uses koto_midi's functions and utilities for MIDI processing.
Every event processing script should start with import midi
Every event processing script should define a midi.listen
# Import the midi module to have access to the midi map.
import midi
midi.listen = |incoming_midi_message|
# Here you may process the `incoming_midi_message`,
# which is a list of integers. Ex. `[0x90, 0x3C, 0x7F]` or `[144, 120, 111]`
# If you wish to send it through the output port, use `midi.send`.
midi.send incoming_midi_message
Bring midi
in the scope by starting your script with import midi
note_off : "note_off"
note_on : "note_on"
poly_after_touch : "poly_after_touch"
control_change : "control_change"
program_change : "program_change"
after_touch : "after_touch"
pitch_bend : "pitch_bend"
all_sound_off : "all_sound_off"
reset_all_controllers : "reset_all_controllers"
local_control : "local_control"
all_notes_off : "all_notes_off"
omni_mode_off : "omni_mode_off"
omni_mode_on : "omni_mode_on"
mono_mode_on : "mono_mode_on"
poly_mode_on : "poly_mode_on"
system_exclusive : "system_exclusive"
time_code_quarter_frame : "time_code_quarter_frame"
song_position : "song_position"
song_select : "song_select"
tune_request : "tune_request"
end_of_exclusive : "end_of_exclusive"
timing_clock : "timing_clock"
start : "start"
continue : "continue"
stop : "stop"
active_sensing : "active_sensing"
reset : "reset"
undefined : "undefined"
malformed : "malformed"
channel_voice : "channel_voice"
channel_mode : "channel_mode"
system_common : "system_common"
system_realtime : "system_realtime"
unknown : "unknown"
This function expects a single list of positive integers as its argument. Ex. [0x90, 0x3C, 0x7F]
[144, 120, 111]
It will return a message map. One of the types in midi.message
or throw a runtime error.
Sends a list of bytes through the midi output port.
Arguments are internally checked for bounds and types.
It will throw an error if the members of the list is not in the range of a byte, which is 0..=255
This map is a collection of midi message constructors.
All constructors return a map or an empty value.
category : <a member of midi.categories>
type : <a member of midi.types>
# A method to pack a sendable midi message
pack : || -> [<integers>, ..]
| ...
notation in the return types is a place holder for <base-message-map>
's properties.
note_off |[<note>, <velocity>, <channel>]| -> <note-off-message-map> | ()
note : 0..=127
velocity : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
note_on |[<note>, <velocity>, <channel>]| -> <note-on-message-map> | ()
note : 0..=127
velocity : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
poly_after_touch |[<note>, <pressure>, <channel>]| -> <poly-after-touch-message-map> | ()
note : 0..=127
pressure : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
control_change |[<note>, <value>, <channel>]| -> <control-change-message-map> | ()
note : 0..=127
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
program_change |[<program>, <channel>]| -> <program-change-message-map> | ()
program : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
after_touch |[<pressure>, <channel>]| -> <after-touch-message-map> | ()
pressure : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
pitch_bend |[<bend_amount>, <channel>]| -> <pitch-bend-message-map> | ()
bend_amount : 0..=16383
channel : 0..=15
all_sound_off |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <all-sound-off-message-map> | ()
note : 120
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
reset_all_controllers |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <reset-all-controllers-message-map> | ()
note : 121
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
local_control |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <local-control-message-map> | ()
note : 122
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
all_notes_off |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <all-notes-off-message-map> | ()
note : 123
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
omni_mode_off |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <omni-mode-off-message-map> | ()
note : 124
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
omni_mode_on |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <omni-mode-on-message-map> | ()
note : 125
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
mono_mode_on |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <mono-mode-on-message-map> | ()
note : 126
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
poly_mode_on |[<value>, <channel>]| -> <poly-mode-on-message-map> | ()
note : 127
value : 0..=127
channel : 0..=15
time_code_quarter_frame |[<message_type>, <values>]| -> <time-code-quarter-frame-message-map> | ()
message_type : 0..=7
values : 0..=15
song_position |[<midi_beats_elapsed>]| -> <song-position-message-map> | ()
midi_beats_elapsed: 0..=16383
song_select |[<number>]| -> <song-select-message-map> | ()
number: 0..=127
tune_request || -> <base-message-map>
end_of_exclusive || -> <base-message-map>
system_exclusive |[<manufacturer_id>, <message>]| -> <system-exclusive-message-map>
<byte>: 0..=255
manufacturer_id: [<byte>] | [<byte>,<byte>,<byte>]
# Message can be any length
message: [<byte>, ..]
timing_clock || -> <base-message-map>
start || -> <base-message-map>
continue || -> <base-message-map>
stop || -> <base-message-map>
active_sensing || -> <base-message-map>
reset || -> <base-message-map>
malformed || -> <base-message-map>
undefined || -> <base-message-map>