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Placeholders & messages

alex9849 edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 1 revision

The message.yml can be used to customize the messages of the plugin.

Region-Placeholders (plugin internal)

You can use the following variables in your messages. They will be replaced if there is information for them:

Region-Variables (for all regions):

Variable Will be replaced with
%regionid% Region-ID
%region% Region-ID
%price% The price of the region
%dimensions% The size of the region in this format: xSizeXy-SizeXz-Size
%priceperm2% The price of one square meter of this region
%priceperm3% The price of one cubic meter of this region
%userrestorecooldown-date% The remaining time till the owner can restore his region again. Formatted as a date. Example: 21.10.2019 18:30
%userrestorecooldown-countdown-short% The remaining time till the owner can restore his region again. Formatted as a short countdown. Example: '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%userrestorecooldown-countdown-short-cutted% The remaining time till the owner can restore his region again. Formatted like a short countdown, but cut after the first non zero value. Example: '2d.' (Instead of'2d:4h:3m:23s')
%userrestorecooldown-countdown-writtenout% The remaining time till the owner can restore his region again. Formatted as a text. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'
%userrestorecooldown-countdown-writtenout-cutted% The remaining time till the owner can restore his region again. Formatted as a text that got cut after the first non zero value. Example: '1 day'. (Instead of '1 day and 2 hours')
%inactivityresetin-date% The remaining time till the region gets reset, because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a short countdown. Example: '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%inactivityresetin-countdown-short% The remaining time till the region gets reset, because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a short countdown like '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%inactivityresetin-countdown-short-cutted% The remaining time till the region gets reset, because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted like a short countdown, but cut after the first non zero value. Example: '2d.' (Instead of'2d:4h:3m:23s')
%inactivityresetin-countdown-writtenout% The remaining time till the region gets reset, because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a text. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'
%inactivityresetin-countdown-writtenout-cutted% The remaining time till the region gets reset, because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a text that got cut after the first non zero value. Example: '1 day'. (Instead of '1 day and 2 hours')
%takeoverin-date% The remaining time till members of a region can takeover the region because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a short countdown. Example: '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%takeoverin-countdown-short% The remaining time till members of a region can takeover the region because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a short countdown like '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%takeoverin-countdown-short-cutted% The remaining time till members of a region can takeover the region because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted like a short countdown, but cut after the first non zero value. Example: '2d.' (Instead of'2d:4h:3m:23s')
%takeoverin-countdown-writtenout% The remaining time till members of a region can takeover the region because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a text. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'
%takeoverin-countdown-writtenout-cutted% The remaining time till members of a region can takeover the region because of inactivity of the owner. Formatted as a text that got cut after the first non zero value. Example: '1 day'. (Instead of '1 day and 2 hours')
%paybackmoney% The amount of money a player will get back if he sells the region to the server
%owner% The name of the owner
%world% The name of the world of the region
%subregionlimit% The maximum amount of subregions that can be created inside the region
%hotelfunctionstatus% The status of the hotel-function (enabled or disabled)
%soldstatus% Displays if the region is sold
%selltype% The selltype of the region (sellregion, rentregion, contractregion)
%currency% The servers currency
%isuserrestorable% "Yes" if the owner of a region is allowed to restore it, "No" if not
%isautorestore% Yes if the region has autorestore enabled, false if not

Region-Placeholders (only Rent- and Contract-Regions):**

Variable Will be replaced with
%priceperm2perweek% The price per m2 per week
%priceperm3perweek% The price per m3 per week
%remainingtime-date% The remaining time that the region is currently paid. Formatted as a short countdown. Example: '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%remainingtime-countdown-short% The remaining time that the region is currently paid. Formatted as a short countdown like '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%remainingtime-countdown-short-cutted% The remaining time that the region is currently paid. Formatted like a short countdown, but cut after the first non zero value. Example: '2d.' (Instead of'2d:4h:3m:23s')
%remainingtime-countdown-writtenout% The remaining time that the region is currently paid. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'
%remainingtime-countdown-writtenout-cutted% The remaining time that the region is currently paid. Formatted as a text that got cut after the first non zero value. Example: '1 day'. (Instead of '1 day and 2 hours')
%extendtime-short% The amount of the, that the region gets extended. Formatted as a short countdown like '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%extendtime-writtenout% The amount of the, that the region gets extended. Formatted as a text. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'

