- Kickoff first Steering Committee meeting
- Introduction of Steering Committee
- new special interests groups?
- project list priorities
- Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023
- Time: 11:00 AM PT (Pacific Time)
- Recording
- Transcript
- Links from chat
- Adam Bozanich, Overclock Labs
- Anil Murty, Overclock Labs
- Artur Troian, Overclock Labs
- Greg Osuri, Overclock Labs
- Scott Caruthers, Overclock Labs
- Adam Bozanich
- Alexiu letou
- Andrew Atik
- Andrew Gnatyuk
- Anil Murty
- Artur Troian
- Boz Menzalji
- CanalB
- Cheng Wang
- Greg Osuri
- Joao Luna
- Joe Po
- Luca Fortes
- Mamur Muradov
- Matthias Neumüller
- R Duarte
- Scott Carruthers
- Scott Hewitson
- Tyler Wright
- Zach Horn
- This meeting was the first monthly meeting of the Akash Steering Committee. Anil Murty presented the goals of the committee and the goals of the Akash network.
- There are 3 goals for of the Steering Committee. First, the steering committee is responsible for reviewing conflicts, feedback or other things that are happenning with community groups that require changes to the model.
- Secondly, the Steering committee is taskedwith reviewing lists of projects that we have outlined in the project list
- Lastly, the Steering Committee aggregrates any important topics from user groups or discussions, and makes sure these topics are added to priority list, a special interstest group or a working group.
- One area where Akash needs to improve is through storytelling and how Akash onboards new users.
- Sig-design will be in charge of creating the narratives and creating the stories
- Design touches website, UX, storytelling, and a number of other important touch points.
- Luna is working on icons for items that his team designs, to be used for their internal tools and web design application.
- sig-design has been approved by participants present at the Steering Committee.
- Sig-community is another special interest group that Greg wants to get a better understanding of. There are users that want to contribute, and Akash wants to streamline the ways for willing users to contribute.
- Security was an area of interest encompassing "chain" security, "provider" security, etc. Given its breadth and depth, security could be better served as a working group or just as a user group to start.
- Anil lead a discussion while sharing the project list to all participants in attendance.
- Economics 2.0 should move up the priority list because Greg is set to release a PRD on the topic very shortly.
- Content Moderation solutions incorporates Microservices work, so it is important to keep working on Provider Microservices. Adam Bozanich
- Luna and his team worked on a solution for TLS termination and SLS certificates.
- Luna submitted code changes via Github.
- There is a discussion ongoing on Github.
- Luna is waiting for discussion on management for clusters.
- Luna found an effective way to monitor providers via Prometheus.
- Luna shared a work in progress guide with Shimpa and a few other insiders for feedback before sharing with a larger audience.
- Luna is going to release a public guide soon.
- Anil asked whether or not Provider Monitoring was worth being
- Working Group for Provider Monitoring is necessary
- Adam mentioned like to have some guidelines for standarizing how to deal with observability and what technologies to use; i.e. recommended data collection methods and requirements.
- Artur mentioned that we need to do testing and thinking about Provider Monitoring.
- Anil asked is the priority for Provider Monitoring in the proper place?
- Akash Community groups track action items from each meeting, and assign people to do the work between meetings.
- As an example please see wg-content-moderation.
- Forum has been retired. Starting now, Akash governance proposals and other discussions will happen on Github Discussions.
- As a reminder, anybody can create a governance proposal. Overclock Labs is going to push forward some proposals, but any community member can do so.
- The Steering Committee will meet on the last Thursday of every month.
- Anil is going to reorder project list by priority.
- Luna will add a new special interest group for sig-design.
- Anil will make a repo for the Steering Committee
- A user will create a Security User group called ug-security.
- Anil will make a working group for provider monitoring called wg-provider-monitoring.
This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created.
Greg Osuri: Anil, do you want to kick off?
Anil Murty: Sure everyone. So obviously this is our first ever steering company meeting with the new Akash network model. And so I figured for this very first call, it will be good to sort of talk about what the goals of the steering committee itself are and and how we want to sort of run these. So what to do is that go ahead and share my screen, bring up the community page as well so that we can make any edits here if needed. Should be coming up. No.
