From 2596ffeefdedcb45140ed5c2a4da68a06c12623a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lavita Pereira Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 22:40:25 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Created a new class called MessageVariables to extract the variables used in the Messages class and extended MessageVariables class in the Messages class. --- .../net/alex9849/arm/ | 1134 +++++++++++++++++ .../main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ | 1125 +--------------- 2 files changed, 1135 insertions(+), 1124 deletions(-) create mode 100644 advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ diff --git a/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ b/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..771be46d --- /dev/null +++ b/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ @@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@ +package net.alex9849.arm; + +import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; +import java.lang.annotation.Retention; +import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; +import java.lang.annotation.Target; +import java.util.List; + +public class MessageVariables { + + @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) + @Target(ElementType.FIELD) + public @interface Message { + public String name(); + + public String[] message(); + + public int version() default 0; + } + + //Current version = 7 + @Messages.Message(name = "Prefix", message = "&b[ARM]&r ", version = 1) + public static String PREFIX; + @Messages.Message(name = "Buymessage", message = "&aRegion successfully bought!") + public static String REGION_BUYMESSAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "NotEnoughMoney", message = "&4You do not have enough money!") + public static String NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAlreadySold", message = "&4Region already Sold!") + public static String REGION_ALREADY_SOLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoPermission", message = "&4You do not have permission!") + public static String NO_PERMISSION; + @Messages.Message(name = "WorldDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected world does not exist!") + public static String WORLD_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected region does not exist in this (or the selected) world!") + public static String REGION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "WGRegionNotFound", message = "&4Could not find region! Make sure to execute this command in the same world in that the region exists! Some versions of WorldGuard require a case-sensitive region name!") + public static String WGREGION_NOT_FOUND; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAddedToARM", message = "&7Region has been created and added to ARM!", version = 3) + public static String REGION_ADDED_TO_ARM; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAndSignAddedToARM", message = "&7Regionsign has been created and region has been added to ARM!") + public static String REGION_AND_SIGN_ADDED_TO_ARM; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignAddedToRegion", message = "&7Region already exists! The sign has been added to the region!") + public static String SIGN_ADDED_TO_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignRemovedFromRegion", message = "&7Regionsign removed! %remaining% Sign(s) remaining!", version = 3) + public static String SIGN_REMOVED_FROM_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionZeroSignsReached", message = "&7You've deleted the last sign of this region! Please note that this region has &4&l&nNOT BEEN REMOVED FROM ARM!!&r &7If you want to unregister this region execute &6/arm delete %regionid%&7!") + public static String REGION_ZERO_SIGNS_REACHED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellSign1", message = "&2For Sale") + public static String SELL_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellSign2", message = "%regionid%") + public static String SELL_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellSign3", message = "%price%%currency%") + public static String SELL_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellSign4", message = "%dimensions%") + public static String SELL_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "SoldSign1", message = "&4Sold") + public static String SOLD_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "SoldSign2", message = "%regionid%") + public static String SOLD_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "SoldSign3", message = "") + public static String SOLD_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "SoldSign4", message = "%owner%") + public static String SOLD_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign1", message = "&4Not for sale!") + public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign2", message = "Region is under") + public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign3", message = "protection of") + public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign4", message = "continuance!") + public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "Currency", message = "$") + public static String CURRENCY; + @Messages.Message(name = "CommandOnlyIngame", message = "&4This command can only be executed ingame!") + public static String COMMAND_ONLY_INGAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoExpired", message = "&4Expired") + public static String REGION_INFO_EXPIRED; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMainMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Menu") + public static String GUI_MAIN_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIGoBack", message = "&6Go back") + public static String GUI_GO_BACK; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMyOwnRegions", message = "&6My regions (Owner)") + public static String GUI_MY_OWN_REGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMemberRegionsMenuName", message = "&1ARM - My regions (Member)") + public static String GUI_MEMBER_REGIONS_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMyMemberRegions", message = "&6My regions (Member)") + public static String GUI_MY_MEMBER_REGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISearchFreeRegion", message = "&6Search free region") + public static String GUI_SEARCH_FREE_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIOwnRegionsMenuName", message = "&1ARM - My regions (Owner)") + public static String GUI_OWN_REGIONS_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMembersButton", message = "&6Members") + public static String GUI_MEMBERS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIShowInfosButton", message = "&6Show infos") + public static String GUI_SHOW_INFOS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUITeleportToRegionButton", message = "&6Teleport to region") + public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionFinderMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Regionfinder") + public static String GUI_REGION_FINDER_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMemberListMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Members of %regionid%") + public static String GUI_MEMBER_LIST_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerButton", message = "&aMake owner") + public static String GUI_MAKE_OWNER_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRemoveMemberButton", message = "&4Remove") + public static String GUI_REMOVE_MEMBER_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerWarningName", message = "&4&lAre you sure?") + public static String GUI_MAKE_OWNER_WARNING_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIWarningYes", message = "&aYes") + public static String GUI_YES; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIWarningNo", message = "&4No") + public static String GUI_NO; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionTeleportMessage", message = "&7You have been teleported to %regionid%") + public static String REGION_TELEPORT_MESSAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoFreeRegionWithThisKind", message = "&7No free region with this type found :(") + public static String NO_FREE_REGION_WITH_THIS_KIND; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected regionkind does not exist!") + public static String REGIONKIND_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupNotExists", message = "&4The selected regionkindgroup does not exist!") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_NOT_EXISTS; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupModified", message = "&aRegionkindGroup modified!") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_MODIFIED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupListHeadline", message = "&6Regionkindgroups:") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_LIST_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupAlreadyExists", message = "&4RegionKindGroup already exists!") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupCreated", message = "&aRegionKindgroup created!") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_CREATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupDeleted", message = "&aRegionkindgroup deleted!") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupHelpHeadline", message = "&6==[AdvancedRegionMarket RegionkindGroup Help]==\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindgroupInfo", message = {"&6======[RegionkindGroup Info]======", + "&9Name: &e%regionkindgroup%", + "&9DisplayName: &r%regionkindgroupdisplay%", + "&9Display in limits: &e%regionkindgroupdisplayinlimits%", + "&9Member Regionkinds: &e%regionkindgroupmembers%"}) + public static List REGIONKINDGROUP_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNowAvailable", message = "&aRegion is now available!") + public static String REGION_NOW_AVAILABLE; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoRegionAtPlayersPosition", message = "&7Could not find a region at your position!") + public static String NO_REGION_AT_PLAYERS_POSITION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAddMemberNotOnline", message = "&4The selected player is not online!") + public static String REGION_ADD_MEMBER_NOT_ONLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAddMemberAdded", message = "&aMember has been added!") + public static String REGION_ADD_MEMBER_ADDED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionRemoveMemberNotAMember", message = "&4The selected player is not a member of the region") + public static String REGION_REMOVE_MEMBER_NOT_A_MEMBER; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionRemoveMemberRemoved", message = "&aMember has been removed!") + public static String REGION_REMOVE_MEMBER_REMOVED; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIResetRegionButton", message = "&4Reset region") + public static String GUI_RESET_REGION_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIResetRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lReset your region?") + public static String GUI_RESET_REGION_WARNING_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "ResetComplete", message = "&aReset complete!") + public static String RESET_COMPLETE; + @Messages.Message(name = "ResetRegionCooldownError", message = "&7You have to wait&6 %remaininguserrestorecooldown-countdown-writtenout% &7till you can reset your region again") + public static String RESET_REGION_COOLDOWN_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionTakeOverMenuName", message = "&4Region take-over") + public static String GUI_TAKEOVER_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionTransferCompleteMessage", message = "&aTransfer complete!") + public static String REGION_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_MESSAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUICloseWindow", message = "&6Close window") + public static String GUI_CLOSE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentSign1", message = "&2For Rent") + public static String RENT_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentSign2", message = "%regionid%") + public static String RENT_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") + public static String RENT_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentSign4", version = 5, message = "Max.: %maxextendtime-writtenout%") + public static String RENT_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentedSign1", message = "&4Rented") + public static String RENTED_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentedSign2", message = "%regionid%/%owner%") + public static String RENTED_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentedSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") + public static String RENTED_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentedSign4", message = "%remainingtime-countdown-short%") + public static String RENTED_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentExtendMessage", version = 4, message = "&aRegion extended for &6%extendtime-current-writtenout%&a (For %price-current%%currency%. Remaining time: &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%") + public static String RENT_EXTEND_MESSAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIExtendRentRegionButton", message = "&1Extend region") + public static String GUI_EXTEND_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "Complete", message = "&aComplete!") + public static String COMPLETE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionBuyOutOfLimit", version = 2, message = "&4Out of Limit! You can see your current limits by executing &6/arm limit&4!") + public static String REGION_BUY_OUT_OF_LIMIT; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionErrorCanNotBuildHere", message = "&4You are only allowed to break blocks you placed here!") + public static String REGION_ERROR_CAN_NOT_BUILD_HERE; + @Messages.Message(name = "Unlimited", message = "∞") + public static String UNLIMITED; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIUserSellButton", message = "&4Reset and sell Region") + public static String GUI_USER_SELL_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIUserSellWarning", message = "&4&lSell your region?") + public static String GUI_USER_SELL_WARNING; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoTop", message = "&6=========[Limit Info]=========") + public static String LIMIT_INFO_TOP; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoFreePluginVersionDisclaimer", message = "&cThis server uses the free version of AdvancedRegionMarket. Therefore the number of regions a player can own has been set to 1!") + public static String LIMIT_INTO_FREE_PLUGIN_VERSION_DISCLAIMER; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoLimitReachedColorCode", message = "&r&4") + public static String LIMIT_REACHED_COLOR_CODE; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoTotal", version = 2, message = "&6- Total: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") + public static String LIMIT_INFO_TOTAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoRegionkind", version = 2, message = "&6- %regionkinddisplay%: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") + public static String LIMIT_INFO_REGIONKIND; + @Messages.Message(name = "LimitInfoRegionkindGroup", version = 2, message = "&6- %regionkindgroupdisplay%: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") + public static String LIMIT_INFO_REGIONKINDGROUP; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUILimitButton", message = "&6My limits") + public static String GUI_MY_LIMITS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "MemberlistInfo", message = "&6How to become a Member:") + public static String GUI_MEMBER_INFO_ITEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "AddMemberMaxMembersExceeded", message = "&4Cloud not add member to region! You can only have %maxmembers% members on this region!") + public static String ADD_MEMBER_MAX_MEMBERS_EXCEEDED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionIsNotARentregion", message = "&4Region is not a rentregion!") + public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_RENTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionIsNotARentOrContractregion", message = "&4Region is not a rent or contractregion!") + public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_RENT_OR_CONTRACTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionTimeAdded", message = "&aRegion extended! New expiration-date: %remainingtime-date%") + public static String REGION_TIME_ADDED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionTimeHalted", message = "&aCountdown stopped for all rent- and contract-regions") + public static String TIME_HALTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionTimeContinuing", message = "&aCountdown continues for all rent- and contract-regions") + public static String TIME_CONTINUING; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNotOwn", message = "&4You do not own this region!") + public static String REGION_NOT_OWN; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNotSold", message = "&4Region not sold!") + public static String REGION_NOT_SOLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetRemoved", message = "&aPreset removed!") + public static String PRESET_REMOVED; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetSet", message = "&aPreset set!") + public static String PRESET_SET; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetSaved", message = "&aPreset saved!") + public static String PRESET_SAVED; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetAlreadyExists", message = "&4A preset with this name already exists!") + public static String PRESET_ALREADY_EXISTS; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetPlayerDontHasPreset", message = "&4You do not have a preset loaded!") + public static String PRESET_PLAYER_DONT_HAS_PRESET; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetDeleted", message = "&aPreset deleted!") + public static String PRESET_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetNotFound", message = "&4No preset with this name found!") + public static String PRESET_NOT_FOUND; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetLoaded", message = "&aPreset loaded!") + public static String PRESET_LOADED; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionItemName", message = "%regionid% (%regionkinddisplay%)") + public static String GUI_REGION_ITEM_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionFinderRegionKindName", message = "&a&l%regionkinddisplay%") + public static String GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGIONKIND_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentRegionExpirationWarning", version = 4, message = "&4&lWARNING! &r&4Your RentRegion &6%regionid% &4will expire in about &6%remainingtime-countdown-writtenout%&4!") + public static String RENTREGION_EXPIRATION_WARNING; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSign1", message = "&2Contract") + public static String CONTRACT_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSign2", message = "&2available") + public static String CONTRACT_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSign3", message = "%regionid%") + public static String CONTRACT_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSign4", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") + public static String CONTRACT_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSoldSign1", message = "&4Contract in use") + public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN1; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSoldSign2", message = "%regionid%/%owner%") + public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN2; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSoldSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") + public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN3; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractSoldSign4", message = "%remainingtime-countdown-short%") + public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN4; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractRegionExtended", message = "&aYour contract region %regionid% has been extended for %extendtime-writtenout%. (For %price%%currency%.)") + public static String CONTRACT_REGION_EXTENDED; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIContractItem", message = "&6Manage contract") + public static String GUI_CONTRACT_ITEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractRegionStatusActive", message = "&aActive") + public static String CONTRACT_REGION_STATUS_ACTIVE; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractRegionStatusTerminated", message = "&4Terminated") + public static String CONTRACT_REGION_STATUS_TERMINATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionIsNotAContractRegion", message = "&4Region is not a contractregion!") + public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_CONTRACT_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "OwnerMemberlistInfo", message = "&6Adding members:") + public static String GUI_OWNER_MEMBER_INFO_ITEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegiontransferMemberNotOnline", message = "&4Member not online!") + public static String REGION_TRANSFER_MEMBER_NOT_ONLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegiontransferLimitError", message = "&4Transfer aborted! (Region would exceed players limit)") + public static String REGION_TRANSFER_LIMIT_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SecondsSingular", message = "second") + public static String TIME_SECONDS_SINGULAR; + @Messages.Message(name = "MinutesSingular", message = "minute") + public static String TIME_MINUTES_SINGULAR; + @Messages.Message(name = "HoursSingular", message = "hour") + public static String TIME_HOURS_SINGULAR; + @Messages.Message(name = "DaysSingular", message = "day") + public static String TIME_DAYS_SINGULAR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SecondsPlural", message = "seconds") + public static String TIME_SECONDS_PLURAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "MinutesPlural", message = "minutes") + public static String TIME_MINUTES_PLURAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "HoursPlural", message = "hours") + public static String TIME_HOURS_PLURAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "DaysPlural", message = "days") + public static String TIME_DAYS_PLURAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "SecondsShort", message = "s") + public static String TIME_SECONDS_SHORT; + @Messages.Message(name = "MinutesShort", message = "m") + public static String TIME_MINUTES_SHORT; + @Messages.Message(name = "HoursShort", message = "h") + public static String TIME_HOURS_SHORT; + @Messages.Message(name = "DaysShort", message = "d") + public static String TIME_DAYS_SHORT; + @Messages.Message(name = "TimeUnitSplitter", message = " and ") + public static String TIME_UNIT_SPLITTER; + @Messages.Message(name = "TimeUnitSplitterShort", message = ":") + public static String TIME_UNIT_SPLITTER_SHORT; + @Messages.Message(name = "UserNotAMemberOrOwner", message = "&4You are not a member or owner of this region!") + public static String NOT_A_MEMBER_OR_OWNER; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoYes", message = "&2yes") + public static String YES; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoNo", message = "&4no") + public static String NO; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoNever", message = "&4Never") + public static String NEVER; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionAleadyRegistred", message = "&4Region already registered! &c(If you want to delete and re-add it. Delete it first with &6/arm delete [REGION-ID]&c!)") + public static String REGION_ALREADY_REGISTERED; + @Messages.Message(name = "UnknownUUID", message = "Unknown UUID") + public static String UNKNOWN_UUID; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionStats", message = "&6=========[Region stats]=========") + public static String REGION_STATS; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionStatsPattern", message = "&8Used regions (%regionkind%&8):") + public static String REGION_STATS_PATTERN; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleporterNoSaveLocation", message = "&4Could not find a save teleport location") + public static String TELEPORTER_NO_SAVE_LOCATION_FOUND; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleporterDontMove", message = "&6Teleportation will commence in &c%time% Seconds&6. Do not move!") + public static String TELEPORTER_DONT_MOVE; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleporterTeleportationAborded", message = "&4Teleportation aborded!") + public static String TELEPORTER_TELEPORTATION_ABORDED; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferSent", message = "&aYour offer has been sent") + public static String OFFER_SENT; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferAcceptedSeller", message = "&a%buyer% &aaccepted your offer") + public static String OFFER_ACCEPTED_SELLER; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferAcceptedBuyer", message = "&aOffer accepted! You are now the owner of &c%regionid%") + public static String OFFER_ACCEPTED_BUYER; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoOfferToAnswer", message = "&4You dont have an offer to answer") + public static String NO_OFFER_TO_ANSWER; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferRejected", message = "&aOffer rejected!") + public static String OFFER_REJECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferHasBeenRejected", message = "&4%buyer% &4rejected your offer!") + public static String OFFER_HAS_BEEN_REJECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoOfferToReject", message = "&4You do not have an offer to reject") + public static String NO_OFFER_TO_REJECT; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferCancelled", message = "&aYour offer has been cancelled!") + public static String OFFER_CANCELED; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferHasBeenCancelled", message = "&4%seller% &4cancelled his offer!") + public static String OFFER_HAS_BEEN_CANCELLED; + @Messages.Message(name = "NoOfferToCancel", message = "&4You do not have an offer to cancel") + public static String NO_OFFER_TO_CANCEL; + @Messages.Message(name = "BuyerAlreadyGotAnOffer", message = "&4The selected buyer already got an offer that he has to answer first!") + public static String BUYER_ALREADY_GOT_AN_OFFER; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellerAlreadyCreatedAnOffer", message = "&4You have already created an offer! Please wait for an answer or cancel it first!") + public static String SELLER_ALREADY_CREATED_AN_OFFER; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellerDoesNotLongerOwnRegion", message = "&4%seller% &4does not longer own this region. His offer has been cancelled") + public static String SELLER_DOES_NOT_LONGER_OWN_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "IncomingOffer", message = "&c%seller% &6offers you his region &c%regionid% &6in the world &c%world% &6for &c%price%%currency%&6! You can accept his offer with &c/arm offer accept &6or reject it &c/arm offer reject") + public static String INCOMING_OFFER; + @Messages.Message(name = "SelectedPlayerIsNotOnline", message = "&4The selected player is not online") + public static String SELECTED_PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "OfferTimedOut", message = "&4Offer timed out!") + public static String OFFER_TIMED_OUT; + @Messages.Message(name = "BadSyntax", message = "&7Bad syntax! Please use: &8%command%") + public static String BAD_SYNTAX; + @Messages.Message(name = "LandlordServer", message = "Server") + public static String LANDLORD_SERVER; + @Messages.Message(name = "BadSyntaxSplitter", message = "\n&7or &8%command%") + public static String BAD_SYNTAX_SPLITTER; + @Messages.Message(name = "HelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket Help ]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetInfoSellregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", + "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", + "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", + "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", + "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", + "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", + "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", + "&9Setup commands:", + "%presetsetupcommands%"}) + public static List PRESET_INFO_SELLREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetInfoContractregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", + "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", + "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", + "&9ExtendTime: &e%extendtime%", + "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", + "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", + "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", + "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", + "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", + "&9Setup commands:", + "%presetsetupcommands%"}) + public static List PRESET_INFO_CONTRACTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "PresetInfoRentregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", + "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", + "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", + "&9ExtendTime: &e%extendtime%", + "&9MaxExtendTime: &e%maxextendtime%", + "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", + "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", + "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", + "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", + "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", + "&9Setup commands:", + "%presetsetupcommands%"}) + public static List PRESET_INFO_RENTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "NotDefined", message = "&8&onot defined") + public static String NOT_DEFINED; + @Messages.Message(name = "PriceCanNotBeNegative", message = "&4Price can not be negative!") + public static String PRICE_CAN_NOT_BE_NEGATIVE; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellBackWarning", message = "&4Sell region back to the server:\n" + + "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! \n" + + "Your region &6%regionid% &cwill be released and all blocks on it\n" + + "will be resetted! You and all members will loose their rights on it.\n" + + "You will get &6%paybackmoney%%currency% &cback") + public static String SELLBACK_WARNING; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion! Protection of continuance can't be activated") + public static String SUBREGION_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionInactivityResetError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the InactivityReset setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_INACTIVITYRESET_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionAutoRestoreError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the autoRestore setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_AUTORESTORE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionSetLandlordError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. The landlord is always the owner of the surrounding region!") + public static String SUBREGION_LANDLORD_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNotRestoreable", message = "&4Region not restorable!") + public static String REGION_NOT_RESTORABLE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionSelectedMultipleRegions", message = "&6There is more than one region at your position. Please select one: &4") + public static String REGION_SELECTED_MULTIPLE_REGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionRegionkindError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can edit the regionkind for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_REGIONKIND_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubRegionRegionkindOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4Subregion regionkind only for subregions!") + public static String SUBREGION_REGIONKIND_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionTeleportLocationError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. Teleport location can not be changed") + public static String SUBREGION_TELEPORT_LOCATION_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNotRegistred", message = "&4Region not registred") + public static String REGION_NOT_REGISTRED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FirstPositionSet", message = "&aFirst position set!") + public static String FIRST_POSITION_SET; + @Messages.Message(name = "SecondPositionSet", message = "&aSecond position set!") + public static String SECOND_POSITION_SET; + @Messages.Message(name = "MarkInOtherRegion", message = "&4Mark in other Region. Removing old mark") + public static String MARK_IN_OTHER_REGION_REMOVING; + @Messages.Message(name = "ParentRegionNotOwn", message = "&4You don not own the parent region!") + public static String PARENT_REGION_NOT_OWN; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubRegionRemoveNoPermissionBecauseSold", message = "&4You are not allowed to remove this region. Please ask an admin if you believe this is an error") + public static String NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REMOVE_SUBREGION_SOLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubRegionRemoveNoPermissionBecauseAvailable", message = "&4You are not allowed to remove this region, because it is sold. You may ask the owner or an admin to release it") + public static String NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REMOVE_SUBREGION_AVAILABLE; + @Messages.Message(name = "PosCloudNotBeSetMarkOutsideRegion", message = "&4Position could not be set! Position outside region") + public static String POSITION_CLOUD_NOT_BE_SET_MARK_OUTSIDE_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubRegionAlreadyAtThisPosition", message = "&4Your selection would overlap with a subregion that already has been created") + public static String ALREADY_SUBREGION_AT_THIS_POSITION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubRegionLimitReached", message = "&4Subregion limit reached! You are not allowed to create more than &6%subregionlimit% &4subregions") + public static String SUBREGION_LIMIT_REACHED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SelectionInvalid", message = "&4Selection invalid! You need to select 2 positions! (Left/Right click) Type \"&6/arm subregion tool&4\" to get the selection tool") + public static String SELECTION_INVALID; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionCreatedAndSaved", message = "&aRegion created and saved!") + public static String REGION_CREATED_AND_SAVED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionNotASubregion", message = "&4Region not a subregion!") + public static String REGION_NOT_A_SUBREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionDeleted", message = "&aRegion deleted!") + public static String REGION_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "DeleteRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lDelete region?") + public static String DELETE_REGION_WARNING_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "UnsellRegionButton", message = "&4Unsell region") + public static String UNSELL_REGION_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "UnsellRegionButtonLore", message = {"&4Click to unsell your subregion and", + "&4kick the players of it"}) + public static List UNSELL_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "UnsellRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lUnsell region?") + public static String UNSELL_REGION_WARNING_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket Subregion Help]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String SUBREGION_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellbackLandlordNotEnoughMoney", message = "&4The landlord of this region doesn't have enough money! If you want to give the region back without getting money back use &7/arm sellback %region% nomoney&4!") + public static String SELLBACK_LANDLORD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellregionName", message = "Sellregion") + public static String SELLREGION_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractregionName", message = "Contractregion") + public static String CONTRACTREGION_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentregionName", message = "Rentregion") + public static String RENTREGION_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionsButton", message = "&6Subregions") + public static String GUI_SUBREGION_ITEM_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionListMenuName", message = "&1Subregions") + public static String GUI_SUBREGION_LIST_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIHotelButton", message = "&6Hotel-function") + public static String GUI_SUBREGION_HOTEL_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIDeleteRegionButton", message = "&4Delete region") + public static String GUI_SUBREGION_DELETE_REGION_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUITeleportToSignOrRegionButton", message = "Teleport to sign or region?") + public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_SIGN_OR_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderTeleportToSignButton", message = "&6Teleport to buy sign!") + public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_SIGN; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderTeleportToRegionButton", message = "&6Teleport to region!") + public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUINextPageButton", message = "&6Next page") + public static String GUI_NEXT_PAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIPrevPageButton", message = "&6Prev page") + public static String GUI_PREV_PAGE; + @Messages.Message(name = "Enabled", message = "&aenabled") + public static String ENABLED; + @Messages.Message(name = "Disabled", message = "&cdisabled") + public static String DISABLED; + @Messages.Message(name = "Sold", message = "&csold") + public static String SOLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "Available", message = "&aavailable") + public static String AVAILABLE; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionIsUserResettableError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the isUserResettable setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_IS_USER_RESETTABLE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionMaxMembersError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the maxMember setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_MAX_MEMBERS_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIHotelButtonLore", message = {"&6The hotel function allows you to prevent players", + "&6from breaking blocks they do not have placed", + "&6Status: %hotelfunctionstatus%", + "&6Click to enable/disable"}) + public static List GUI_SUBREGION_HOTEL_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoSell", message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", + "&6Status: %soldstatus%", + "&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2: %priceperm2%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) + public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_SELL; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoRent", version = 5, message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", + "&6Status: %soldstatus%", + "&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", + "&6Extend per click: %extendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Max. extended time: %maxextendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) + public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_RENT; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoContract", message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", + "&6Status: %soldstatus%", + "&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", + "&6Automatic extend time: %extendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) + public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_CONTRACT; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoSell", message = {"&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2: %priceperm2%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", + "&6World: %world%"}) + public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_SELL; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoRent", version = 5, message = {"&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", + "&6Extend per click: %extendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Max. extended time: %maxextendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", + "&6World: %world%"}) + public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_RENT; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoContract", message = {"&6Price: %price%", + "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", + "&6Automatic extend time: %extendtime-writtenout%", + "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", + "&6World: %world%"}) + public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_CONTRACT; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionCreationCreateSignInfo", message = {"&aYour selection has been saved! You can now create a sign to sell the region.", + "&aCreate a Sell-Region:", + "&6First line: &b[sub-sell]", + "&6Last line: &bprice", + "", + "&aCreate a Rent-Region:", + "&6First line: &b[sub-rent]", + "&6Last line: &bPricePerPeriod&6;&bExtendPerClick&6;&bMaxExtendTime", + "&6example for ExtendPerClick/MaxExtendTime: 5d (5 days)", + "", + "&aCreate a Contract-Region:", + "&6First line: &b[sub-contract]", + "&6Last line: &bPricePerPeriod&6;&bExtendTime", + "&6example for ExtendTime: 12h (12 hours)", + "&4We would strongly recommend to not place the sign within the subregion!"}) + public static List SELECTION_SAVED_CREATE_SIGN; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionCreationSelectAreaInfo", message = {"&aYou got a tool in your inventory (feather) to select 2 points of your region that will mark the corners of your new subregion.", + "&aLeft click to select pos1", + "&aRight click to select pos2", + "&aType \"&6/arm subregion create\" &aif you are done"}) + public static List SUBREGION_TOOL_INSTRUCTION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionToolAlreadyOwned", message = "&4You already own a Subregion Tool. Please use that instead of a new one!") + public static String SUBREGION_TOOL_ALREADY_OWNED; + @Messages.Message(name = "AutopriceList", message = "&6=========[Autoprices]=========") + public static String AUTOPRICE_LIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionManagerNoSubregionItem", message = "&6Info") + public static String GUI_SUBREGION_MANAGER_NO_SUBREGION_ITEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "SelltypeNotExist", message = "&4The selected selltype does not exist!") + public static String SELLTYPE_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeActivated", message = "&aSign-Link-Mode activated! Click into a region and afterwards click on a sign. ARM will automatically create a region (or will just add the sign if the region already exists) with the settings of your preset") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_ACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeDeactivated", message = "&aSign-Link-Mode deactivated!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_DEACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeAlreadyDeactivated", message = "&4Sign-Link-Mode is already deactivated!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_ALREADY_DEACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModePresetNotPriceready", message = "&cThe selected preset is not price-ready! All regions you will create now will be created with the default autoprice") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_PRESET_NOT_PRICEREADY; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoPresetSelected", message = "&cYou dont have a preset loaded! Please load or create a preset first! &cYou can create a preset by using the &6/arm sellpreset/rentpreset/contractpreset &ccommands!\n" + + "For more &cinformation about presets click here:\n" + + "&6 (Github Wiki)") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_PRESET_SELECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeSignBelongsToAnotherRegion", message = "&4Sign belongs to another region!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_SIGN_BELONGS_TO_ANOTHER_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeSignSelected", message = "&aSign selected!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_SIGN_SELECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeMultipleWgRegionsAtPosition", message = "&4Could not select WorldGuard-Region!" + + "There is more than one region available! You can add unwanted regions to the ignore-list" + + "located in the config.yml, if you want ARM to ignore that regions!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_SELECT_REGION_MULTIPLE_WG_REGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoWgRegionAtPosition", message = "&4Could not select WorldGuard-Region! There is no region at your position!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_SELECT_REGION_NO_WG_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeCouldNotIdentifyWorld", message = "&4Could not identify world! Please select the WorldGuard-Region again!") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_IDENTIFY_WORLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoSignSelected", message = "&4You have not selected a sign") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_SIGN_SELECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoWgRegionSelected", message = "&4You have not selected a WorldGuard-Region") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_WG_REGION_SELECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SignLinkModeSelectedRegion", message = "&aSelected region: %regionid%") + public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_REGION_SELECTED; + @Messages.Message(name = "SchematicNotFoundErrorUser", message = "&4It seems like the schematic of your region %regionid% has not been created. Please contact an admin!") + public static String SCHEMATIC_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_USER; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket EntityLimit Help ]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupNotExist", message = "&4EntityLimitGroup does not exist!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitSet", message = "&aEntityLimit has been set!") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_SET; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitRemoved", message = "&aEntityLimit has been removed!") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_REMOVED; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityTypeDoesNotExist", message = "&4The entitytype &6%entitytype% &4does not exist!") + public static String ENTITYTYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupNotContainEntityLimit", message = "&4The selected EntityLimitGroup does not contain the selected EntityType") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_ENTITYLIMIT; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitTotal", message = "Total") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_TOTAL; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionPaybackPercentageError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can edit the paybackPercentage for all subregions in the config.yml!") + public static String SUBREGION_PAYBACKPERCENTAGE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckHeadline", message = "&6===[EntityLimitCheck for %regionid%]===") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &a(&r%actualentities%&a/&r%softlimitentities%&a) %entityextensioninfo%") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_PATTERN; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckExtensionInfo", message = "\n&6&o--> Limit extendable up to &r%hardlimitentities% &6entities for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") + public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_EXTENSION_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupAlreadyExists", message = "&4Group already exists!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCreated", message = "&aEntitylimitgroup has been created!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_CREATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCanNotRemoveSystem", message = "&4You can not remove a system-EntityLimitGroup!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_SYSTEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupDeleted", message = "&aEntitylimitgroup has been deleted!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoHeadline", message = "&6======[Entitylimitgroup Info]======") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoGroupname", message = "&6Groupname: ") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_GROUPNAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &r%softlimitentities% %entityextensioninfo%") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_PATTERN; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitInfoExtensionInfo", message = "\n&6&o--> Limit extendable up to &r%hardlimitentities% &6entities for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_EXTENSION_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupListHeadline", message = "&6EntityLimitGroups:") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_LIST_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionEntityLimitOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4SubregionEntityLimitGroup only for subregions") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_SUBREGION_GROUP_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "MassactionSplitter", message = "&6all regions with regionkind &a%regionkind%") + public static String MASSACTION_SPLITTER; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionEntityLimitError", message = "&4Could not change EntiyLimitGroup for the region &6%regionid%&4! Region is a Subregion!") + public static String SUBREGION_ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionFlagGroupError", message = "&4Could not change Flaggroup for the region &6%regionid%&4! Region is a Subregion!") + public static String SUBREGION_FLAGGROUP_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitItemButton", message = "&6EntityLimits") + public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitItemLore", message = {"&6Click to display the entity-limits", + "&6for this region in chat", + "%entityinfopattern%", + "", + "You can expand your entity-limit with:", + "&6/arm entitylimit buyextra %regionid% [ENTITYTYPE/total]"}) + public static List GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitInfoPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &a(&r%actualentities%&a/&r%softlimitentities%&a) %entityextensioninfo%") + public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_INFO_PATTERN; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitInfoExtensionInfo", message = "&6&oMax. &r%hardlimitentities% &6for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") + public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_INFO_EXTENSION_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupEntityLimitAlreadyUnlimited", message = "&4EntityLimit for the selected entity and region is already unlimited!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ENTITYLIMIT_ALREADY_UNLIMITED; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesSet", message = "&aExtra-Entities have been set!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_SET; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesExpandSuccess", message = "&aYou have sucessfully expanded the entitylimit to &6%softlimitentities% &aentities! (For &6%priceperextraentity%%currency%&a)") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_EXPAND_SUCCESS; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesHardlimitReached", message = "&4Can not buy another entity-expansion! Hardlimit has been reached!") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_HARDLIMIT_REACHED; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesSetSubregionError", message = "&4Can not change entitylimit! Region is a Subregion") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_SET_SUBREGION_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesBuySubregionError", message = "&4Can not expand entitylimit! Region is a Subregion") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_BUY_SUBREGION_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "ApplyPresetSubregionError", message = "&4Can not apply preset! Region is a subregion") + public static String APPLY_PRESET_SUBREGION_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCouldNotspawnEntity", message = "&4Could not spawn entity on region &6%region%&4!\n" + + "The not spawned entity would exceed the region\'s entitylimit. For more information type &6/arm entitylimit check %region%&4!