Releases: amclin/advent-of-code
Releases · amclin/advent-of-code
1.16.0 (2020-12-21)
1.15.0 (2020-12-20)
- 2020-day-10: count combinations to solve part 2 (e21b7c1)
- 2020-day-10: find the voltage differences to solve for part 1 (dd5d94c)
- 2020-day-10: stub out day 10 (55cc099)
- 2020-day-10: tally up the voltage differences across the set of adapters (308ddca)
Performance Improvements
- 2020-day-10: remove unused import (9000f2f)
1.14.0 (2020-12-18)
- 2020-day-09: check for valid data entry in XMAS encryption method (e65e9c5)
- 2020-day-09: find a weakness range in the encrypted data stream (6bb92a6)
- 2020-day-09: find the first invalid value in a data set (d114b2d)
- 2020-day-09: solve part 1 (e85e46e)
- 2020-day-09: sum min and max from weakness range to solve part 2 (45c288b)
1.13.0 (2020-12-09)
- 2020-day-07: bagception - count the number of child bags a bag has (f618b49)
- 2020-day-07: count the bags in full data (90f656e)
- 2020-day-07: find all bags that can eventually contain a shiny gold bag (5142768)
- 2020-day-07: parse a bag rule into an addressable object (8ec6621)
- 2020-day-07: recursively find all bag colors that allow specified child bag (920ff55)
- utilities: include log level suppression in daily template (014f9db)
- utilities: logger hijacks console.log with levels for suppressing debugging noise (0bfdae1)
Performance Improvements
1.12.0 (2020-12-08)
- 2020-day-06: calculate checksum of a given group's answers (89b12db)
- 2020-day-06: count the questions answered by entire groups (dab2c30)
- 2020-day-06: count the unique questions answered by each passenger group (44c5bfe)
- 2020-day-06: stream handler utility for generating checksums (fca7f41)
- 2020-day-06: stub out day 6 (212df0d)
- 2020-day-06: tally how many questions answered by all users in a group (92bd9ff)
- new day creation defaults to current date (7e07006)
1.10.0 (2020-12-07)
Bug Fixes
- 2020-day-01: find the exact number of desired expense records (9f96cd3)
- 2020-day-04: suppress excess noise in run log (c139381)
- 2020-day-01: find 3 expenses totaling 2020 (616b619)
- 2020-day-01: find matching expenses in expense report (2969eee)
- 2020-day-01: multiply matching expenses for part 1 solution (b2990e7)
- 2020-day-02: find the number of valid passwords (85de1c2)
- 2020-day-02: utilities for formatting and validating passwords (ee012b2)
- 2020-day-03: calculate tree collisions for multiple slopes (41736ff)
- 2020-day-03: check a route to the airport for trees (7a704d8)
- 2020-day-03: count the valid passwords under the new rules (97c0834)
- 2020-day-03: find number of tree collisions on provided route (b25ec56)
- 2020-day-04: count all passports that have all fields valid (131652c)
- 2020-day-04: optional field-level validation rules (cfe1725)
- 2020-day-04: process a stream of passports to count valid ones (2a050ca)
- 2020-day-04: scan and validate passport records (6357060)
- 2020-day-04: stub out day 4 (c177121)
- templatize new day creation (5c3f908)