RentRegion-Placeholders (only Rent-Regions):

Variable Will be replaced with
%maxextendtime-short% The maximum amount of time the region can be paid in advance. Formatted as a short countdown like '2d:5h:51m:10s'.
%maxextendtime-writtenout% The maximum amount of time the region can be paid in advance. Formatted as a text. Example: '1 day, 5 hours and 10 minutes'


Variable Will be replaced with
%status% 'terminated' if terminated 'active' if not
%isterminated% 'yes' if it is terminated 'no' if not


Variable Will be replaced with
%regionkinddisplay% The displayname of the regionkind
%regionkind% The internal name of the regionkind
%currency% The servers currency


AdvancedRegionMarket doesn't support placeholders from other plugins, but it provides own placeholders. The PlaceholderAPI-Expansion can be downloaded here

Placeholder Description Example
%arm_regionid% Shows the regionId of the region that the current player is standing in
%arm_regionplaceholder_<regionworld>_<regionId>_<internal region placeholder>% Shows the placeholder value of the corresponding internal placeholder %arm_regionplaceholder_world_example1_dimensions%
%arm_regionplaceholder_<regionId>_<internal region placeholder>% Shows the placeholder value of the corresponding internal placeholder %arm_regionplaceholder_example1_dimensions%
%arm_regionplaceholder_<internal region placeholder>% Shows the placeholder value of the corresponding internal placeholder. Uses the region that the player is standing in %arm_regionplaceholder_dimensions%
%arm_ownedregions_<playerName>% Shows all regions owned by a player
%arm_ownedregions% Shows all regions owned by the current player
%arm_memberregions_<playerName>% Shows all regions where is a member
%arm_memberregions% Shows all regions where the current player is a member
%arm_accessregions_<playerName>% Shows all regions where is a member or a owner
%arm_accessregions% Shows all regions where the current player is a member or a owner
%arm_limit_max_<regionKind or regionkindGroup or "total">% Shows the maximum number of region the current player can own of a specific regionkind
%arm_limit_used_<regionKind or regionkindGroup or "total">% Shows the used number of regions that the player owns
%arm_regioncount_all% Shows the number of existing regions
%arm_regioncount_free% Shows the number of existing free regions
%arm_regioncount_sold% Shows the number of regions that are currently sold/rented
%arm_regioncount_all_<regionkind or regionkindGroup>% Shows the number of existing regions, that be long to a regionkind or regionkindgroup
%arm_regioncount_free_<regionkind or regionkindGroup>% Shows the number of existing free regions Shows the number of regions that are currently sold/rented
%arm_regioncount_sold_<regionkind or regionkindGroup>% Shows the number of regions that are currently sold/rented Shows the number of regions that are currently sold/rented



How it works

  • Video tutorials - Watch and learn with Major Graft.
  • Create a region
  • Region settings
  • Presets - Define region settings before creating a region.
  • Autoprices - Calculate the price of a region automatically.
  • Regionkinds - Regionkinds and RegionkindGroups can be assigned to your regions to group them together and bring them into a context.
  • Limits - Limit the number of regions a player can buy.
  • Inactivity reset & Takeover - Automatically reset a region because of inactivity or let members of regions with inactive owners become the new owner.
  • FlagGroups - Assign certain flags to a region depending on its state.
  • Entitylimits - Limit the type and number of entities a player is allowed to have on a region.



  • Discord - Get involved with other AdvancedRegionMarket Admins, Plugin Developers, Testers. Support, General Discussion welcome.


  • Sponsor - Sponsor the development of AdvancedRegionMarket
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