I was inspired by dbUnit library, which is very popular in java world.
This library is done to simplify creation of integration tests for node.js application with Mongo DB. I starts local mongodb process using mongodb-prebuilt library, and it work in "InMemory" mode, which improve performance of your tests.
There is alternative library for mocking Mongo: mockgoose
It works on Node.js 4+ (ES2015)
npm install -D mongo-unit
It starts mongod on one of available port and returns Promise with URL to connect to this db
is optional params, you can specify some command line params for mongod
(more about it in documentation for mongodb-prebuilt)
- preferable mongo db port, default: 27017
- name of test db, default: test
- db path, default: <node_modules/mongo-unit>\.mongo-unit
- enable debug informaton for mongodb-prebuilt, default: false
It stops mongod process
Syncronius API returns URL to connect to test db, if test DB is not started it thows an Exception
Inserts given data (like below) DB collections, returns Promise.
Clear collections based on given data (data format is the same), returns Promise.
Drops test DB, returns Promise.
helper function, load db data into mongo (url)
helper function, clear all db data from mongo (url)
Code under test
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
function dao(url) {
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String
const taskSchema = new Schema({
userId: String,
task: String
return {
User: mongoose.model('user', userSchema),
Task: mongoose.model('task', taskSchema)
Test data
"users": [
"_id": "56d9bf92f9be48771d6fe5b1",
"name": "test"
"_id": "56d9bf92f9be48771d6fe5b2",
"name": "John"
"tasks": [
"userId": "56d9bf92f9be48771d6fe5b1",
"task": "do stuff"
"userId": "56d9bf92f9be48771d6fe5b1",
"task": "fix stuff"
Mocha test
describe('dao', ()=>{
const mongoUnit = require('../index')
const testData = require('./fixtures/basic.json')
var daoUT
before(() => mongoUnit.start()
after(() => mongoUnit.drop())
it('should find all users', () => {
return daoUT.User.find()
.then(users => {
it('should find all tasks for user 1', () => {
return daoUT.User.find()
.then(users => users[0])
.then(user=>daoUT.Task.find({userId: user._id}))
.then(tasks => {
expect(tasks[0].task).to.equal('do stuff')