Anil Murty: So, one of the things I just realized, by the way, is we don't actually have a folder for the steering committee. So, I'm gonna have to make that after this call, but essentially, we should have a folder so we can talk about, you know, any of the goals that we agree on today, document them there. And I do that. But essentially, the way I was thinking about this and, you know, please chime in, with any critique of it or, or suggestions the way I was thinking of it was this kind of two or three main goals for the steering committee. The first one is to review any sort of conflicts or things that are happening. That are changes that are quite changes to the way we run. The whole community model, obviously we're doing this for the first time ourselves in in many ways for the first time ever by anyone. And so, everything's not going to be perfect, there's going to be some roughages in the way we run the working groups, the cigs, and so on, and so forth. So, one of the one of the goals of the same committee should be to review any sort of feed,
Anil Murty: Like or complaints or issues or conflicts that we heard about since the last steering company meeting have those documented and review them and see how we can address those.
Anil Murty: The second thing we probably want to do is we want to review the list of projects that we have outlined in the Projects list page here. And we want to see if you know, we need to shuffle these around. If some of them need to be removed, any new projects need to get added to the list. But the general idea is that this list of projects here should be kind of the source of truth. In terms of what are the things we're thinking about building the building right now, or in the future, What's the state of each of these things? And generally, the priorities sort of talk to bottom on this table, That's kind of the second thing. And then, I think the third thing I can think of is outside of the projects, if there's any things we want to talk about, in terms of ideas, people abroad up in the user groups, or forums that they might be out there and whether those need to be considered as new things that we had the project list or should they just be, you know, issues.
Anil Murty: Add to the specific repositories for people to work on those kind of the three things that I was thinking of, as in terms of goals for the steering committee, but I kind of want to pause this. See if people have other ideas thoughts. Things they want to talk about.
Greg Osuri: The you did a great job with the categorizing. The topics we're going to talk and I obviously have contributions to each category but I'll let you continue.
Anil Murty: Cool. Anyone have any other thoughts in terms of other things? We need to discuss but today,
Anil Murty: Cool. Awesome. So I guess the first one, you know, just has anybody heard any feedback in terms of the overall process? And so we had the insider session this morning where we went over the idea of six and working groups. And then Greg obviously there is inside a session, a couple of weeks ago, really talked about, you know, the transition to this new model. Does anybody on the call have any sort of feedback or things that the word in terms of, you know, the way the process is today, any sort of feedback in terms of changes you need to make or any conflict so far
Greg Osuri: I think overall process is I mean it's too early to have solid feedback. I think we're taking a few meetings and my experience with this meetings have been incredible like so we've done a good job at summarizing them. We've done a good job with identifying and prioritizing at least from his sixth standpoint. I do have ever want to have suggestions for newer six potentially that came about A love to talk about those. And also would like to address. How the insiders fit into the community? And what's the relationship between the insiders and the, and the SIG model and add more clarity to that, and That's what I have so far.
Anil Murty: Something. So, I guess, do we want to start with the Cigs? I think I know which one you're talking about. But right.
Greg Osuri: Awesome. So generally, I think we are, you know, the things were, very, obviously very feature oriented or, like, technical capabilities oriented, but I think there is a element of storytelling. That we are missing and a lot of community members obviously think that we need better stories and I agree. in terms of messaging, in terms of how we onboard a user whatnot. So I love to propose a SIG design. As a matter of fact, and and the sick design, one of the, you know, goals expectations with design is to create the narrative, create the story is create.
Greg Osuri: You know, or lead to it to a point where we can have social media templates or design templates to the community can, you know, leverage to spread the word of Akash and whatnot, right? So that's that's it. Interest from people like Julius. What? Not from a community that I want to contribute, of course, Dennis as well. I love for him to be more public and more vocal about his approach design and whatnot.
Anil Murty: If you make sense. Yeah, one of the things I was wondering was should it be So when the question came up, I think this is kind of in a Twitter thread rate. My first initial reaction was, I think it was sort of brought up in the context of user experience. And my initial reaction was user, experience would be sort of handled by a to each of the individual CIGS for that specific area. But then, you know, thinking through it later, I realized that, you know, this design elements outside of these things as well. Like, you brought up the website or brand marketing and stuff like that. So makes complete sense. I initially thought it'd be a sig, the UX, but the way you describe it, I think it makes sense to call it. Sick design.