\n" + + "Everybody on region %region% received this message! If you are not a member of this region, you can ignore this message.") + public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_COULD_NOT_SPAWN_ENTITY; + @Messages.Message(name = "ArmBasicCommandMessagePro", message = "&6AdvancedRegionMarket &4&lPro&r &6v%pluginversion% by Alex9849\n" + + "&6Download: &3\n" + + "&6Get a list with all commands with &3/arm help") + public static String ARM_BASIC_COMMAND_MESSAGE_PRO; + @Messages.Message(name = "ArmBasicCommandMessageFree", message = "&6AdvancedRegionMarket &3&oFree&r &6v%pluginversion% by Alex9849\n" + + "&cThis free version limits the maximum number of regions a player can own to 1!\n" + + "&6Download: &3\n" + + "&6Get a list with all commands with &3/arm help") + public static String ARM_BASIC_COMMAND_MESSAGE_FREE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionBuyProtectionOfContinuance", message = "&4Can't buy region! Region is unter protection of continuance and won't be for sale again!") + public static String REGION_BUY_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionResetProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4Can't reset region! Region is unter protection of continuance!") + public static String REGION_RESET_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionRestoreProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4Can't restore region! Region is unter protection of continuance!") + public static String REGION_RESTORE_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindCreated", message = "&aRegionKind created!") + public static String REGIONKIND_CREATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindAlreadyExists", message = "&4RegionKind already exists!") + public static String REGIONKIND_ALREADY_EXISTS; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindDeleted", message = "&aRegionKind deleted!") + public static String REGIONKIND_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindCanNotRemoveSystem", message = "&4You can not remove a system-RegionKind!") + public static String REGIONKIND_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_SYSTEM; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindListHeadline", message = "&6Regionkinds:") + public static String REGIONKIND_LIST_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindModified", message = "&aRegionKind modified!") + public static String REGIONKIND_MODIFIED; + @Messages.Message(name = "MaterialNotFound", message = "&4Material not found!") + public static String MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindLoreLineNotExist", message = "&aThe selected lore-line does not exist!") + public static String REGIONKIND_LORE_LINE_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindCanNotBeSearchedInRegionfinder", message = "&4The selected regionkind isn't available in the regionfinder!") + public static String REGIONKIND_CAN_NOT_BE_SEARCHED_IN_REGIONFINDER; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionkindInfo", message = {"&6======[Regionkind Info]======", + "&9Name: &e%regionkind%", + "&9DisplayName: &r%regionkinddisplay%", + "&9Item: &e%regionkinditem%", + "&9Display in limits: &e%regionkinddisplayinlimits%", + "&9Display in regionfinder: &e%regionkinddisplayinregionfinder%", + "&9In RegionkindGroups: &e%regionkindregionkindgroups%", + "&9Lore:", + "%regionkindlorelist%"}, version = 7) + public static List REGIONKIND_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionKindHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket RegionKind Help ]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String REGIONKIND_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "PlayerNotFound", message = "&4Could not find selected player!") + public static String PLAYER_NOT_FOUND; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e&e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", + "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", + "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION_ADMIN; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", + "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION_ADMIN; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", + "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", + "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", + "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", + "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION_ADMIN; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionSubregion", version = 2, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION_SUBREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionSubregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", + "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION_SUBREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionSubregion", version = 2, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", + "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", + "&9Sold: &e%issold%", + "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", + "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", + "&9Owner: &e%owner%", + "&9Members: &e%members%", + "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", + "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", + "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", + "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", + "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", + "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", + "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", + "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", + "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", + "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", + "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) + public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION_SUBREGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIWarningInfoButton", message = "&4Warning!") + public static String GUI_WARNING_INFO_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorButton", message = "&6FlagEditor") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorMenuName", message = "&1FlagEditor (%region%)") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_MENU_NAME; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorDeleteFlagButton", message = "&4Delete flag") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_DELETE_FLAG_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupAllButton", message = "&9Set for everyone") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_ALL_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupMembersButton", message = "&9Set for members and owners") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_MEMBERS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupOwnersButton", message = "&9Set for owners") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_OWNERS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupNonMembersButton", message = "&9Set for non members and non owners") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_NON_MEMBERS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupNonOwnersButton", message = "&9Set for non owners") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_NON_OWNERS_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStateflagAllowButton", message = "&2Allow") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STATEFLAG_ALLOW_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStateflagDenyButton", message = "&4Deny") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STATEFLAG_DENY_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetBooleanflagTrueButton", message = "&2Yes") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_BOOLEANFLAG_TRUE_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetBooleanflagFalseButton", message = "&4No") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_BOOLEANFLAG_FALSE_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStringflagSetMessageButton", message = "&2Set message") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STRINGFLAG_SET_MESSAGE_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetIntegerflagSetIntegerButton", message = "&2Set number") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_INTEGERFLAG_SET_INTEGER_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetDoubleflagSetDoubleButton", message = "&2Set number") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_DOUBLEFLAG_SET_DOUBLE_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorFlagNotActivated", message = "&4Flag not activated!") + public static String FlAGEDITOR_FLAG_NOT_ACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorFlagHasBeenDeleted", message = "&2Flag has been deleted!") + public static String FlAGEDITOR_FLAG_HAS_BEEN_DELETED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorFlagHasBeenUpdated", message = "&2Flag has been updated!") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_FLAG_HAS_BEEN_UPDATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorFlagCouldNotBeUpdated", message = "Could not modify flag %flag%!") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_FLAG_COULD_NOT_BE_MODIFIED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorStringflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a message:") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_STRINGFLAG_SET_MESSAGE_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorIntegerflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a number that does not have decimals:") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_INTEGERFLAG_SET_NUMBER_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlageditorDoubleflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a number:") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_DOUBLEFLAG_SET_NUMBER_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorResetButton", message = "&4Reset all Flags to default settings") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_RESET_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorUnknownFlagSetPropertiesButton", message = "&2Set properties") + public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_UNKNOWNFLAG_SET_PROPERTIES_BUTTON; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIFlageditorUnknownFlagSetPropertiesInfo", message = "&9Please write down your new flag properties: FlaggroupDoesNotExist: '&4Flaggroup does not exist!") + public static String FLAGEDITOR_UNKNOWNFLAG_SET_PROPERTIES_INFO; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlaggroupDoesNotExist", message = "&4Flaggroup does not exist!") + public static String FLAGGROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + @Messages.Message(name = "SubregionFlaggroupOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4Subregion flaggroup only for subregions") + public static String SUBREGION_FLAGGROUP_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUITeleportToRegionButtonLore", message = {"Click to teleport you to", + "your region"}) + public static List GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerButtonLore", message = {"Click to transfer your owner rights", + "to the selected member.", + "&4WARNING: &cYou will lose your owner", + "&crights and become a member"}) + public static List GUI_MAKE_OWNER_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRemoveMemberButtonLore", message = {"Click to remove the selected member", + "from your region"}) + public static List GUI_REMOVE_MEMBER_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIResetRegionButtonLore", version = 6,message = {"Click to reset your region", + "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! Your region", + "&cwill be resetted and everything on it will", + "&cbe deleted!", + "", + "&cYou can only reset you region once every %userrestorecooldown%", + "&2You and all members keep their rights on the region"}) + public static List GUI_RESET_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "TakeOverItemLore", message = {"&aYou are a member of this region.", + "&aThe owner of it hasn''''t been", + "&aonline for a long time. You", + "&acan transfer the owner rights to your", + "&aaccount for free. The actual owner", + "&aof it will become a member of the region.", + "&cIf the region does not get transferred", + "&cor the owner does not come online", + "&cwithin &7%inactivityresetin-countdown-short% &cthe", + "&cregion will be resetted and everybody on it", + "&cwill lose their rights.", + "&cAfterwards it will go back for sale!"}) + public static List GUI_TAKEOVER_ITEM_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIExtendRentRegionButtonLore", version = 5, message = {"&aClick to extend your region for &6%extendtime-current-writtenout%", + "&athis will cost you &6%price-current%%currency%&a!", + "&aThis region will expire in &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%&a.", + "&aYou can extend your region up to &6%maxextendtime-writtenout%&a."}) + public static List GUI_EXTEND_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIRentRegionLore", message = {"&aExpires in &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) + public static List GUI_RENT_REGION_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIUserSellButtonLore", message = {"Click to sell your region", + "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! Your region", + "&cwill be released and all blocks on it will be", + "&cresetted! You and all members of it will loose", + "&ctheir rights on it.", + "&cYou will get &6%paybackmoney%%currency% &cback"}) + public static List GUI_USER_SELL_BUTTON_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "MemberlistInfoLore", message = {"&aYou can be added as a member to", + "&athe region of someone else in order", + "&ato build with him together", + "&aJust ask a region owner to add you with:", + "&6/arm addmember REGIONID USERNAME", + "&aYou need to be online for this"}) + public static List GUI_MEMBER_INFO_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIContractItemLore", message = {"&aStatus: %status%", + "&aIf active the next extend is in:", + "&6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) + public static List GUI_CONTRACT_ITEM_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUIContractItemRegionLore", message = {"&aStatus: %status%", + "&aIf active the next extend is in:", + "&6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) + public static List GUI_CONTRACT_REGION_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "OwnerMemberlistInfoLore", message = {"&aYou can add members to your region", + "&ain order to build with them together", + "&aYou can add members with:", + "&6/arm addmember %regionid% USERNAME", + "&aMembers need to be online to add them"}) + public static List GUI_OWNER_MEMBER_INFO_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "GUISubregionManagerNoSubregionItemLore", message = {"&aYou do not have any subregions on your region.", + "&aYou can create a new subregion, that you", + "&acan sell to other players by typing", + "&6/arm subregion tool &aand following displayed the steps"}) + public static List GUI_SUBREGION_MANAGER_NO_SUBREGION_ITEM_LORE; + @Messages.Message(name = "SellPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket SellPreset Help]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String SELLPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket ContractPreset Help]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String CONTRACTPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "RentPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket RentPreset Help]=====\n" + + "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") + public static String RENTPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; + @Messages.Message(name = "InfoDeactivated", message = "&4deactivated") + public static String INFO_DEACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "InfoNotSold", message = "&4Region not sold!") + public static String INFO_REGION_NOT_SOLD; + @Messages.Message(name = "InfoNow", message = "&2now") + public static String INFO_NOW; + @Messages.Message(name = "InfoNotCalculated", message = "&8Awaiting calculation...") + public static String INFO_NOT_CALCULATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "CouldNotFindOrLoadSchematicLog", message = "&4Could not find or load schematic for region %region% in world %world%! You can regenerate it with /arm updateschematic %region%") + public static String COULD_NOT_FIND_OR_LOAD_SCHEMATIC_LOG; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionSoldBackSuccessfully", message = "&2Your region &6%regionid% &2has successfully been sold back to the server! " + + "&6%paybackmoney%%currency% &2have been added to your account!") + public static String REGION_SOLD_BACK_SUCCESSFULLY; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionModifiedBoolean", message = "&6%option% %state% &6for &a%selectedregions%&6!") + public static String REGION_MODIFIED_BOOLEAN; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionModified", message = "&6%option% &6modified for %selectedregions%&6!") + public static String REGION_MODIFIED; + @Messages.Message(name = "UpdatingSchematic", message = "&8Updating schematic...") + public static String UPDATING_SCHEMATIC; + @Messages.Message(name = "SchematicUpdated", message = "&aSchematic updated!") + public static String SCHEMATIC_UPDATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractRegionTerminated", message = "&6Your contractregion &a%region% &6has successfully been " + + "&4terminated&6! It will be resetted in &a%remainingtime-countdown-short% &6except it gets reactivated!") + public static String