All the course material is written inside notebooks and markdown files (usually in slides/
). Tutorial files (in tutorial/
) are meant to be run and filled by students.
Each student is expected to have a clone of the course repository and update it at the beginning of each session. It is suggested to work on a copy of each file.
- To make the most of the course, it is recommended to install
- Julia 1.8
- A good text editor (strongly advised: Visual Studio Code)
- Git
- As a plan B, it is possible to use the mybinder link
- be sure to save your work locally
- github repository for the course:
- enroll by:
- creating a github account if needed
- cloning the repository
- making a PR on
- join on Zulip : we'll communicate in the
room- you're welcome to ask questions and answer other's questions (nicely)
- outside of the course hours, I'll answer when I can
- formal or infrequent communication:
[email protected]
with subject starting with[eco309]
- Hands-on tutorial started in class must be (reasonably) completed by Wednesday night.
- option A: send them to me
- option B: commit the work in your clone.
- There will be two special assignments with 14 days to complete each of them.
- Groupwork is OK.
- Final Exam will take place in the latest session.
- It will consists of a few simple programming questions and a small model to solve yourself.
- Final Grade will weight everything