Connectome workbench and GIFTI/CIFTI tutorial
All tutorial data can be found on:
- Khanlab CBS server share @
Recommended templates and parcellations to download:
- BIDS dataset with T1w and T2w data
- T2w registered and resampled to T1w (e.g. itksnap, ants, greedy)
- fmriprep processed data (including freesurfer)
- do math on volume space to get a ratio
wb_command -volume-math "clamp(T1w/T2w,0,10)" sub-0001_T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz -var T1w ../data/bids/sub-0001/anat/sub-0001_acq-MPRAGE_run-01_T1w.nii.gz -var T2w ../data/bids/sub-0001/anat/sub-0001_acq-SPACE_run-01_desc-regToT1w_T2w.nii.gz
- sample this on the midsurface
wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping sub-0001_T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz ../data/fmriprep_20.2.1/sub-0001/anat/ sub-0001_hemi-L_myelin.func.gii -trilinear
wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping sub-0001_T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz ../data/fmriprep_20.2.1/sub-0001/anat/ sub-0001_hemi-R_myelin.func.gii -trilinear
visualize in
some other things you could do here:
optional: get clusters of high myelin
wb_command -metric-find-clusters sub-0001_hemi-L_smooth-3mm_myelin.func.gii 2.5 50 sub-0001_hemi-L_smooth-3mm_myelinclusters.func.gii
optional: calculate a gradient
wb_command -metric-gradient ? ?h.myelin.func.gii ?h.myelingradient.func.gii
Set range for color mapping to metric files
wb_command -metric-palette ?h.myelin.func.gii MODE_USER_SCALE -pos-user 0 0.05 -interpolate true -palette-name videen_style -disp-pos true -disp-neg false -disp-zero false
Now, what if we want to use an atlas parcellation or visualize on a standard template??
- We need to register between a subject and a template. Thankfully Freesurfer does this already (other common method is MSM - multimodal surface mapping).
The registration output is the vertices of the subject surface, moved onto a sphere.
This is surf/lh.sphere.reg
in Freesurfer's output. This is registered to a surface template called fsaverage
. The other common template is fsLR
We can first convert this to gifti
mris_convert data/freesurfer_7.1/sub-0001/surf/lh.sphere.reg myelin_mapping/
Now, this has a surface geometry (# of vertices, or density) that is specific to that subject, and is different for each subject. But since it is aligned in the sphere, we can use it to resample things (surface, metrics, labels) to another geometry.
- resampling subject surfaces to fsLR
This resamples the subject midthickness surface to the fsLR
geometry (note: here the fsLR
is in fsaverage
space - turns out this is just a simple rotation of the sphere, but we don't have to worry about it, we just need to make sure we use the fsLR
sphere that is in space-fsaverage
wb_command -surface-resample ../data/templateflow/tpl-fsLR/ BARYCENTRIC
wb_command -surface-resample ../data/templateflow/tpl-fsLR/ BARYCENTRIC
Now you can try visualizing standard 32k data on the subject in wb_view
- resampling subject metrics
wb_command -metric-resample sub-0001_hemi-L_smooth-3mm_myelin.func.gii ../data/templateflow/tpl-fsLR/ ADAP_BARY_AREA sub-0001_hemi-L_smooth-3mm_space-fsLR_den-32k_myelin.func.gii -area-surfs
exercise: try mapping an atlas parcellation back to a subject's T1w volume
In addition to the surface-based processing above, the combined surf+vol ("Grayordinates") are another reason to work with CIFTI.
The dense domain is made up of l/r cortical surfaces, and subcortical/cerebellar GM regions