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mlflow-examples - sparkml


  • PySpark Spark ML Decision Tree Classification example.
  • Logs model in SparkML, custom UDF, MLeap and ONNX flavors.
  • Both batch and real-time scoring.
  • Data: ../../data/train/wine-quality-white.csv


The model can be logged in the following flavors:

  • spark-model - Always logged.
  • udf-spark-model - Custom Pyfunc model for spark-model UDF option.
  • onnx-model - Use the log-as-onnx option.
  • mleap-model - Use the log-as-mleap option.


python --help

  --experiment-name TEXT   Experiment name
  --data-path TEXT         Data path
  --model-name TEXT        Registered model name
  --max-depth INTEGER      Max depth
  --max-bins INTEGER       Max bins
  --describe BOOLEAN       Describe data
  --log-as-mleap BOOLEAN   Score as MLeap
  --log-as-onnx BOOLEAN    Log model as ONNX flavor
  --spark-autolog BOOLEAN  Use spark.autolog

Run with mlflow run

See the MLproject file for the main entrypoints. For more details see MLflow documentation - Running Projects.

Note that mlflow run ignores the set_experiment() function so you must specify the experiment with the --experiment-id argument.

To run with the default main function.

mlflow run . -P max-depth=16 -P max-bins=32 \
  -P model-name=sparkml \
  --experiment-name sparkml

To log model as ONNX.

mlflow run . -P log-as-onnx=True \
  -P model-name=sparkml \
  --experiment-name sparkml

mlflow run github with Databricks

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks
mlflow run \
  -P max-depth=3 -P max-bins=24 \
  -P data-path= \
  --experiment-name=/Users/[email protected]/experiments/sparkml
  --backend databricks --backend-config mlflow_run_cluster.json

Run without mlflow run

Install conda.yaml environment.

Log model as MLeap.

spark-submit --master local[2] \
  --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.0.1,ml.combust.mleap:mleap-spark_2.11:0.12.0 \ --log-as-mleap True

Log model with Autologging.

Spark autologging works only with Spark 3.x and Scala 2.12. It logs the data source in the tag sparkDatasourceInfo.

spark-submit --master local[2] \
  --packages org.mlflow:mlflow-spark:1.12.1 \ --spark-autolog True

Resulting tag:

  • Tag name: sparkDatasourceInfo
  • Value: path=file:/var/folders/rp/88lfxw2n4lvgkdk9xl0lkqjr0000gp/T/DecisionTreeRegressionModel_1590801461.6367931/data,format=parquet


You can make predictions in two ways:

  • Batch predictions
  • Real-time predictions - use MLflow's scoring server

Batch Predictions


  • Spark ML
  • UDF
  • MLeap
  • ONNX
  • PyFunc
    • PyFunc - SparkML
    • PyFunc - ONNX

Predict as SparkML flavor

Predict as native Spark ML flavor. See

mlflow run . --entry-point spark_predict \
  -P model-uri=models:/sparkml/1
model.type: <class ''>
predictions.type: <class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>
|prediction       |quality|features                                                |
|5.470588235294118|6      |[7.0,0.27,0.36,20.7,0.045,45.0,170.0,1.001,3.0,0.45,8.8]|
|5.470588235294118|6      |[6.3,0.3,0.34,1.6,0.049,14.0,132.0,0.994,3.3,0.49,9.5]  |
. . .

Predict as Pyfunc/SparkML flavor


mlflow run . --entry-point pyfunc_predict \
  -P model-uri=models:/sparkml/1
model.type: <mlflow.spark._PyFuncModelWrapper object at 0x115f30b70>
predictions.type: <class 'list'>
predictions.len: 4898
predictions: [5.470588235294118, 5.470588235294118, 5.769607843137255, 5.877049180327869, 5.877049180327869]

Predict as UDF

Predict as Spark UDF with udf-spark-model. See

There is a bug with loading a Spark ML model as a UDF. If you try to load spark-model you will get:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "fixed acidity" does not exist.
Available fields: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

