- NodeJS
- Typescript
- NestJS monorepo
- PostgreSQL
- Prisma
- RabbitMQ
- Docker
From the project root run:
% cp .env.example .env # 👈 customize accordingly
You need to provide the following screts:
SENTRY_DSN=https://[email protected]/PROJECT_KEY
From the project root run:
% docker compose up
Postman collection is provided: ./docs/postman_collection-v1.0.json
- Auth service (swagger: http://localhost:3000/api)
- Products service (swagger: http://localhost:3001/api)
- Orders service (swagger: http://localhost:3002/api)
- Shopify service (swagger: http://localhost:3003/api)
- no tests
- there are a few untreated RPC timeouts between services
- there is no Shopify GraphQL create order mutation
- the staging Shopify store currently does not allow for order checkout
- the only way to test the order synchronization is by manually trigging it's endpoint with the appropriate payload (ex:
% sh ./docs/webhook-example.sh
) - forgot to format a nice error response on webhook fail (it still responds 500 so Shopify can monitor)