Joao Luna: I'd like to add something that we are working on. Also is having like these I would say icons for the kind of services that we provide and we are so we can use it in like, designing tools, similar to AWS. And stuff like that. That's something we are working working on, as, for internal documentation as well as for our website. And I guess not it. If we create the six design, that's something we'll do with specification on. And get the community feedback on.
Joao Luna: Either. If they approve, the current designs, what they want to change the designs for new services that provide. So currently we have for a couple of internal services that we are working on. But also for deployments alerts persistent storage and ipleases so people can start using diagramming tools to to start designing and using those appropriate.
Greg Osuri: What's? It's a great idea.
Anil Murty: Amazing. Makes sense.
Anil Murty: So I guess well, maybe to make it formal the last, it does anybody have any concerns with adding the sick design?
Anil Murty: Right? I guess we'll take that as a no. So, I guess, one of the actions would be to create that. Create a PR for the sleek design. Greg, do you want to take that you want me to take it work with this and others? Okay,…
Greg Osuri: I'll take it.
Anil Murty: it's not good. Thank you. All right, so that's the six. Any other six we should talk about anyone. Outside of sync design. Any other things you can think of that we should be adding to the list.
Greg Osuri: I do have some thoughts and see community but that's more, you know. Like defining. how the structure for community and we have quite a lot of community contributors that want to persuade, but I feel like they don't have a soft to do so,
Anil Murty: Yeah. We could definitely talk about that in the community seek as well. Maybe bring it up there. And so, we kick off the first meeting for that.
Greg Osuri: Okay.
Anil Murty: Cool. The next thing.
Joao Luna: I do, I do. Sorry. I do have been mined when sick, but I am not really sure how that would materialize. But I, let's see what you think. Maybe a six security
Anil Murty: Now talking one of those videos I think…
Artur Troian: I think.
Anil Murty: where it's like user experience, right? It's sort of seek security matters to every one of these but it may make sense to have a separate dedicated say, as well. So I go another interact with you.
Artur Troian: Yeah, I think. There are different aspects of security. We want to think about chain security like the provider, etc. So I think it's more like a working groups for early. Yeah, rights. Maybe usable that we can think about so it's more to Takes particular problem,…
Greg Osuri: Here.
Artur Troian: or feature instead of some global communication, all that.
Greg Osuri: Right, it's too broad security to be to be a sing. Because each security to other point, depends on the area of focus, right? Adam.
Adam Bozanich: I'm going to say and I agree with that, but I would say that one.
Adam Bozanich: The kind of
Adam Bozanich: Very entry for, if people do see security issues, anywhere there should be like a really clear place for them to go and report that. Um, and two if there are security minded, people that want to talk about things, I think there's value in that. But adding another like regularly scheduled meeting for people to just kind of shoot the s***. I don't think it's productive. So, I don't know something in between perhaps or just discord, only and You know live as necessary. Perhaps, I don't know how that fits into like six.
Adam Bozanich: and something we could continue just to on this just my thoughts on
Artur Troian: Yeah, I think the, we have this support reboot that we gonna recovers our core services, it's mainly chain and the broiler. And I think it's going to be good in place for all dishes including security. And if during draft processes, you see. That's, you know, we need to fix it as soon as possible or it is quite a lot of work. We're gonna then on the scene committee or the same particulars. See, like, provider chain, and decide what to do.
Adam Bozanich: It's just that it shouldn't go. No. I mean if somebody there's this, you know, there's a vulnerability or something, you know, it shouldn't necessarily be in a public good public cheng's or…
Artur Troian: I say.
Adam Bozanich: anything and he's probably gonna talk about like, you know, security contact with stuff, but I know you've had Good.
Artur Troian: Is like dragonberry.
Cheng Wang: Yeah, I think, isn't this kind of what the essence of user groups are for. So if we can't really decide at this moment, we don't have to necessarily spend a lot of time to deliberate now, we just spend up a user group which is even more ephemeral than working groups, right? It's not super formal and just kind of discuss examples and such and then if it kind of necessitates something a bit more formal that that can materialize from there. Is the father.
Adam Bozanich: Okay. Yeah, and they could, you know, in the future Eventually they could administer. I know Cheng, you talked a lot about like putting together bug bounties and things like that. These people like that group can administer those kinds of things, but yeah.
