v# Climate Data Analysis and API Design
- Python
- SQLAlchemy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Flask
- Connect to the SQLite database using SQLAlchemy.
- Reflect tables into classes using SQLAlchemy automap_base().
- Create a SQLAlchemy session to link Python to the database.
- Find the most recent date in the dataset.
- Query the previous 12 months of precipitation data based on the most recent date.
- Select only the "date" and "prcp" values.
- Load query results into a Pandas DataFrame.
- Sort DataFrame values by "date".
- Plot the results using DataFrame plot method.
- Print summary statistics for the precipitation data.
- Design a query to calculate the total number of stations in the dataset.
- Find the most-active station (station with the most rows).
- List stations and observation counts in descending order.
- Query lowest, highest, and average temperatures for the most-active station.
- Query the previous 12 months of temperature observation (TOBS) data for the most-active station.
- Plot the results as a histogram with bins=12.
- Close SQLAlchemy session at the end of the notebook.
- /: Homepage, listing all available routes.
- /api/v1.0/precipitation: Convert precipitation analysis results to a dictionary and return JSON representation.
- /api/v1.0/stations: Return a JSON list of stations from the dataset.
- /api/v1.0/tobs: Query temperature observations of the most-active station for the previous year and return JSON list.
- /api/v1.0/ and /api/v1.0//: Calculate TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX for specified start or start-end range and return JSON list.