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MVP for CSC454 + CSC491 W17 - Daybreak is a platform to read, edit, generate reports from DICOM images

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Minimum Viable Product for CSC454 + CSC491 2017

Daybreak is a platform to read, edit, generate reports from DICOM images


  1. bundle install
  2. rake db:migrate
  3. ruby populate_dicom.rb
  4. rails s


Daybreak med


Based on the DICOM parser we are using the following is the data we can extract from DICOM files:

1 0002,0000 File Meta Information Group Length UL 4 230

2 0002,0001 File Meta Information Version OB 2

3 0002,0002 Media Storage SOP Class UID UI 26 1.2.840.10008.

4 0002,0003 Media Storage SOP Instance UID UI 64 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.1055.1.20111102150758997.22494556.03019111

5 0002,0010 Transfer Syntax UID UI 22 1.2.840.10008.

6 0002,0012 Implementation Class UID UI 28 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.1055.1

7 0002,0013 Implementation Version Name SH 16 dicomlibrary-100

8 0002,0016 Source Application Entity Title AE 12 DICOMLIBRARY

9 0008,0005 Specific Character Set CS 10 ISO_IR 100

10 0008,0008 Image Type CS 28 ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\AXIAL\HELIX

11 0008,0012 Instance Creation Date DA 8 20061012

12 0008,0013 Instance Creation Time TM 14 091607.000000

13 0008,0016 SOP Class UID UI 26 1.2.840.10008.

14 0008,0018 SOP Instance UID UI 64 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.1055.1.20111102150758997.22494556.03019111

15 0008,0020 Study Date DA 8 20061012

16 0008,0022 Acquisition Date DA 8 20061012

17 0008,0023 Content Date DA 8 20061012

18 0008,0030 Study Time TM 14 090258.000000

19 0008,0032 Acquisition Time TM 14 085229.000000

20 0008,0033 Content Time TM 14 085229.813000

21 0008,0060 Modality CS 2 CT

22 0008,1030 Study Description LO 12 CT1 abdomen

23 0008,1032 Procedure Code Sequence SQ 58

24 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 50

25 |_0008,0100 Code Value SH 8 CTABDOM

26 |_0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator SH 6 XPLORE

27 |_0008,0104 Code Meaning LO 12 CT1 abdomen

28 0008,103E Series Description LO 10 ARTERIELLE

29 0008,1111 Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence SQ 88

30 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 80

31 |_0008,1150 Referenced SOP Class UID UI 24 1.2.840.10008.

32 |_0008,1155 Referenced SOP Instance UID UI 40 1.2.840.113704.1.111.5104.1160636572.51

33 0010,0010 Patient's Name PN 10 Anonymized

34 0010,0020 Patient ID LO 2 0

35 0010,1010 Patient's Age AS 4 000Y

36 0018,0010 Contrast/Bolus Agent LO 8 CONTRAST

37 0018,0022 Scan Options CS 6 HELIX

38 0018,0050 Slice Thickness DS 4 1.0

39 0018,0060 KVP DS 4 120

40 0018,0088 Spacing Between Slices DS 4 0.5

41 0018,0090 Data Collection Diameter DS 4 302

42 0018,1030 Protocol Name LO 26 ART.RENALES 12/Abdomen/Hx

43 0018,1100 Reconstruction Diameter DS 4 302

44 0018,1120 Gantry/Detector Tilt DS 2 0

45 0018,1130 Table Height DS 4 151

46 0018,1140 Rotation Direction CS 2 CW

47 0018,1151 X-Ray Tube Current IS 4 400

48 0018,1152 Exposure IS 4 300

49 0018,1160 Filter Type SH 2 B

50 0018,1210 Convolution Kernel SH 2 B

51 0018,5100 Patient Position CS 4 FFS

52 0020,000D Study Instance UID UI 64 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.1055.1.20111102150758591.92402465.76095170

53 0020,000E Series Instance UID UI 64 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.1055.1.20111102150758591.96842950.07877442

54 0020,0011 Series Number IS 4 6168

55 0020,0013 Instance Number IS 2 4

56 0020,0032 Image Position (Patient) DS 30 -151.493508-36.6564417\1293.5

57 0020,0037 Image Orientation (Patient) DS 12 1\0\0\0\1\0

58 0020,0052 Frame of Reference UID UI 38 1.2.840.113704.1.111.3704.1160637109.3

59 0020,1041 Slice Location DS 8 -323.50

60 0020,4000 Image Comments LT 58 JPEG 2000 lossless - Version 4.0.2 (c) Image Devices GmbH

61 0028,0002 Samples per Pixel US 2 1

62 0028,0004 Photometric Interpretation CS 12 MONOCHROME2

63 0028,0010 Rows US 2 512

64 0028,0011 Columns US 2 512

65 0028,0030 Pixel Spacing DS 22 0.58984375\0.58984375

66 0028,0100 Bits Allocated US 2 16

67 0028,0101 Bits Stored US 2 12

68 0028,0102 High Bit US 2 11

69 0028,0103 Pixel Representation US 2 0

70 0028,1050 Window Center DS 12 00050\00050

71 0028,1051 Window Width DS 12 00350\00350

72 0028,1052 Rescale Intercept DS 6 -1000

73 0028,1053 Rescale Slope DS 2 1

74 0028,2110 Lossy Image Compression CS 2 01

75 0028,2112 Lossy Image Compression Ratio DS 8 5.887304

76 0040,0007 Scheduled Procedure Step Description LO 12 CT1 abdomen

77 0040,0008 Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence SQ 58

78 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 50

79 |_0008,0100 Code Value SH 8 CTABDOM

80 |_0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator SH 6 XPLORE

81 |_0008,0104 Code Meaning LO 12 CT1 abdomen

82 0040,0009 Scheduled Procedure Step ID SH 12 A10026177758

83 0040,0254 Performed Procedure Step Description LO 12 CT1 abdomen

84 0040,0260 Performed Protocol Code Sequence SQ 58

85 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 50

86 |_0008,0100 Code Value SH 8 CTABDOM

87 |_0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator SH 6 XPLORE

88 |_0008,0104 Code Meaning LO 12 CT1 abdomen

89 0040,0275 Request Attributes Sequence SQ 138

90 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 130

91 |_0040,0007 Scheduled Procedure Step Description LO 12 CT1 abdomen

92 |_0040,0008 Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence SQ 58

93 | |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) 50

94 | |_0008,0100 Code Value SH 8 CTABDOM

95 | |_0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator SH 6 XPLORE

96 | |_0008,0104 Code Meaning LO 12 CT1 abdomen

97 |_0040,0009 Scheduled Procedure Step ID SH 12 A10026177758

98 |_0040,1001 Requested Procedure ID SH 12 A10026177757

99 0040,1001 Requested Procedure ID SH 12 A10026177757

100 7FE0,0010 Encapsulated Pixel Data OW -1

101 |_FFFE,E000 Item (#0) OW 4

102 |_FFFE,E000 Pixel Data Item (#0) OW 89054


MVP for CSC454 + CSC491 W17 - Daybreak is a platform to read, edit, generate reports from DICOM images






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