Cheng Wang: Great ideas. Well yeah, for sure.
Anil Murty: Yeah, good discussion. So I guess Just to replay back what he said is. Given that if we created a six security group, we wouldn't necessarily have ongoing work that would that we could discuss like one of these other things. It would end up being a little bit of an overhead and base of time. So maybe the better approach is to have a user group for it and then if any discussions result in work, that needs to be done, we spin up our group and decide, you know, which specific things need to be involved in implementing the changes. Does it sound agreeable to you? Luna, for now, at least and we can revisit in the future.
Joao Luna: Yeah, no, everything made sense.
Anil Murty: Cool, thank you.
Anil Murty: Other thoughts on CIGS before we move on to the project list.
Anil Murty: All right, take that as a No. All right, so the next thing, I think that might make sense to do is to just go through the project list. Talk about maybe some of the projects that are kind of in some stage of work. And and then also make sure that these are prioritized in the table top to bottom in terms of priority. So, I just looking at this table, there's a few things that I think might make sense for us to shuffle up. So, for example, I know content, moderation is pretty active and we have, we have a PR dpr, as well as a API spec, for one of the APIs. So it may make sense to move it a little bit higher in terms of priority. And then I think Greg, you're pretty actively thinking about Economics 2.0 as well. So maybe those can go higher but I'm not sure.
Anil Murty: So I think they can probably go like content mortgage and remove omniverse maintenance. But I'm not sure how people feel about that.
Adam Bozanich: so,
Adam Bozanich: One of the issues is the content, moderation thing. It's like, Yeah, we have a great use case.
Adam Bozanich: Getting even the kind of finishing up, that's the design and to do it properly. And a lot of ways depends on a lot of the microservices work for the provider. Like ideally, we would be doing the provider marker services work first. And so it was a prioritization. I do think it is important. Oh, it's all the way up there at the top. Okay, it's we need to continue chipping away at that thing.
Anil Murty: Yes.
Anil Murty: So in general, I guess question to everyone is, does this make sense in terms of priority the way it is right now? Any other things need to move up or down.
Greg Osuri: I love to move the economics up and GPS up.
Anil Murty: Okay.
Anil Murty: So in terms of I guess, maybe one other thing to talk about is like are these states reflective of way things are right now. So obviously provider services. Microservices refactor. I think the first two phases of this, a complete or sorry other, your hand raised. I didn't see that, right?
Artur Troian: No, I just want to say the GPU needs higher approach, but Gregory mentioned that. and,
Greg Osuri: GPS and…
Anil Murty: Okay, cool.
Greg Osuri: clients and implementation, right? For a lot of the clients work.
Anil Murty: Yeah. Okay.
Greg Osuri: Okay, my bad little project since like your console, obviously. Uh, general availability is implementation.
Greg Osuri: The different parts of attributes economicsuro is spec definition.
Greg Osuri: Yeah. Yeah.
Anil Murty: And this can be moved to Spec definition content moderation. So I'll make the change to this, to make it respect. Definition, move it a little bit higher and then GPS support move it above. um, I guess. Dockside migration go about this, okay?
Greg Osuri: Job side. Migration also in in play right now, right? So we didn't have to code, just I'm very implementation basically.
Anil Murty: Okay. Sounds good.
Artur Troian: I think we'll provider services, split. I mean, even though that's implementation phase, Um, I think we're gonna probably move it below GPU support for now.
Greg Osuri: And also like to add the website here has a project because ongoing efforts, I think the state is implemented is released, right? So think it's a maintenance mode right now. So I'd like to get help for specific features on the website that I want to check it out and hopefully someone from the community can like take a grant and work on it.
Anil Murty: Sounds good. Oh, I guess I should ask title. Would you mind taking notes to these things? yeah, and already
Anil Murty: Thank you.
Greg Osuri: I love the magical Emoji. Floaties on the screen.
Anil Murty: It was pretty cool.
Anil Murty: Okay. Many other thoughts on the priority or any other items that need to be added to this list. It's a pretty long list already but any other projects that people can think of I know Luna you brought up What was it? I'm just looking at discord. Monitoring. Yeah, so I mean item here but any other things you can think of
Joao Luna: And not really for now.
Anil Murty: Okay.
Anil Murty: Awesome. There's nothing else on the projects list,…
Greg Osuri: If?