CONTRACTREGION_TERMINATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "ContractRegionReactivated", message = "&6Your contractregion &a%region% &6has successfully " + + "been &areactivated&6! It will automatically be extended in &a%remainingtime-countdown-short% &6if " + + "you can pay for the rent!") + public static String CONTRACTREGION_REACTIVATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "RegionInfoFeatureDisabled", message = "&4Feature disbaled!") + public static String REGION_INFO_FEATURE_DISABLED; + @Messages.Message(name = "FlagGroupFeatureDisabled", message = "&4FlagGroups are currently disabled! You can activate them in the config.yml!") + public static String FLAGGROUP_FEATURE_DISABLED; + @Messages.Message(name = "BackupCreated", message = "&aBackup created!") + public static String BACKUP_CREATED; + @Messages.Message(name = "BackupRestored", message = "&aBackup restored!") + public static String BACKUP_RESTORED; + @Messages.Message(name = "CouldNotLoadBackup", message = "&4Could not load backup! Maybe it does not exist or the file is corrupted!") + public static String COULD_NOT_LOAD_BACKUP; + @Messages.Message(name = "BackupListHeader", message = "&6=======[Backups of region %regionid%]=======") + public static String BACKUP_LIST_HEADER; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleportLocationHasToBeInsideRegion", message = "&4Teleport-location has to be inside your region!") + public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_HAS_TO_BE_INSIDE_REGION; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleportLocationUnsafe", message = "&4Teleport-location is unsafe!") + public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_IS_UNSAFE; + @Messages.Message(name = "TeleportLocationUpdated", message = "&2Teleport-location updated!") + public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_UPDATED; + +} diff --git a/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ b/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ index 7a8a55a7..60f2311c 100644 --- a/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ +++ b/advancedregionmarket/src/main/java/net/alex9849/arm/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; -public class Messages { +public class Messages extends MessageVariables { public enum MessageLocale { EN("en"), DE("de"), FR("fr"), RU("ru"), ES("es"), ZH_CN("zh_cn"); @@ -42,1129 +42,6 @@ public static MessageLocale byCode(String code) { } } - @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) - @Target(ElementType.FIELD) - public @interface Message { - public String name(); - - public String[] message(); - - public int version() default 0; - } - - //Current version = 7 - @Message(name = "Prefix", message = "&b[ARM]&r ", version = 1) - public static String PREFIX; - @Message(name = "Buymessage", message = "&aRegion successfully bought!") - public static String REGION_BUYMESSAGE; - @Message(name = "NotEnoughMoney", message = "&4You do not have enough money!") - public static String NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; - @Message(name = "RegionAlreadySold", message = "&4Region already Sold!") - public static String REGION_ALREADY_SOLD; - @Message(name = "NoPermission", message = "&4You do not have permission!") - public static String NO_PERMISSION; - @Message(name = "WorldDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected world does not exist!") - public static String WORLD_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "RegionDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected region does not exist in this (or the selected) world!") - public static String REGION_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "WGRegionNotFound", message = "&4Could not find region! Make sure to execute this command in the same world in that the region exists! Some versions of WorldGuard require a case-sensitive region name!") - public static String WGREGION_NOT_FOUND; - @Message(name = "RegionAddedToARM", message = "&7Region has been created and added to ARM!", version = 3) - public static String REGION_ADDED_TO_ARM; - @Message(name = "RegionAndSignAddedToARM", message = "&7Regionsign has been created and region has been added to ARM!") - public static String REGION_AND_SIGN_ADDED_TO_ARM; - @Message(name = "SignAddedToRegion", message = "&7Region already exists! The sign has been added to the region!") - public static String SIGN_ADDED_TO_REGION; - @Message(name = "SignRemovedFromRegion", message = "&7Regionsign removed! %remaining% Sign(s) remaining!", version = 3) - public static String SIGN_REMOVED_FROM_REGION; - @Message(name = "RegionZeroSignsReached", message = "&7You've deleted the last sign of this region! Please note that this region has &4&l&nNOT BEEN REMOVED FROM ARM!!&r &7If you want to unregister this region execute &6/arm delete %regionid%&7!") - public static String REGION_ZERO_SIGNS_REACHED; - @Message(name = "SellSign1", message = "&2For Sale") - public static String SELL_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "SellSign2", message = "%regionid%") - public static String SELL_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "SellSign3", message = "%price%%currency%") - public static String SELL_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "SellSign4", message = "%dimensions%") - public static String SELL_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "SoldSign1", message = "&4Sold") - public static String SOLD_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "SoldSign2", message = "%regionid%") - public static String SOLD_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "SoldSign3", message = "") - public static String SOLD_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "SoldSign4", message = "%owner%") - public static String SOLD_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign1", message = "&4Not for sale!") - public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign2", message = "Region is under") - public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign3", message = "protection of") - public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "ProtectionOfContinuanceSign4", message = "continuance!") - public static String PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "Currency", message = "$") - public static String CURRENCY; - @Message(name = "CommandOnlyIngame", message = "&4This command can only be executed ingame!") - public static String COMMAND_ONLY_INGAME; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoExpired", message = "&4Expired") - public static String REGION_INFO_EXPIRED; - @Message(name = "GUIMainMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Menu") - public static String GUI_MAIN_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIGoBack", message = "&6Go back") - public static String GUI_GO_BACK; - @Message(name = "GUIMyOwnRegions", message = "&6My regions (Owner)") - public static String GUI_MY_OWN_REGIONS; - @Message(name = "GUIMemberRegionsMenuName", message = "&1ARM - My regions (Member)") - public static String GUI_MEMBER_REGIONS_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIMyMemberRegions", message = "&6My regions (Member)") - public static String GUI_MY_MEMBER_REGIONS; - @Message(name = "GUISearchFreeRegion", message = "&6Search free region") - public static String GUI_SEARCH_FREE_REGION; - @Message(name = "GUIOwnRegionsMenuName", message = "&1ARM - My regions (Owner)") - public static String GUI_OWN_REGIONS_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIMembersButton", message = "&6Members") - public static String GUI_MEMBERS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIShowInfosButton", message = "&6Show infos") - public static String GUI_SHOW_INFOS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUITeleportToRegionButton", message = "&6Teleport to region") - public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionFinderMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Regionfinder") - public static String GUI_REGION_FINDER_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIMemberListMenuName", message = "&1ARM - Members of %regionid%") - public static String GUI_MEMBER_LIST_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerButton", message = "&aMake owner") - public static String GUI_MAKE_OWNER_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIRemoveMemberButton", message = "&4Remove") - public static String GUI_REMOVE_MEMBER_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerWarningName", message = "&4&lAre you sure?") - public static String GUI_MAKE_OWNER_WARNING_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIWarningYes", message = "&aYes") - public static String GUI_YES; - @Message(name = "GUIWarningNo", message = "&4No") - public static String GUI_NO; - @Message(name = "RegionTeleportMessage", message = "&7You have been teleported to %regionid%") - public static String REGION_TELEPORT_MESSAGE; - @Message(name = "NoFreeRegionWithThisKind", message = "&7No free region with this type found :(") - public static String NO_FREE_REGION_WITH_THIS_KIND; - @Message(name = "RegionkindDoesNotExist", message = "&4The selected regionkind does not exist!") - public static String REGIONKIND_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupNotExists", message = "&4The selected regionkindgroup does not exist!") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_NOT_EXISTS; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupModified", message = "&aRegionkindGroup modified!") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_MODIFIED; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupListHeadline", message = "&6Regionkindgroups:") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_LIST_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupAlreadyExists", message = "&4RegionKindGroup already exists!") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupCreated", message = "&aRegionKindgroup created!") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_CREATED; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupDeleted", message = "&aRegionkindgroup deleted!") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_DELETED; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupHelpHeadline", message = "&6==[AdvancedRegionMarket RegionkindGroup Help]==\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String REGIONKINDGROUP_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "RegionkindgroupInfo", message = {"&6======[RegionkindGroup Info]======", - "&9Name: &e%regionkindgroup%", - "&9DisplayName: &r%regionkindgroupdisplay%", - "&9Display in limits: &e%regionkindgroupdisplayinlimits%", - "&9Member Regionkinds: &e%regionkindgroupmembers%"}) - public static List REGIONKINDGROUP_INFO; - @Message(name = "RegionNowAvailable", message = "&aRegion is now available!") - public static String REGION_NOW_AVAILABLE; - @Message(name = "NoRegionAtPlayersPosition", message = "&7Could not find a region at your position!") - public static String NO_REGION_AT_PLAYERS_POSITION; - @Message(name = "RegionAddMemberNotOnline", message = "&4The selected player is not online!") - public static String REGION_ADD_MEMBER_NOT_ONLINE; - @Message(name = "RegionAddMemberAdded", message = "&aMember has been added!") - public static String REGION_ADD_MEMBER_ADDED; - @Message(name = "RegionRemoveMemberNotAMember", message = "&4The selected player is not a member of the region") - public static String REGION_REMOVE_MEMBER_NOT_A_MEMBER; - @Message(name = "RegionRemoveMemberRemoved", message = "&aMember has been removed!") - public static String REGION_REMOVE_MEMBER_REMOVED; - @Message(name = "GUIResetRegionButton", message = "&4Reset region") - public static String GUI_RESET_REGION_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIResetRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lReset your region?") - public static String GUI_RESET_REGION_WARNING_NAME; - @Message(name = "ResetComplete", message = "&aReset complete!") - public static String RESET_COMPLETE; - @Message(name = "ResetRegionCooldownError", message = "&7You have to wait&6 %remaininguserrestorecooldown-countdown-writtenout% &7till you can reset your region again") - public static String RESET_REGION_COOLDOWN_ERROR; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionTakeOverMenuName", message = "&4Region take-over") - public static String GUI_TAKEOVER_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "RegionTransferCompleteMessage", message = "&aTransfer complete!") - public static String REGION_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_MESSAGE; - @Message(name = "GUICloseWindow", message = "&6Close window") - public static String GUI_CLOSE; - @Message(name = "RentSign1", message = "&2For Rent") - public static String RENT_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "RentSign2", message = "%regionid%") - public static String RENT_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "RentSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") - public static String RENT_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "RentSign4", version = 5, message = "Max.: %maxextendtime-writtenout%") - public static String RENT_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "RentedSign1", message = "&4Rented") - public static String RENTED_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "RentedSign2", message = "%regionid%/%owner%") - public static String RENTED_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "RentedSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") - public static String RENTED_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "RentedSign4", message = "%remainingtime-countdown-short%") - public static String RENTED_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "RentExtendMessage", version = 4, message = "&aRegion extended for &6%extendtime-current-writtenout%&a (For %price-current%%currency%. Remaining time: &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%") - public static String RENT_EXTEND_MESSAGE; - @Message(name = "GUIExtendRentRegionButton", message = "&1Extend region") - public static String GUI_EXTEND_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "Complete", message = "&aComplete!") - public static String COMPLETE; - @Message(name = "RegionBuyOutOfLimit", version = 2, message = "&4Out of Limit! You can see your current limits by executing &6/arm limit&4!") - public static String REGION_BUY_OUT_OF_LIMIT; - @Message(name = "RegionErrorCanNotBuildHere", message = "&4You are only allowed to break blocks you placed here!") - public static String REGION_ERROR_CAN_NOT_BUILD_HERE; - @Message(name = "Unlimited", message = "∞") - public static String UNLIMITED; - @Message(name = "GUIUserSellButton", message = "&4Reset and sell Region") - public static String GUI_USER_SELL_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIUserSellWarning", message = "&4&lSell your region?") - public static String GUI_USER_SELL_WARNING; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoTop", message = "&6=========[Limit Info]=========") - public static String LIMIT_INFO_TOP; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoFreePluginVersionDisclaimer", message = "&cThis server uses the free version of AdvancedRegionMarket. Therefore the number of regions a player can own has been set to 1!") - public static String LIMIT_INTO_FREE_PLUGIN_VERSION_DISCLAIMER; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoLimitReachedColorCode", message = "&r&4") - public static String LIMIT_REACHED_COLOR_CODE; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoTotal", version = 2, message = "&6- Total: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") - public static String LIMIT_INFO_TOTAL; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoRegionkind", version = 2, message = "&6- %regionkinddisplay%: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") - public static String LIMIT_INFO_REGIONKIND; - @Message(name = "LimitInfoRegionkindGroup", version = 2, message = "&6- %regionkindgroupdisplay%: (&a%limitreachedcolor%%playerownedkind%/%limitkind%&6)") - public static String LIMIT_INFO_REGIONKINDGROUP; - @Message(name = "GUILimitButton", message = "&6My limits") - public static String GUI_MY_LIMITS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "MemberlistInfo", message = "&6How to become a Member:") - public static String GUI_MEMBER_INFO_ITEM; - @Message(name = "AddMemberMaxMembersExceeded", message = "&4Cloud not add member to region! You can only have %maxmembers% members on this region!") - public static String ADD_MEMBER_MAX_MEMBERS_EXCEEDED; - @Message(name = "RegionIsNotARentregion", message = "&4Region is not a rentregion!") - public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_RENTREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionIsNotARentOrContractregion", message = "&4Region is not a rent or contractregion!") - public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_RENT_OR_CONTRACTREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionTimeAdded", message = "&aRegion extended! New expiration-date: %remainingtime-date%") - public static String REGION_TIME_ADDED; - @Message(name = "RegionTimeHalted", message = "&aCountdown stopped for all rent- and contract-regions") - public static String TIME_HALTED; - @Message(name = "RegionTimeContinuing", message = "&aCountdown continues for all rent- and contract-regions") - public static String TIME_CONTINUING; - @Message(name = "RegionNotOwn", message = "&4You do not own this region!") - public static String REGION_NOT_OWN; - @Message(name = "RegionNotSold", message = "&4Region not sold!") - public static String REGION_NOT_SOLD; - @Message(name = "PresetRemoved", message = "&aPreset removed!") - public static String PRESET_REMOVED; - @Message(name = "PresetSet", message = "&aPreset set!") - public static String PRESET_SET; - @Message(name = "PresetSaved", message = "&aPreset saved!") - public static String PRESET_SAVED; - @Message(name = "PresetAlreadyExists", message = "&4A preset with this name already exists!") - public static String PRESET_ALREADY_EXISTS; - @Message(name = "PresetPlayerDontHasPreset", message = "&4You do not have a preset loaded!") - public static String PRESET_PLAYER_DONT_HAS_PRESET; - @Message(name = "PresetDeleted", message = "&aPreset deleted!") - public static String PRESET_DELETED; - @Message(name = "PresetNotFound", message = "&4No preset with this name found!") - public static String PRESET_NOT_FOUND; - @Message(name = "PresetLoaded", message = "&aPreset loaded!") - public static String PRESET_LOADED; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionItemName", message = "%regionid% (%regionkinddisplay%)") - public static String GUI_REGION_ITEM_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionFinderRegionKindName", message = "&a&l%regionkinddisplay%") - public static String GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGIONKIND_NAME; - @Message(name = "RentRegionExpirationWarning", version = 4, message = "&4&lWARNING! &r&4Your RentRegion &6%regionid% &4will expire in about &6%remainingtime-countdown-writtenout%&4!") - public static String RENTREGION_EXPIRATION_WARNING; - @Message(name = "ContractSign1", message = "&2Contract") - public static String CONTRACT_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "ContractSign2", message = "&2available") - public static String CONTRACT_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "ContractSign3", message = "%regionid%") - public static String CONTRACT_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "ContractSign4", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") - public static String CONTRACT_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "ContractSoldSign1", message = "&4Contract in use") - public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN1; - @Message(name = "ContractSoldSign2", message = "%regionid%/%owner%") - public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN2; - @Message(name = "ContractSoldSign3", message = "%price%%currency%/%extendtime-short%") - public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN3; - @Message(name = "ContractSoldSign4", message = "%remainingtime-countdown-short%") - public static String CONTRACT_SOLD_SIGN4; - @Message(name = "ContractRegionExtended", message = "&aYour contract region %regionid% has been extended for %extendtime-writtenout%. (For %price%%currency%.)") - public static String CONTRACT_REGION_EXTENDED; - @Message(name = "GUIContractItem", message = "&6Manage contract") - public static String GUI_CONTRACT_ITEM; - @Message(name = "ContractRegionStatusActive", message = "&aActive") - public static String CONTRACT_REGION_STATUS_ACTIVE; - @Message(name = "ContractRegionStatusTerminated", message = "&4Terminated") - public static String CONTRACT_REGION_STATUS_TERMINATED; - @Message(name = "RegionIsNotAContractRegion", message = "&4Region is not a contractregion!") - public static String REGION_IS_NOT_A_CONTRACT_REGION; - @Message(name = "OwnerMemberlistInfo", message = "&6Adding members:") - public static String GUI_OWNER_MEMBER_INFO_ITEM; - @Message(name = "RegiontransferMemberNotOnline", message = "&4Member not online!") - public static String REGION_TRANSFER_MEMBER_NOT_ONLINE; - @Message(name = "RegiontransferLimitError", message = "&4Transfer aborted! (Region would exceed players limit)") - public static String REGION_TRANSFER_LIMIT_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SecondsSingular", message = "second") - public static String TIME_SECONDS_SINGULAR; - @Message(name = "MinutesSingular", message = "minute") - public static String TIME_MINUTES_SINGULAR; - @Message(name = "HoursSingular", message = "hour") - public static String TIME_HOURS_SINGULAR; - @Message(name = "DaysSingular", message = "day") - public static String TIME_DAYS_SINGULAR; - @Message(name = "SecondsPlural", message = "seconds") - public static String TIME_SECONDS_PLURAL; - @Message(name = "MinutesPlural", message = "minutes") - public static String TIME_MINUTES_PLURAL; - @Message(name = "HoursPlural", message = "hours") - public static String TIME_HOURS_PLURAL; - @Message(name = "DaysPlural", message = "days") - public static String TIME_DAYS_PLURAL; - @Message(name = "SecondsShort", message = "s") - public static String TIME_SECONDS_SHORT; - @Message(name = "MinutesShort", message = "m") - public static String TIME_MINUTES_SHORT; - @Message(name = "HoursShort", message = "h") - public static String TIME_HOURS_SHORT; - @Message(name = "DaysShort", message = "d") - public static String TIME_DAYS_SHORT; - @Message(name = "TimeUnitSplitter", message = " and ") - public static String TIME_UNIT_SPLITTER; - @Message(name = "TimeUnitSplitterShort", message = ":") - public static String TIME_UNIT_SPLITTER_SHORT; - @Message(name = "UserNotAMemberOrOwner", message = "&4You are not a member or owner of this region!") - public static String NOT_A_MEMBER_OR_OWNER; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoYes", message = "&2yes") - public static String YES; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoNo", message = "&4no") - public static String NO; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoNever", message = "&4Never") - public static String NEVER; - @Message(name = "RegionAleadyRegistred", message = "&4Region already registered! &c(If you want to delete and re-add it. Delete it first with &6/arm delete [REGION-ID]&c!)") - public static String REGION_ALREADY_REGISTERED; - @Message(name = "UnknownUUID", message = "Unknown UUID") - public static String UNKNOWN_UUID; - @Message(name = "RegionStats", message = "&6=========[Region stats]=========") - public static String REGION_STATS; - @Message(name = "RegionStatsPattern", message = "&8Used regions (%regionkind%&8):") - public static String REGION_STATS_PATTERN; - @Message(name = "TeleporterNoSaveLocation", message = "&4Could not find a save teleport location") - public static String TELEPORTER_NO_SAVE_LOCATION_FOUND; - @Message(name = "TeleporterDontMove", message = "&6Teleportation will commence in &c%time% Seconds&6. Do not move!") - public static String TELEPORTER_DONT_MOVE; - @Message(name = "TeleporterTeleportationAborded", message = "&4Teleportation aborded!") - public static String TELEPORTER_TELEPORTATION_ABORDED; - @Message(name = "OfferSent", message = "&aYour offer has been sent") - public static String OFFER_SENT; - @Message(name = "OfferAcceptedSeller", message = "&a%buyer% &aaccepted your offer") - public static String OFFER_ACCEPTED_SELLER; - @Message(name = "OfferAcceptedBuyer", message = "&aOffer accepted! You are now the owner of &c%regionid%") - public static String OFFER_ACCEPTED_BUYER; - @Message(name = "NoOfferToAnswer", message = "&4You dont have an offer to answer") - public static String NO_OFFER_TO_ANSWER; - @Message(name = "OfferRejected", message = "&aOffer rejected!") - public static String OFFER_REJECTED; - @Message(name = "OfferHasBeenRejected", message = "&4%buyer% &4rejected your offer!") - public static String OFFER_HAS_BEEN_REJECTED; - @Message(name = "NoOfferToReject", message = "&4You do not have an offer to reject") - public static String NO_OFFER_TO_REJECT; - @Message(name = "OfferCancelled", message = "&aYour offer has been cancelled!") - public static String OFFER_CANCELED; - @Message(name = "OfferHasBeenCancelled", message = "&4%seller% &4cancelled his offer!") - public static String OFFER_HAS_BEEN_CANCELLED; - @Message(name = "NoOfferToCancel", message = "&4You do not have an offer to cancel") - public static String NO_OFFER_TO_CANCEL; - @Message(name = "BuyerAlreadyGotAnOffer", message = "&4The selected buyer already got an offer that he has to answer first!") - public static String BUYER_ALREADY_GOT_AN_OFFER; - @Message(name = "SellerAlreadyCreatedAnOffer", message = "&4You have already created an offer! Please wait for an answer or cancel it first!") - public static String SELLER_ALREADY_CREATED_AN_OFFER; - @Message(name = "SellerDoesNotLongerOwnRegion", message = "&4%seller% &4does not longer own this region. His offer has been cancelled") - public static String SELLER_DOES_NOT_LONGER_OWN_REGION; - @Message(name = "IncomingOffer", message = "&c%seller% &6offers you his region &c%regionid% &6in the world &c%world% &6for &c%price%%currency%&6! You can accept his offer with &c/arm offer accept &6or reject it &c/arm offer reject") - public static String INCOMING_OFFER; - @Message(name = "SelectedPlayerIsNotOnline", message = "&4The selected player is not online") - public static String SELECTED_PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE; - @Message(name = "OfferTimedOut", message = "&4Offer timed out!") - public static String OFFER_TIMED_OUT; - @Message(name = "BadSyntax", message = "&7Bad syntax! Please use: &8%command%") - public static String BAD_SYNTAX; - @Message(name = "LandlordServer", message = "Server") - public static String LANDLORD_SERVER; - @Message(name = "BadSyntaxSplitter", message = "\n&7or &8%command%") - public static String BAD_SYNTAX_SPLITTER; - @Message(name = "HelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket Help ]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "PresetInfoSellregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", - "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", - "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", - "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", - "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", - "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", - "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", - "&9Setup commands:", - "%presetsetupcommands%"}) - public static List PRESET_INFO_SELLREGION; - @Message(name = "PresetInfoContractregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", - "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", - "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", - "&9ExtendTime: &e%extendtime%", - "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", - "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", - "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", - "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", - "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", - "&9Setup commands:", - "%presetsetupcommands%"}) - public static List PRESET_INFO_CONTRACTREGION; - @Message(name = "PresetInfoRentregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Preset Info]=========", - "&9Autoprice: &e%presetautoprice%", - "&9Price: &e%presetprice%", - "&9ExtendTime: &e%extendtime%", - "&9MaxExtendTime: &e%maxextendtime%", - "&9PaybackPercentage: &e%presetpaybackpercentage%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%presetregionkind%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%presetflaggroup%", - "&9EntitylimitGroup: &e%presetentitylimitgroup%", - "&9InactivityReset: &e%presetinactivityreset%", - "&9isHotel: &e%presetishotel%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%presetautorestore%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%presetisuserrestorable%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%presetmaxmembers%", - "&9AllowedSubregions: &e%presetallowedsubregions%", - "&9Setup commands:", - "%presetsetupcommands%"}) - public static List PRESET_INFO_RENTREGION; - @Message(name = "NotDefined", message = "&8&onot defined") - public static String NOT_DEFINED; - @Message(name = "PriceCanNotBeNegative", message = "&4Price can not be negative!") - public static String PRICE_CAN_NOT_BE_NEGATIVE; - @Message(name = "SellBackWarning", message = "&4Sell region back to the server:\n" + - "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! \n" + - "Your region &6%regionid% &cwill be released and all blocks on it\n" + - "will be resetted! You and all members will loose their rights on it.\n" + - "You will get &6%paybackmoney%%currency% &cback") - public static String SELLBACK_WARNING; - @Message(name = "SubregionProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion! Protection of continuance can't be activated") - public static String SUBREGION_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubregionInactivityResetError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the InactivityReset setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_INACTIVITYRESET_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubregionAutoRestoreError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the autoRestore setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_AUTORESTORE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubregionSetLandlordError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. The landlord is always the owner of the surrounding region!") - public static String SUBREGION_LANDLORD_ERROR; - @Message(name = "RegionNotRestoreable", message = "&4Region not restorable!") - public static String REGION_NOT_RESTORABLE; - @Message(name = "RegionSelectedMultipleRegions", message = "&6There is more than one region at your position. Please select one: &4") - public static String REGION_SELECTED_MULTIPLE_REGIONS; - @Message(name = "SubregionRegionkindError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can edit the regionkind for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_REGIONKIND_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubRegionRegionkindOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4Subregion regionkind only for subregions!") - public static String SUBREGION_REGIONKIND_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; - @Message(name = "SubregionTeleportLocationError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. Teleport location can not be changed") - public static String SUBREGION_TELEPORT_LOCATION_ERROR; - @Message(name = "RegionNotRegistred", message = "&4Region not registred") - public static String REGION_NOT_REGISTRED; - @Message(name = "FirstPositionSet", message = "&aFirst position set!") - public static String FIRST_POSITION_SET; - @Message(name = "SecondPositionSet", message = "&aSecond position set!") - public static String SECOND_POSITION_SET; - @Message(name = "MarkInOtherRegion", message = "&4Mark in other Region. Removing old mark") - public static String MARK_IN_OTHER_REGION_REMOVING; - @Message(name = "ParentRegionNotOwn", message = "&4You don not own the parent region!") - public static String PARENT_REGION_NOT_OWN; - @Message(name = "SubRegionRemoveNoPermissionBecauseSold", message = "&4You are not allowed to remove this region. Please ask an admin if you believe this is an error") - public static String NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REMOVE_SUBREGION_SOLD; - @Message(name = "SubRegionRemoveNoPermissionBecauseAvailable", message = "&4You are not allowed to remove this region, because it is sold. You may ask the owner or an admin to release it") - public static String NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REMOVE_SUBREGION_AVAILABLE; - @Message(name = "PosCloudNotBeSetMarkOutsideRegion", message = "&4Position could not be set! Position outside region") - public static String POSITION_CLOUD_NOT_BE_SET_MARK_OUTSIDE_REGION; - @Message(name = "SubRegionAlreadyAtThisPosition", message = "&4Your selection would overlap with a subregion that already has been created") - public static String ALREADY_SUBREGION_AT_THIS_POSITION; - @Message(name = "SubRegionLimitReached", message = "&4Subregion limit reached! You are not allowed to create more than &6%subregionlimit% &4subregions") - public static String SUBREGION_LIMIT_REACHED; - @Message(name = "SelectionInvalid", message = "&4Selection invalid! You need to select 2 positions! (Left/Right click) Type \"&6/arm subregion tool&4\" to get the selection tool") - public static String SELECTION_INVALID; - @Message(name = "RegionCreatedAndSaved", message = "&aRegion created and saved!") - public static String REGION_CREATED_AND_SAVED; - @Message(name = "RegionNotASubregion", message = "&4Region not a subregion!") - public static String REGION_NOT_A_SUBREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionDeleted", message = "&aRegion deleted!") - public static String REGION_DELETED; - @Message(name = "DeleteRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lDelete region?") - public static String DELETE_REGION_WARNING_NAME; - @Message(name = "UnsellRegionButton", message = "&4Unsell region") - public static String UNSELL_REGION_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "UnsellRegionButtonLore", message = {"&4Click to unsell your subregion and", - "&4kick the players of it"}) - public static List UNSELL_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "UnsellRegionWarningName", message = "&4&lUnsell region?") - public static String UNSELL_REGION_WARNING_NAME; - @Message(name = "SubregionHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket Subregion Help]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String SUBREGION_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "SellbackLandlordNotEnoughMoney", message = "&4The landlord of this region doesn't have enough money! If you want to give the region back without getting money back use &7/arm sellback %region% nomoney&4!") - public static String SELLBACK_LANDLORD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; - @Message(name = "SellregionName", message = "Sellregion") - public static String SELLREGION_NAME; - @Message(name = "ContractregionName", message = "Contractregion") - public static String CONTRACTREGION_NAME; - @Message(name = "RentregionName", message = "Rentregion") - public static String