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+# DON Composition
+`p2pmq` enables to compose a network of peers cross DONs (Decentralized Oracles Network), acting as a decentralized message bus for DON to DON communication.
+The following diagram illustrates the composition of a network of `p2pmq` peers across DONs:
+![p2pmq DON Composition](./resources/img/composer-p2pmq.png)
+## Messaging
+DONs communication is based on OCR reports, which are broadcasted over some topic rather than on-chain transmission.
+The reports MUST be signed by a quorum of the DON's nodes, otherwise they are considered invalid and any nodes that broadcast them are penalized.
+**NOTE** `p2pmq` enables to aid in a custom validation before processing and propagating messages to the network.
+**TBD** signature validation cross DONs.
diff --git a/resources/img/composer-p2pmq.png b/resources/img/composer-p2pmq.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/img/composer-p2pmq.png differ