Anil Murty: I guess the last thing that I
Joao Luna: Oh sorry apologies. I I did remember when I don't think it's there. It's us and it's really a project but the stuff all the stuff regarding that yellow extermination and SSL certificates.
Anil Murty: Correct. Yep. Good.
Anil Murty: So just to chat about that for a bit Luna. So I know you Submitted the code changes first for it. But are you going to go back in essentially, submit a spec in a dock for it?
Joao Luna: There is a discussion on going on Github.
Anil Murty: Okay.
Joao Luna: I think that's that's the process ongoing and the only thing I'm waiting for as well is on the discussion regarding the Cert manager on the clusters which is like a parallel effort, kind of achieves. A similar end but they're two different to use cases and actually the set manager might be easier to roll out, those are details. I guess that that discussion should continue.
Anil Murty: I'm good.
Anil Murty: And then Luna, do you want to talk for a couple minutes about the provider monitoring thing that you mentioned on discord? Like maybe 15-20 minutes ago.
Joao Luna: Yeah, so it was before all the open sourcing. I was actually setting up my provider and just messing around with stuff and noticed that one easy way to start having some monitoring on providers would be to enable the Prometheus metrics on the NGINX controller. And so I have enabled them updated the chart and I guess that that's released I haven't yet and made it like Made a public guide. I've set it to some couple of committee members to review and test them out on their providers, such as Shinford, for instance, on the European air plots. But I haven't released yet I documentation because our like a blog post because it's on the website that I'll be releasing mid February.
Joao Luna: So I haven't really pushed that forward yet. Hopefully, we'll soon.
Anil Murty: Awesome, that's really cool. so I guess maybe a general question for everyone is given where Luna is with the Prometheus Metrics collection from using NGINX Does it make sense to have a group on this? Or should it just be a prvc organized, I think Whether?
Artur Troian: I think we should work on that just to you know, review what we have on already on the those metrics and think if we need to outstand it or factory or so forth and it's gonna just gonna be a good time to do that.
Joao Luna: Absolutely. I think they're much more metrics that we can gather at least like so did that I introduced are completely generic there. Not specific to Akash in any way. Just generic to the point where it gets the connections to that, go through the Nginx controller. The response status and stuff like that. There's still missing like the concept of deployments on those matrix. How many deployments are receiving and
Anil Murty: Sounds good. Adam
Adam Bozanich: So, first of all, I think that the Provider. Damon actually exposes the Prometheus endpoint that you can get a bunch of stats from. But I think a working group yeah, so like what Artist said, would cover that I think there it In the context of breaking apart that Damon.
Adam Bozanich: there could be, there was They were discussions that we had about standardizing on.
Adam Bozanich: subsiderability issues like like metrics like Prometheus and so like as we start to create microservices for The provided services we do at the very least like to have some guidelines for like standardizing how we deal with observability. And also there's some discussions about what technologies to use.
Adam Bozanich: so, like there's room for a working group there, for sure at least writing like
Adam Bozanich: A DOC Standardizing how we add micros like when you add a microservice to the provider services, it should expose this endpoint. The same point the same point. Like Here's our recommended like data collection methods. Things like that.
Artur Troian: yeah, that's a really good point on the requirements, and I think Part of that, we need to do some sort of probably testing and thinking about that. When someone does human services and what we provider, it must run through the number of tests, you know, make sure that works indemnity doesn't break anything. So it has all white points are for metrics and some first.
Anil Murty: Are monitoring. and,
Adam Bozanich: Yeah, I think it could be like on the back burner like I don't know if we need to start having meetings about it right away. It's just it is something that we're going to come up against and it would be it nicely kind of dovetails into that. I like top line thing which is the microservices work.
Anil Murty: Okay. Does it this priority make sense in terms of the relative to the rest of the things above it? I think it makes sense, but I'm curious.
Artur Troian: um,
Artur Troian: well. Yeah.
Adam Bozanich: I mean probably above CIC, Yeah, I don't know.
Anil Murty: That's like basically figuring out. How you can set up? Basically connection to GitHub be able to do a pull request in GitHub and…
Adam Bozanich: Yeah.
Anil Murty: have it deploy automatically.
Adam Bozanich: That's good.
