Guarda enlaces de artículos, post de interés y captura una pequeña nota 📝 , para recordar el porque lo deseas leer y tener una vista previa del enlace.
- React
- Gatsby
- Netlify Functions
- Fauna
- Auth0
- Kanban Board
- User account
Clone this repository.
git clone
Create a .env.development file
Create an application on Auth0 and config Allowed Callback URLs,Allowed Logout URLs,Allowed Web Origins with http://localhost:8888.
Create a database on Fauna and upload stories.gql file GATSBY_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=your-client-id FAUNA_SERVER_SECRET=your-apikey GATSBY_URL_FUNCTIONS=https://localhost:8888/.netlify/functions
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
ntl dev