You need to log the Spark ML model as udf-spark-model which uses a custom PythonModel that handles the column numeric problem. See

mlflow run . --entry-point udf_predict \
  -P model-uri=models:/sparkml/1
predictions.type: <class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>
|prediction       |quality|features                                                |
|5.497191011235955|6      |[7.0,0.27,0.36,20.7,0.045,45.0,170.0,1.001,3.0,0.45,8.8]|
|4.833333333333333|6      |[6.3,0.3,0.34,1.6,0.049,14.0,132.0,0.994,3.3,0.49,9.5]  |
|5.670157068062827|6      |[8.1,0.28,0.4,6.9,0.05,30.0,97.0,0.9951,3.26,0.44,10.1] |

Predict as MLeap flavor

Predict as MLeap flavor using MLeap's SparkBundle with mleap-model. See

spark-submit --master local[2] \
  --run_id ffd36a96dd204ac38a58a00c94390649/mleap-model
|prediction       |quality|features                                                |
|5.470588235294118|6      |[7.0,0.27,0.36,20.7,0.045,45.0,170.0,1.001,3.0,0.45,8.8]|
|5.470588235294118|6      |[6.3,0.3,0.34,1.6,0.049,14.0,132.0,0.994,3.3,0.49,9.5]  |
. . .

Predict as Pyfunc/ONNX flavor

python --model-uri models/sparkml_onnx/1

Fails. Apparently the ONNX pyfunc code doesn't support columns with spaces.

KeyError: 'fixed_acidity'

If we change the spaces to underscores, we get another error.

ONNXRuntimeError: INVALID_ARGUMENT : Invalid rank for input: sulphates Got: 1 Expected: 2 Please fix either the inputs or the model.

Predict as ONNX flavor

Scores directly with ONNX runtime - no Spark needed. See

python \
  --model-uri models:/sparkml_onnx/1
ONNXRuntimeError: INVALID_ARGUMENT : Invalid rank for input: sulphates Got: 1 Expected: 2 Please fix either the inputs or the model.

Real-time Predictions

Use a server to score predictions over HTTP.

There are several ways to launch the server:

  1. MLflow scoring web server
  2. Plain docker container
  3. SageMaker docker container
  4. Azure docker container

See MLflow documentation:

In one window launch the server.

In another window, score some data.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -d @../../data/score/wine-quality.json \
  [5.470588235294118, 5.470588235294118, 5.769607843137255]

Data should be in JSON-serialized Pandas DataFrames split orientation format such as score/wine-quality.json.

  "columns": [
    "citric acid",
    "fixed acidity",
    "free sulfur dioxide",
    "residual sugar",
    "total sulfur dioxide",
    "volatile acidity"
  "data": [
    [ 7,   0.27, 0.36, 20.7, 0.045, 45, 170, 1.001,  3,    0.45,  8.8, 6 ],
    [ 6.3, 0.3,  0.34,  1.6, 0.049, 14, 132, 0.994,  3.3,  0.49,  9.5, 6 ],
    [ 8.1, 0.28, 0.4,   6.9, 0.05,  30,  97, 0.9951, 3.26, 0.44, 10.1, 6 ]

1. MLflow scoring web server

Launch the web server.

mlflow pyfunc serve -port 5001 \
  -model-uri models:/sparkml/1

Make predictions with curl as described above.

2. Plain Docker Container

See build-docker documentation.

First build the docker image.

mlflow models build-docker \
  --model-uri models:/sparkml/1
  --name dk-wine-sparkml

Then launch the server as a docker container.

docker run --p 5001:8080 dk-wine-sparkml

Make predictions with curl as described above.

3. SageMaker Docker Container

See documentation:


  • You can test your SageMaker container on your local machine before pushing to SageMaker.
  • You can build a container either with the Spark or MLeap model.
Score with Spark ML model

First build the docker image.

mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container --build --no-push --container sm-wine-sparkml-spark

To test locally, launch the server as a docker container.

mlflow sagemaker run-local \
  --model-uri models:/sparkml/1 \
  --port 5001 --image sm-wine-sparkml-spark
Score with MLeap model

First build the docker image.

mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container --build --no-push --container sm-wine-sparkml-mleap

To test locally, launch the server as a docker container.

mlflow sagemaker run-local \
  --model-uri models:/sparkml/1 \
  --port 5001 --image sm-wine-sparkml-mleap

Make predictions with curl as described above.

4. Azure docker container

See Deploy a python_function model on Microsoft Azure ML documentation.