Artur Troian: And those, they're actually few isn't the private image repository.
Anil Murty: that includes, yeah, that would include Potenci support for private image repository even
Artur Troian: The. Yeah, that one is will be probably broader that's because it means you need to implement sort of secrets in the deployment process. So until you do that probably won't be So once we implement secrets, then we can go is the private image. It was real.
Anil Murty: Okay.
Anil Murty: So you suggesting we move provider monitoring above those two.
Artur Troian: Yeah, I think yes,…
Adam Bozanich: Right. Okay.
Artur Troian: I don't know.
Anil Murty: because we seemed like a father,…
Adam Bozanich: Generally. Okay,…
Anil Murty: you know,
Adam Bozanich: this isn't like because these are
Adam Bozanich: in some senses can be parallel things, and if monitoring comes up, Before just start talking about it.
Anil Murty: okay. I'll move them up and move it up for now and then we can revisit you. So we'll make it out for that as well.
Anil Murty: um, Other things, anybody want to bring up?
Anil Murty: Into things to act on this list, prioritize.
CanalB: You.
Anil Murty: Should probably mute.
Anil Murty: They cannot be mute.
Anil Murty: All right. Okay cool. If there's no other things on the projects list, I think we have some notes for what we got to change on this.
Greg Osuri: I I point to clarification how are we tracking work? That happens in project for example like there is the project that I suppose the website. Stuff. I feel like there's sort of like The initiative place of what we want to be done. So we can share with people and at the same time, you know, Track, who's doing,…
Anil Murty: Okay. Yep.
Greg Osuri: why right?
Greg Osuri: So, to keep some record. Yeah.
Anil Murty: Yeah, so the model of following right now and it may not be perfect. Is essentially, there is we have recording meeting minutes for each time. We discussing we kicked off, kick off the content, moderation as an example. And we're tracking action items for me meeting and assigning people to them. So, like, a content moderation, right now, there's an action item for me to write the PRD. So the full request for that out here, actually item for jigger to create the management APs back. He has a PO for that and action item for ADAM to create the moderation API aspect. So all of these are getting documented as action items in the meeting minutes that that is going to publish after meetings and and then we'll just follow up in the subsequent meetings and make sure that they get done.
Greg Osuri: However, for more advanced projects into in terms of like, like website where you already have, it's not spec creation, but it's actually website itself is a different repo, then we create issue there and we reference an issue here. How are you thinking about it?
Anil Murty: Yeah, pretty much like even these ultimately these were ultimately get implemented and provider services. So this would end up creating issues inside the Provider Services report. Yep. And also,…
Greg Osuri: And referencing here for tracking. Okay.
Anil Murty: in case of work groups, right? I think what we said was the kind of short-lived, The idea is to define the spec get agreement on it, and then hopefully dissolve the group. And then, the implementation goes up, there will be some, I think gray area in that where you'll find out things, after you start implementing that you inspect correctly and you might have to come back and revisit but we'll figure it out as we go.
Greg Osuri: Track.
Anil Murty: Yes. Okay.
Greg Osuri: This sounds good.
Anil Murty: Awesome. Other thoughts on the projects list.
Anil Murty: Cool. The last thing I had on my mind was talking about proposals and how those get happened. So one of the things we decided to do is retire or at least work towards retiring the forum. So Forum Rod Akash.network is the place where people could ask questions and then even governance proposals would get subheaded their first before being proposed. So what we're going to start doing is using discussions for that instead that's kind of thinking at least. Now one thing I'm not quite sure about is like How do we get to consensus on something? Being ready for publishing as a proposal as a governance proposal? On chain. But I guess we'll try one or two proposals and see how that goes. The only other option you can think of is To make proposals. Also, you know, essentially Prs ended up Coaching.
Cheng Wang: Yeah, I think the proposal discussion within Github's discussions itself doesn't necessarily have to officially arrive at a consensus per se. I think it'll be extremely informative for us to gather opinions thoughts and go out of from angles. We may not necessarily or anyone have been honestly thought about previously. So the, if there isn't necessarily consensus, once the proposal is pushed through on chain that that's the consistent mechanism in and of itself, right? So, if the proposal push through is, is going to go encounter a lot of friction then, you know, the on-chain votes will will reflect that.
Anil Murty: Fair enough. Yep. I guess we'll run through it if one or two times and see how it goes.