RENTREGION_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionsButton", message = "&6Subregions") - public static String GUI_SUBREGION_ITEM_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionListMenuName", message = "&1Subregions") - public static String GUI_SUBREGION_LIST_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIHotelButton", message = "&6Hotel-function") - public static String GUI_SUBREGION_HOTEL_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIDeleteRegionButton", message = "&4Delete region") - public static String GUI_SUBREGION_DELETE_REGION_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUITeleportToSignOrRegionButton", message = "Teleport to sign or region?") - public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_SIGN_OR_REGION; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderTeleportToSignButton", message = "&6Teleport to buy sign!") - public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_SIGN; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderTeleportToRegionButton", message = "&6Teleport to region!") - public static String GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION; - @Message(name = "GUINextPageButton", message = "&6Next page") - public static String GUI_NEXT_PAGE; - @Message(name = "GUIPrevPageButton", message = "&6Prev page") - public static String GUI_PREV_PAGE; - @Message(name = "Enabled", message = "&aenabled") - public static String ENABLED; - @Message(name = "Disabled", message = "&cdisabled") - public static String DISABLED; - @Message(name = "Sold", message = "&csold") - public static String SOLD; - @Message(name = "Available", message = "&aavailable") - public static String AVAILABLE; - @Message(name = "SubregionIsUserResettableError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the isUserResettable setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_IS_USER_RESETTABLE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubregionMaxMembersError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can change the maxMember setting for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_MAX_MEMBERS_ERROR; - @Message(name = "GUIHotelButtonLore", message = {"&6The hotel function allows you to prevent players", - "&6from breaking blocks they do not have placed", - "&6Status: %hotelfunctionstatus%", - "&6Click to enable/disable"}) - public static List GUI_SUBREGION_HOTEL_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoSell", message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", - "&6Status: %soldstatus%", - "&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2: %priceperm2%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) - public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_SELL; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoRent", version = 5, message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", - "&6Status: %soldstatus%", - "&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", - "&6Extend per click: %extendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Max. extended time: %maxextendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) - public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_RENT; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionInfoContract", message = {"&6Selltype: %selltype%", - "&6Status: %soldstatus%", - "&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", - "&6Automatic extend time: %extendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%"}) - public static List GUI_SUBREGION_REGION_INFO_CONTRACT; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoSell", message = {"&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2: %priceperm2%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", - "&6World: %world%"}) - public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_SELL; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoRent", version = 5, message = {"&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", - "&6Extend per click: %extendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Max. extended time: %maxextendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", - "&6World: %world%"}) - public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_RENT; - @Message(name = "GUIRegionfinderInfoContract", message = {"&6Price: %price%", - "&6Price per M2 (per week): %priceperm2perweek%", - "&6Automatic extend time: %extendtime-writtenout%", - "&6Dimensions: %dimensions%", - "&6World: %world%"}) - public static List GUI_REGIONFINDER_REGION_INFO_CONTRACT; - @Message(name = "SubregionCreationCreateSignInfo", message = {"&aYour selection has been saved! You can now create a sign to sell the region.", - "&aCreate a Sell-Region:", - "&6First line: &b[sub-sell]", - "&6Last line: &bprice", - "", - "&aCreate a Rent-Region:", - "&6First line: &b[sub-rent]", - "&6Last line: &bPricePerPeriod&6;&bExtendPerClick&6;&bMaxExtendTime", - "&6example for ExtendPerClick/MaxExtendTime: 5d (5 days)", - "", - "&aCreate a Contract-Region:", - "&6First line: &b[sub-contract]", - "&6Last line: &bPricePerPeriod&6;&bExtendTime", - "&6example for ExtendTime: 12h (12 hours)", - "&4We would strongly recommend to not place the sign within the subregion!"}) - public static List SELECTION_SAVED_CREATE_SIGN; - @Message(name = "SubregionCreationSelectAreaInfo", message = {"&aYou got a tool in your inventory (feather) to select 2 points of your region that will mark the corners of your new subregion.", - "&aLeft click to select pos1", - "&aRight click to select pos2", - "&aType \"&6/arm subregion create\" &aif you are done"}) - public static List SUBREGION_TOOL_INSTRUCTION; - @Message(name = "SubregionToolAlreadyOwned", message = "&4You already own a Subregion Tool. Please use that instead of a new one!") - public static String SUBREGION_TOOL_ALREADY_OWNED; - @Message(name = "AutopriceList", message = "&6=========[Autoprices]=========") - public static String AUTOPRICE_LIST; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionManagerNoSubregionItem", message = "&6Info") - public static String GUI_SUBREGION_MANAGER_NO_SUBREGION_ITEM; - @Message(name = "SelltypeNotExist", message = "&4The selected selltype does not exist!") - public static String SELLTYPE_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeActivated", message = "&aSign-Link-Mode activated! Click into a region and afterwards click on a sign. ARM will automatically create a region (or will just add the sign if the region already exists) with the settings of your preset") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_ACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeDeactivated", message = "&aSign-Link-Mode deactivated!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_DEACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeAlreadyDeactivated", message = "&4Sign-Link-Mode is already deactivated!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_ALREADY_DEACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModePresetNotPriceready", message = "&cThe selected preset is not price-ready! All regions you will create now will be created with the default autoprice") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_PRESET_NOT_PRICEREADY; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoPresetSelected", message = "&cYou dont have a preset loaded! Please load or create a preset first! &cYou can create a preset by using the &6/arm sellpreset/rentpreset/contractpreset &ccommands!\n" + - "For more &cinformation about presets click here:\n" + - "&6 (Github Wiki)") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_PRESET_SELECTED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeSignBelongsToAnotherRegion", message = "&4Sign belongs to another region!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_SIGN_BELONGS_TO_ANOTHER_REGION; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeSignSelected", message = "&aSign selected!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_SIGN_SELECTED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeMultipleWgRegionsAtPosition", message = "&4Could not select WorldGuard-Region!" + - "There is more than one region available! You can add unwanted regions to the ignore-list" + - "located in the config.yml, if you want ARM to ignore that regions!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_SELECT_REGION_MULTIPLE_WG_REGIONS; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoWgRegionAtPosition", message = "&4Could not select WorldGuard-Region! There is no region at your position!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_SELECT_REGION_NO_WG_REGION; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeCouldNotIdentifyWorld", message = "&4Could not identify world! Please select the WorldGuard-Region again!") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_COULD_NOT_IDENTIFY_WORLD; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoSignSelected", message = "&4You have not selected a sign") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_SIGN_SELECTED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeNoWgRegionSelected", message = "&4You have not selected a WorldGuard-Region") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_NO_WG_REGION_SELECTED; - @Message(name = "SignLinkModeSelectedRegion", message = "&aSelected region: %regionid%") - public static String SIGN_LINK_MODE_REGION_SELECTED; - @Message(name = "SchematicNotFoundErrorUser", message = "&4It seems like the schematic of your region %regionid% has not been created. Please contact an admin!") - public static String SCHEMATIC_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_USER; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket EntityLimit Help ]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupNotExist", message = "&4EntityLimitGroup does not exist!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitSet", message = "&aEntityLimit has been set!") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_SET; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitRemoved", message = "&aEntityLimit has been removed!") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_REMOVED; - @Message(name = "EntityTypeDoesNotExist", message = "&4The entitytype &6%entitytype% &4does not exist!") - public static String ENTITYTYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupNotContainEntityLimit", message = "&4The selected EntityLimitGroup does not contain the selected EntityType") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_ENTITYLIMIT; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitTotal", message = "Total") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_TOTAL; - @Message(name = "SubregionPaybackPercentageError", message = "&4The selected region is a subregion. You can edit the paybackPercentage for all subregions in the config.yml!") - public static String SUBREGION_PAYBACKPERCENTAGE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckHeadline", message = "&6===[EntityLimitCheck for %regionid%]===") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &a(&r%actualentities%&a/&r%softlimitentities%&a) %entityextensioninfo%") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_PATTERN; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitCheckExtensionInfo", message = "\n&6&o--> Limit extendable up to &r%hardlimitentities% &6entities for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") - public static String ENTITYLIMIT_CHECK_EXTENSION_INFO; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupAlreadyExists", message = "&4Group already exists!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCreated", message = "&aEntitylimitgroup has been created!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_CREATED; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCanNotRemoveSystem", message = "&4You can not remove a system-EntityLimitGroup!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_SYSTEM; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupDeleted", message = "&aEntitylimitgroup has been deleted!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_DELETED; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoHeadline", message = "&6======[Entitylimitgroup Info]======") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoGroupname", message = "&6Groupname: ") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_GROUPNAME; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupInfoPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &r%softlimitentities% %entityextensioninfo%") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_PATTERN; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitInfoExtensionInfo", message = "\n&6&o--> Limit extendable up to &r%hardlimitentities% &6entities for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_INFO_EXTENSION_INFO; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupListHeadline", message = "&6EntityLimitGroups:") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_LIST_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "SubregionEntityLimitOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4SubregionEntityLimitGroup only for subregions") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_SUBREGION_GROUP_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; - @Message(name = "MassactionSplitter", message = "&6all regions with regionkind &a%regionkind%") - public static String MASSACTION_SPLITTER; - @Message(name = "SubregionEntityLimitError", message = "&4Could not change EntiyLimitGroup for the region &6%regionid%&4! Region is a Subregion!") - public static String SUBREGION_ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ERROR; - @Message(name = "SubregionFlagGroupError", message = "&4Could not change Flaggroup for the region &6%regionid%&4! Region is a Subregion!") - public static String SUBREGION_FLAGGROUP_ERROR; - @Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitItemButton", message = "&6EntityLimits") - public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitItemLore", message = {"&6Click to display the entity-limits", - "&6for this region in chat", - "%entityinfopattern%", - "", - "You can expand your entity-limit with:", - "&6/arm entitylimit buyextra %regionid% [ENTITYTYPE/total]"}) - public static List GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitInfoPattern", message = "&6%entitytype%: &a(&r%actualentities%&a/&r%softlimitentities%&a) %entityextensioninfo%") - public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_INFO_PATTERN; - @Message(name = "GUIEntityLimitInfoExtensionInfo", message = "&6&oMax. &r%hardlimitentities% &6for &r%priceperextraentity%%currency%&6/entity") - public static String GUI_ENTITYLIMIT_ITEM_INFO_EXTENSION_INFO; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupEntityLimitAlreadyUnlimited", message = "&4EntityLimit for the selected entity and region is already unlimited!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_ENTITYLIMIT_ALREADY_UNLIMITED; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesSet", message = "&aExtra-Entities have been set!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_SET; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesExpandSuccess", message = "&aYou have sucessfully expanded the entitylimit to &6%softlimitentities% &aentities! (For &6%priceperextraentity%%currency%&a)") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_EXPAND_SUCCESS; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesHardlimitReached", message = "&4Can not buy another entity-expansion! Hardlimit has been reached!") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_HARDLIMIT_REACHED; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesSetSubregionError", message = "&4Can not change entitylimit! Region is a Subregion") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_SET_SUBREGION_ERROR; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupExtraEntitiesBuySubregionError", message = "&4Can not expand entitylimit! Region is a Subregion") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_EXTRA_ENTITIES_BUY_SUBREGION_ERROR; - @Message(name = "ApplyPresetSubregionError", message = "&4Can not apply preset! Region is a subregion") - public static String APPLY_PRESET_SUBREGION_ERROR; - @Message(name = "EntityLimitGroupCouldNotspawnEntity", message = "&4Could not spawn entity on region &6%region%&4!\n" + - "The not spawned entity would exceed the region\'s entitylimit. For more information type &6/arm entitylimit check %region%&4!\n" + - "Everybody on region %region% received this message! If you are not a member of this region, you can ignore this message.") - public static String ENTITYLIMITGROUP_COULD_NOT_SPAWN_ENTITY; - @Message(name = "ArmBasicCommandMessagePro", message = "&6AdvancedRegionMarket &4&lPro&r &6v%pluginversion% by Alex9849\n" + - "&6Download: &3\n" + - "&6Get a list with all commands with &3/arm help") - public static String ARM_BASIC_COMMAND_MESSAGE_PRO; - @Message(name = "ArmBasicCommandMessageFree", message = "&6AdvancedRegionMarket &3&oFree&r &6v%pluginversion% by Alex9849\n" + - "&cThis free version limits the maximum number of regions a player can own to 1!