioning scheme is defined by the middle digit of the version number:
- if this number is even, then this is the stable version; no new features will be added to such versions, and the user API will not change (save for some additions if requested).
- if this number is odd, then this is the development version; new features will be added to those versions only, and the user API may change.