Anil Murty: Cool. Thing. Yeah that's pretty much all the things I had at least on my mind. Are there other topics? Anybody has feature to talk about 20 minutes more on this call?
Anil Murty: Go ahead, Huey.
Anil Murty: Who decides what goes into the proposal? So I think the idea here was given that we're using discussions, anybody that wants to submit a proposal would Post it as a discussion. And if it didn't make sense to most people, people would comment on that reply back and say, Hey, this doesn't make sense and it will be kind of a early age for people before they actually summary of proposal formally. Some kind of answer your question, Huey.
Greg Osuri: Using this, for,
Scott Hewitson: Oh yeah. Yeah, I mean I guess it was just like like it's over. Do we overclock labs plan to be writing a bunch of proposals? Do we like You know. That's that's more of my question.
Anil Murty: Yes, I think in theory anybody could but I think Greg correct me from wrong but I think most likely the next proposal might be the the economics to order from you.
Greg Osuri: Yeah. So, Overclock is going to be contributing, right? Quite a lot. In fact. So, it's it's only fair, we rather proposals right instead of going through a pass through, which doesn't make sense. But I'll also be sensitive about because Overclock, you know, created a car accident. Also, you know, we're pre Genesis talking holders. So we have it sensitive about funding requests and you know, You know, I would imagine the most funding would be Non-overclock contributions in the at least in the early days and as we mature enough, we'll have all contributions. But yeah. Really depends on the proposal. I would say, most technical proposals should come from Overclock, because Overclock is the most, you know, the closest to the code base. At this point.
Anil Murty: Correct. Any other topics? We don't have to be here for the whole hour. There's nothing else.
Cheng Wang: You just quickening with regards to Syrian committee is this like a once a month thing that the Syrian committee will will meet Anil. set the plan or
Anil Murty: All right, believe next that's what the schedule for right now but Tyler, you know, you remember.
Tyler Wright: Yeah, it's intended to be a want to once a month meeting. That happens to the end of month. Following many of the CIGS as a CIGS developed. They might have ideas that they want to bring forward to the steering committee. So representatives and leadership within various sigs, will come here. Hear the agenda from the steering committee and then maybe talk about things they want to get funded or things. They want to move forward in the steering committee can help reprioritize. Those restructure, those see if they need to be working groups or whatever.
Anil Murty: Sounds good. Alright. Tyler, I don't know if you have like, if you were writing down notes, but if you do, and you just want to run through them because do it quickly Cap and and close off the call.
Tyler Wright: Yeah, absolutely. Um, I know there's a number of topics that were obviously discussed today including adding CIGS like SIG Design, the restructuring of sick community, There was a discussion about six security but we're going to most likely turn that into a user group for now.
Tyler Wright: There will be some restructuring of the project lists. I won't go into great detail right now with what the restructuring is, but we will update the project list behind the scenes based upon conversations from this call. And then again these meeting recordings will all be made available via minutes. We do have to make a specific area for the steering committee like a repo, so we'll do that. And then put meeting and put them in minutes inside of that, the recordings will live their transcriptions. Actually, any action items or any major talking points from this meeting. So I'll make sure to follow up with that. Go ahead Cheng.
Cheng Wang: You know, that that prompts it a question for me, which is, as these meeting transcriptions and recordings are posted into the publicly available Google Drive, right? But I think the ultimate single source of truth is the the github like the repository. Right. So would is there a process that we're going to create a essentially formalize? A I guess we'll request right to push that content live on to Github word. That is the link to push that content link on to get
Greg Osuri: So the pattern that I've been following is putting the videos on RV for its permanency.
Tyler Wright: Up.
Greg Osuri: So you can go create an review, anybody should be able to create an RV wallet, and who are sending the PR should be able to upload their multiple clients for RV that you can use. Probably what are we once? You posted, you cannot delete it. It's a whole like permanent storage mechanism. So it's great for storing videos. And also, we want to avoid storing, large files, and get special like a video, which is like half a gig file.
Greg Osuri: And the transcript is translated into a Google docs. Using a mark, using a extension call docs to markdown. You can actually create a markdown version of a Google docs. So I try to keep one page for the meeting notes, that includes the link. I mean, includes summarization of the nodes, as well as a link to the RV file and the transcript in the same document. An example would be under SIG clients. The first meeting we had recently is a good example for you to take a look. That's what I propose and…
Cheng Wang: Got it.