\n" + - "&6Download: &3\n" + - "&6Get a list with all commands with &3/arm help") - public static String ARM_BASIC_COMMAND_MESSAGE_FREE; - @Message(name = "RegionBuyProtectionOfContinuance", message = "&4Can't buy region! Region is unter protection of continuance and won't be for sale again!") - public static String REGION_BUY_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE; - @Message(name = "RegionResetProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4Can't reset region! Region is unter protection of continuance!") - public static String REGION_RESET_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "RegionRestoreProtectionOfContinuanceError", message = "&4Can't restore region! Region is unter protection of continuance!") - public static String REGION_RESTORE_PROTECTION_OF_CONTINUANCE_ERROR; - @Message(name = "RegionKindCreated", message = "&aRegionKind created!") - public static String REGIONKIND_CREATED; - @Message(name = "RegionKindAlreadyExists", message = "&4RegionKind already exists!") - public static String REGIONKIND_ALREADY_EXISTS; - @Message(name = "RegionKindDeleted", message = "&aRegionKind deleted!") - public static String REGIONKIND_DELETED; - @Message(name = "RegionKindCanNotRemoveSystem", message = "&4You can not remove a system-RegionKind!") - public static String REGIONKIND_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_SYSTEM; - @Message(name = "RegionKindListHeadline", message = "&6Regionkinds:") - public static String REGIONKIND_LIST_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "RegionKindModified", message = "&aRegionKind modified!") - public static String REGIONKIND_MODIFIED; - @Message(name = "MaterialNotFound", message = "&4Material not found!") - public static String MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND; - @Message(name = "RegionKindLoreLineNotExist", message = "&aThe selected lore-line does not exist!") - public static String REGIONKIND_LORE_LINE_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "RegionKindCanNotBeSearchedInRegionfinder", message = "&4The selected regionkind isn't available in the regionfinder!") - public static String REGIONKIND_CAN_NOT_BE_SEARCHED_IN_REGIONFINDER; - @Message(name = "RegionkindInfo", message = {"&6======[Regionkind Info]======", - "&9Name: &e%regionkind%", - "&9DisplayName: &r%regionkinddisplay%", - "&9Item: &e%regionkinditem%", - "&9Display in limits: &e%regionkinddisplayinlimits%", - "&9Display in regionfinder: &e%regionkinddisplayinregionfinder%", - "&9In RegionkindGroups: &e%regionkindregionkindgroups%", - "&9Lore:", - "%regionkindlorelist%"}, version = 7) - public static List REGIONKIND_INFO; - @Message(name = "RegionKindHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket RegionKind Help ]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String REGIONKIND_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "PlayerNotFound", message = "&4Could not find selected player!") - public static String PLAYER_NOT_FOUND; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e&e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", - "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionUser", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", - "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION_ADMIN; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", - "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION_ADMIN; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionAdmin", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", - "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%", - "&9Protection of Continuance: &e%isprotectionofcontinuance%", - "&9Allowed Subregions: &e%subregionlimit%", - "&9Subregions: &e%subregions%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION_ADMIN; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoSellregionSubregion", version = 2, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_SELLREGION_SUBREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoRentregionSubregion", version = 5, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7max.: &e%maxextendtime-writtenout%", - "&9Remaining time: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_RENTREGION_SUBREGION; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoContractregionSubregion", version = 2, message = {"&6=========[Region Info]=========", - "&9ID: &e%regionid% &7(Type: &r%selltype%&7, Subregion)", - "&9Sold: &e%issold%", - "&9Price: &e%price% &7per &e%extendtime-writtenout% &7(auto extend)", - "&9Next extend in: &e%remainingtime-countdown-short%", - "&9Owner: &e%owner%", - "&9Members: &e%members%", - "&9Max. number of members: &e%maxmembers%", - "&9Regionkind: &e%regionkinddisplay% &7%regionkindregionkindgroupsdisplaywithbrackets%", - "&9FlagGroup: &e%flaggroup%", - "&9Landlord: &e%landlord% &7(Gets the money)", - "&9EntityLimitGroup: &e%entitylimitgroup% &9isHotel: &e%ishotel%", - "&9UserRestorable: &e%isuserrestorable% &9InactivityResetEnabled: &e%isinactivityreset%", - "&9Owners last login: &e%lastownerlogin%", - "&9InactivityReset in: &e%inactivityresetin-countdown-short%", - "&9TakeOver possible in: &e%takeoverin-countdown-short%", - "&9AutoRestore: &e%isautorestore% &9Autoprice: &e%autoprice%", - "&9PaybackPercentage in %: &e%paypackpercentage%"}) - public static List REGION_INFO_CONTRACTREGION_SUBREGION; - @Message(name = "GUIWarningInfoButton", message = "&4Warning!") - public static String GUI_WARNING_INFO_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorButton", message = "&6FlagEditor") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorMenuName", message = "&1FlagEditor (%region%)") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_MENU_NAME; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorDeleteFlagButton", message = "&4Delete flag") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_DELETE_FLAG_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupAllButton", message = "&9Set for everyone") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_ALL_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupMembersButton", message = "&9Set for members and owners") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_MEMBERS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupOwnersButton", message = "&9Set for owners") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_OWNERS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupNonMembersButton", message = "&9Set for non members and non owners") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_NON_MEMBERS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetFlagGroupNonOwnersButton", message = "&9Set for non owners") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_FLAG_GROUP_NON_OWNERS_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStateflagAllowButton", message = "&2Allow") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STATEFLAG_ALLOW_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStateflagDenyButton", message = "&4Deny") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STATEFLAG_DENY_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetBooleanflagTrueButton", message = "&2Yes") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_BOOLEANFLAG_TRUE_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetBooleanflagFalseButton", message = "&4No") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_BOOLEANFLAG_FALSE_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetStringflagSetMessageButton", message = "&2Set message") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_STRINGFLAG_SET_MESSAGE_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetIntegerflagSetIntegerButton", message = "&2Set number") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_INTEGERFLAG_SET_INTEGER_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorSetDoubleflagSetDoubleButton", message = "&2Set number") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_SET_DOUBLEFLAG_SET_DOUBLE_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "FlageditorFlagNotActivated", message = "&4Flag not activated!") - public static String FlAGEDITOR_FLAG_NOT_ACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "FlageditorFlagHasBeenDeleted", message = "&2Flag has been deleted!") - public static String FlAGEDITOR_FLAG_HAS_BEEN_DELETED; - @Message(name = "FlageditorFlagHasBeenUpdated", message = "&2Flag has been updated!") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_FLAG_HAS_BEEN_UPDATED; - @Message(name = "FlageditorFlagCouldNotBeUpdated", message = "Could not modify flag %flag%!") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_FLAG_COULD_NOT_BE_MODIFIED; - @Message(name = "FlageditorStringflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a message:") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_STRINGFLAG_SET_MESSAGE_INFO; - @Message(name = "FlageditorIntegerflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a number that does not have decimals:") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_INTEGERFLAG_SET_NUMBER_INFO; - @Message(name = "FlageditorDoubleflagSetMessageInfo", message = "&9Please write down a number:") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_DOUBLEFLAG_SET_NUMBER_INFO; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorResetButton", message = "&4Reset all Flags to default settings") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_RESET_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorUnknownFlagSetPropertiesButton", message = "&2Set properties") - public static String GUI_FLAGEDITOR_UNKNOWNFLAG_SET_PROPERTIES_BUTTON; - @Message(name = "GUIFlageditorUnknownFlagSetPropertiesInfo", message = "&9Please write down your new flag properties: FlaggroupDoesNotExist: '&4Flaggroup does not exist!") - public static String FLAGEDITOR_UNKNOWNFLAG_SET_PROPERTIES_INFO; - @Message(name = "FlaggroupDoesNotExist", message = "&4Flaggroup does not exist!") - public static String FLAGGROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST; - @Message(name = "SubregionFlaggroupOnlyForSubregions", message = "&4Subregion flaggroup only for subregions") - public static String SUBREGION_FLAGGROUP_ONLY_FOR_SUBREGIONS; - @Message(name = "GUITeleportToRegionButtonLore", message = {"Click to teleport you to", - "your region"}) - public static List GUI_TELEPORT_TO_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIMakeOwnerButtonLore", message = {"Click to transfer your owner rights", - "to the selected member.", - "&4WARNING: &cYou will lose your owner", - "&crights and become a member"}) - public static List GUI_MAKE_OWNER_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIRemoveMemberButtonLore", message = {"Click to remove the selected member", - "from your region"}) - public static List GUI_REMOVE_MEMBER_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIResetRegionButtonLore", version = 6,message = {"Click to reset your region", - "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! Your region", - "&cwill be resetted and everything on it will", - "&cbe deleted!", - "", - "&cYou can only reset you region once every %userrestorecooldown%", - "&2You and all members keep their rights on the region"}) - public static List GUI_RESET_REGION_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "TakeOverItemLore", message = {"&aYou are a member of this region.", - "&aThe owner of it hasn''''t been", - "&aonline for a long time. You", - "&acan transfer the owner rights to your", - "&aaccount for free. The actual owner", - "&aof it will become a member of the region.", - "&cIf the region does not get transferred", - "&cor the owner does not come online", - "&cwithin &7%inactivityresetin-countdown-short% &cthe", - "&cregion will be resetted and everybody on it", - "&cwill lose their rights.", - "&cAfterwards it will go back for sale!"}) - public static List GUI_TAKEOVER_ITEM_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIExtendRentRegionButtonLore", version = 5, message = {"&aClick to extend your region for &6%extendtime-current-writtenout%", - "&athis will cost you &6%price-current%%currency%&a!", - "&aThis region will expire in &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%&a.", - "&aYou can extend your region up to &6%maxextendtime-writtenout%&a."}) - public static List GUI_EXTEND_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIRentRegionLore", message = {"&aExpires in &6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) - public static List GUI_RENT_REGION_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIUserSellButtonLore", message = {"Click to sell your region", - "&4WARNING: &cThis can not be undone! Your region", - "&cwill be released and all blocks on it will be", - "&cresetted! You and all members of it will loose", - "&ctheir rights on it.", - "&cYou will get &6%paybackmoney%%currency% &cback"}) - public static List GUI_USER_SELL_BUTTON_LORE; - @Message(name = "MemberlistInfoLore", message = {"&aYou can be added as a member to", - "&athe region of someone else in order", - "&ato build with him together", - "&aJust ask a region owner to add you with:", - "&6/arm addmember REGIONID USERNAME", - "&aYou need to be online for this"}) - public static List GUI_MEMBER_INFO_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIContractItemLore", message = {"&aStatus: %status%", - "&aIf active the next extend is in:", - "&6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) - public static List GUI_CONTRACT_ITEM_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUIContractItemRegionLore", message = {"&aStatus: %status%", - "&aIf active the next extend is in:", - "&6%remainingtime-countdown-short%"}) - public static List GUI_CONTRACT_REGION_LORE; - @Message(name = "OwnerMemberlistInfoLore", message = {"&aYou can add members to your region", - "&ain order to build with them together", - "&aYou can add members with:", - "&6/arm addmember %regionid% USERNAME", - "&aMembers need to be online to add them"}) - public static List GUI_OWNER_MEMBER_INFO_LORE; - @Message(name = "GUISubregionManagerNoSubregionItemLore", message = {"&aYou do not have any subregions on your region.", - "&aYou can create a new subregion, that you", - "&acan sell to other players by typing", - "&6/arm subregion tool &aand following displayed the steps"}) - public static List GUI_SUBREGION_MANAGER_NO_SUBREGION_ITEM_LORE; - @Message(name = "SellPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket SellPreset Help]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String SELLPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "ContractPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket ContractPreset Help]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String CONTRACTPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "RentPresetHelpHeadline", message = "&6=====[AdvancedRegionMarket RentPreset Help]=====\n" + - "&3Page %actualpage% / %maxpage%") - public static String RENTPRESET_HELP_HEADLINE; - @Message(name = "InfoDeactivated", message = "&4deactivated") - public static String INFO_DEACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "InfoNotSold", message = "&4Region not sold!") - public static String INFO_REGION_NOT_SOLD; - @Message(name = "InfoNow", message = "&2now") - public static String INFO_NOW; - @Message(name = "InfoNotCalculated", message = "&8Awaiting calculation...") - public static String INFO_NOT_CALCULATED; - @Message(name = "CouldNotFindOrLoadSchematicLog", message = "&4Could not find or load schematic for region %region% in world %world%! You can regenerate it with /arm updateschematic %region%") - public static String COULD_NOT_FIND_OR_LOAD_SCHEMATIC_LOG; - @Message(name = "RegionSoldBackSuccessfully", message = "&2Your region &6%regionid% &2has successfully been sold back to the server! " + - "&6%paybackmoney%%currency% &2have been added to your account!") - public static String REGION_SOLD_BACK_SUCCESSFULLY; - @Message(name = "RegionModifiedBoolean", message = "&6%option% %state% &6for &a%selectedregions%&6!") - public static String REGION_MODIFIED_BOOLEAN; - @Message(name = "RegionModified", message = "&6%option% &6modified for %selectedregions%&6!") - public static String REGION_MODIFIED; - @Message(name = "UpdatingSchematic", message = "&8Updating schematic...") - public static String UPDATING_SCHEMATIC; - @Message(name = "SchematicUpdated", message = "&aSchematic updated!") - public static String SCHEMATIC_UPDATED; - @Message(name = "ContractRegionTerminated", message = "&6Your contractregion &a%region% &6has successfully been " + - "&4terminated&6! It will be resetted in &a%remainingtime-countdown-short% &6except it gets reactivated!") - public static String CONTRACTREGION_TERMINATED; - @Message(name = "ContractRegionReactivated", message = "&6Your contractregion &a%region% &6has successfully " + - "been &areactivated&6! It will automatically be extended in &a%remainingtime-countdown-short% &6if " + - "you can pay for the rent!") - public static String CONTRACTREGION_REACTIVATED; - @Message(name = "RegionInfoFeatureDisabled", message = "&4Feature disbaled!") - public static String REGION_INFO_FEATURE_DISABLED; - @Message(name = "FlagGroupFeatureDisabled", message = "&4FlagGroups are currently disabled! You can activate them in the config.yml!") - public static String FLAGGROUP_FEATURE_DISABLED; - @Message(name = "BackupCreated", message = "&aBackup created!") - public static String BACKUP_CREATED; - @Message(name = "BackupRestored", message = "&aBackup restored!") - public static String BACKUP_RESTORED; - @Message(name = "CouldNotLoadBackup", message = "&4Could not load backup! Maybe it does not exist or the file is corrupted!") - public static String COULD_NOT_LOAD_BACKUP; - @Message(name = "BackupListHeader", message = "&6=======[Backups of region %regionid%]=======") - public static String BACKUP_LIST_HEADER; - @Message(name = "TeleportLocationHasToBeInsideRegion", message = "&4Teleport-location has to be inside your region!") - public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_HAS_TO_BE_INSIDE_REGION; - @Message(name = "TeleportLocationUnsafe", message = "&4Teleport-location is unsafe!") - public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_IS_UNSAFE; - @Message(name = "TeleportLocationUpdated", message = "&2Teleport-location updated!") - public static String TELEPORT_LOCATION_UPDATED; - public static void reload(File savePath, MessageLocale locale) { YamlConfiguration config = updateAndWriteConfig(locale, savePath); load(config);