- Added ExecuteEdits method.
- Added missing properties to DiffEditorConstructionOptions.
- Added LineNumbersLambda property to editor construction options to set line numbers via a lambda.
- Changed the type of the payload parameter from JsomElement to Object in Editor.Trigger method for convenience.
- Fixed the return type of GetAllDecorations method.
- Fixed a null pointer exception that occurs when TextModels are null.
- Updated to Monaco Editor v0.22.3
- Added TextModel methods.
- Breaking Changes:
- Merged 'BlazorMonaco.Bridge' namespace into 'BlazorMonaco' namespace
- Renamed 'CommentOptions' class to 'EditorCommentsOptions'
- Renamed 'FindOptions' class to 'EditorFindOptions'
- Renamed 'HoverOptions' class to 'EditorHoverOptions'
- Renamed 'LightbulbOptions' class to 'EditorLightbulbOptions'
- Renamed 'MinimapOptions' class to 'EditorMinimapOptions'
- Renamed 'ParameterHintOptions' class to 'EditorParameterHintOptions'
- Renamed 'ScrollbarOptions' class to 'EditorScrollbarOptions'
- Restructured 'EditorLayoutInfo'
- Removed some options and properties that are removed by Monaco Editor itself
- Fixed a bug that causes event listeners to trigger twice.
- Added support for net5.0
- Added support for editor model events.
- OnDidChangeModel
- OnDidChangeModelContent
- OnDidChangeModelDecorations
- OnDidChangeModelLanguage
- OnDidChangeModelLanguageConfiguration
- OnDidChangeModelOptions
- Editor Id is auto-generated if it's not provided.
- Diff Editor support is finally here. This was possibly the biggest feature missing in BlazorMonaco.
- Added DefineTheme method
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed a bug where recreating the editor instance fails.
- Added support for DeltaDecorations and ResetDeltaDecorations.
- Removed hardcoded style from the monaco editor container
- Replaced preview dependencies with their latest stable versions
- Updated for Blazor v3.2.0
- You can now use your custom monaco-editor setup instead of the packed unmodified version.
- Updated for Blazor v3.2.0-rc1
- Added support for static methods.
- Colorize
- ColorizeElement
- ColorizeModelLine
- CreateModel
- GetModel
- GetModels
- RemeasureFonts
- SetModelLanguage
- Added support for editor instance methods.
- Dispose
- Focus
- GetContainerDomNodeId
- GetContentHeight
- GetContentWidth
- GetEditorType
- GetLayoutInfo
- GetOffsetForColumn
- GetOption
- GetPosition
- GetRawOptions
- GetScrollHeight
- GetScrollLeft
- GetScrollTop
- GetScrollWidth
- GetScrolledVisiblePosition
- GetSelection
- GetSelections
- GetTargetAtClientPoint
- GetTopForLineNumber
- GetTopForPosition
- GetVisibleColumnFromPosition
- GetVisibleRanges
- HasTextFocus
- HasWidgetFocus
- Layout
- PushUndoStop
- Render
- RevealLine
- RevealLineInCenter
- RevealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport
- RevealLines
- RevealLinesInCenter
- RevealLinesInCenterIfOutsideViewport
- RevealPosition
- RevealPositionInCenter
- RevealPositionInCenterIfOutsideViewport
- RevealRange
- RevealRangeAtTop
- RevealRangeInCenter
- RevealRangeInCenterIfOutsideViewport
- SetPosition
- SetScrollLeft
- SetScrollPosition
- SetScrollTop
- SetSelection
- SetSelections
- Trigger
- Added support for editor events.
- OnDidCompositionEnd
- OnDidCompositionStart
- Bug fixes.
- Added support for editor events.
- OnDidInit
- OnContextMenu
- OnDidBlurEditorText
- OnDidBlurEditorWidget
- OnDidChangeConfiguration
- OnDidChangeCursorPosition
- OnDidChangeCursorSelection
- OnDidContentSizeChange
- OnDidDispose
- OnDidFocusEditorText
- OnDidFocusEditorWidget
- OnDidLayoutChange
- OnDidPaste
- OnDidScrollChange
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyUp
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseLeave
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- Changed editor GetOptions parameter name to ConstructionOptions.
- Bug fixes.
- Updated for Blazor v3.2.0-preview5
- Bug fixes.
- Initial release.