Greg Osuri: I think it's reasonable and it has the least amount of resource usage in terms of large file consumption with Github or not and plus Google.
Tyler Wright: Up.
Greg Osuri: Now, I was again, there's no saying Google drives owned by or talk labs and, you know, we are going to Need to have a flexibility to have our own security policies in the future. So there's no, you know, sort of, like pressure on overclock labs to keep things open, right? So It's treated like a public record.
Tyler Wright: Absolutely. That also speaks to another great point that as we continue to have these SIG meetings, there will be a call for leadership to take on some of these shared responsibilities. So that these can be open PRs, that many people are contributing to following the same structure that Greg, just described and how we take notes, take meeting notes, but many people can contribute to that effort. Besides just myself for now.
Tyler Wright: Go ahead, Adam.
Adam Bozanich: It says like the transcripts and videos. I think as a less actionable than like, you know, summarization or like any any you know, if we say what kind of do something for some particularly reason then like do a write-up Like the transcripts and…
Tyler Wright: Yep.
Adam Bozanich: videos are nice or just kind of like, you know, archival purposes, I suppose. But if we're asking people to go dive into transcripts to figure something out that like we're missing something, I think.
Tyler Wright: No. Absolutely, I think really again. As Greg just mentioned in SIG clients. There's like a high level themes and then specific action items that will be kind of like synopsis is from every meeting.
Greg Osuri: actually take a look at the my secrets and notes, I put a summarize them very like bullet points, you know, taking all the feedback special if you want to open it up and you know it's a good example as a how I summarized and usually, you know, Take a lot of notes. you know, on if you want to click on the link and you know that I posted in meeting or…
Anil Murty: yep, looking at sure.
Greg Osuri: should be I can share that links.
Greg Osuri: A lot of these notes was just me, taking notes while meeting us happening but also went and reviewed the transcript a little bit and extract the notes out of it and made like bullet point summary as to in categorize them and summarize them pretty well obviously, it's transcript also has You know. inaccurate like transcripts done by machine, so that's That also needs some cleanup. So we're hoping some community member could be able to you know, match the transcript to the actual words. That. Also some some project that could be like incentivize, right? So people can earn tokens. To do that, too.
Anil Murty: Awesome. Yeah. Love This will follow the same format
Anil Murty: Cool.
Greg Osuri: Doesn't answer your question, Adam.
Adam Bozanich: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I don't think we like,…
Tyler Wright: Okay.
Adam Bozanich: I don't think we need to like, Strive for super accurate, transcripts.
Adam Bozanich: And the summarization is awesome and that's what's really important. That was excited. but,
Tyler Wright: the other group that,
Adam Bozanich: The transcription videos are great for full transparency. Also for people to like, you know, follow along to like, Oh, I miss the meeting. because, you know, further in time you are away from the meeting the less valuable it is well, And it's like, let's actionable.
Tyler Wright: Absolutely. Well again, when we get the transcription recording for this, we'll go through that process and then make sure we update folks in the SIG, um, about again, wear these notes live, there will be a number of six as previously mentioned happening next week. And we'll make sure to continue to update folks, whether it be on Twitter, telegram, discord and we're working on other avenues in which to make sure that everybody in the that's already involved in the community and then new folks that want to get involved in the cash have various ways in which they can get involved.
Tyler Wright: If you have any questions or any comments or any feedback, please feel free to reach out to us on discord. We're fairly active, or if you have any thoughts on the priorities. Again, please use a discord SIG channels to continue these conversations. I know that many of the conversations are considered or happening in sigs that have already begun and that's what we love to happen. And then, you know, we can take that same momentum and continue to build between meetings and talk about the deliverables at those meeting. So, um, keep that up. If anyone has again any questions or feedback, Please share, that's all I have a Neil Greg. Anybody have any other comments or from the steering committee? Scott Archer. Adam.
Adam Bozanich: Yes, it's been great.
Tyler Wright: Cool. Yeah,…
Adam Bozanich: And so
Tyler Wright: appreciate it all. We'll talk offline. Let us know if you need anything.
Cheng Wang: I say.
Meeting ended after 00:57:12 👋