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Alexander edited this page May 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the RustMon wiki!


Exists two ways to run this project, building the HTML & JS, or Building with docker, the first version you can host the files in a standard web hosting like hostgator, or something like that.

But you need to understand that this project is splitted in two projects:

  1. The frontend, is the UI and you have a set of features limited, this is a project that can run on a webhosting or a vps/dedicated
  2. The backend, is a helper service that adds new features like map rendering, ip geolocalization (countries), valve api, etc.

We will start running the frontend, and then we will run the backend.



At minimum you need to install nodejs in your pc: (Is the tool for build this project)


If you have a VPS or dedicated server that can run all the features, you need to install docker, is the easiest way to run this project:

Digital ocean - Ubuntu tutorial

The dashboard


If you have docker installed in your pc and your server, the only steps that you need to do is build the dockerfile of the projects:

Go to your server and run:

docker run -p 8084:80 alexander171294/rustmon:latest

Then you can access using http://your-ip:8084


You can run this project on a shared web hosting building the html files:

Go to rustmon folder and write:

npm i

To install dependencies and:

npm run build

Now you have the html files to upload by FTP on /rustmon/dist/rustmon folder.

The utilities

If you access to rustmon previously hosted, you will notice that some features doesn't work, is because this project need an utility server, this only works on a VPS/Dedicated or any server that you can run commands on a terminal.

See your Steam Api Key documentation:


Go to your server terminal and run this commands:

docker run --name rustmonRedis -p 6379:6379 -d redis redis-server --requirepass 38674516

changing 38674516 with a random password and then:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -e STEAM_API="YOUR-STEAM-API-KEY" -e CACHE_HOST="YOUR-SERVER-HOST" -e CACHE_AUTH="38674516" -e CACHE_PORT="6379" -itd alexander171294/rustmon-service:latest

This will run the service over 3000 port, and you can access using your-server-ip:3000


If you have nodejs and don't want to use docker for any reason, you need to run an instance of redis, and then build the project in that folder with this commands:

npm i

npm run build

npm run start:prod

setting the environments:


Configure frontend

Now you need to configure the frontend to connect to your server, in order to do that you have two ways, the first and easier is when you enter to the panel click in this icon left bottom:

configuration icon

Then put the link of the user-service for example: http://your-server-ip:3000.

This have the problem that you will need to configure this in all of your devices when you enter on the panel.

If you want to persist this configuration and don't need put all the times on that button, you need to change the project file rustmon/src/environments/ and change this line by your url:

uDataApi: '',

like this:

uDataApi: 'http://your-server-ip:3000',

And build the frontend project and run again.

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