- Code cleanup and removed un-necessary files from codebase
- Improved build workflow using Grunt and NPM
- Improved styling for the RSS feed and favorite button (Fixed #105)
- Improved answer count display on question page
- Improved search bar
- Improved favorites page
- Improved admin question list pages
- Improved private message and wall section
- Improved selected answer design
- Improved site header on the home page
- Improved form error messages (Fixed #103)
- Fix errors in structured data with #99 (issue #98). (Thanks to @svivian)
- Fix PHP warning when the subnavigation is not available (issue #91)
- Fix tags overlaping on mobile devices (issue #92)
- Improved wordpress integration. Now displays login and register links in the drop-down when the user is not logged in
- Fixed PHP warning message (issue #86)
- Fixed Issues while adding new sections to profile. (issue #66)
- Fix the favorites page under user profile (issue #68)
- Fixed Rendering for voting button
- Dropped badge output from the users page, this should be taken care by the badge plugin
- Fixed message on tags page when there are no tags available (issue #74)
- Moved other language files to separate Github Repo
- Removed deprecated options framework
- Bootstrap URL https issue (issue #70)
- Fixed micro-data issue for up-vote count (issue #61)
- Compressed header image, saves 81% resource utilization. Page loads faster
- Conversion text from banner's "ask" field to bundle properties (thanks to @edermfl for PR #64)
- Dropped loading of qa-styles.css as it was not having any styling
- Removed few unused methods, add some minor fixes and code improvements
- Fixed the issue with homepage detection
- Used Open-sans font for better readability
- Used local font for supporting both http and https
- Fixed issue in related questions widget in questions bottom issue #33
- Fixed issue in users page when default avatar is not set issue #34
- Improved back to top button
- Fixed duplicate border bottoms if the answer form does not exists
- Fixed the compatibility of official facebook login plugin #35
- Fixed 404 page issue
- Added custom 404 page
- Added update uri to check for the updates of the theme
- Added installation instructions
- Fixed a minor bug for the admin panel page
- Added new Donut Admin plugin
- Added Admin page settings for Donut theme
- Added settings link for user dropdown navigation (Only visible for Admin ans Super Admin)
- All theme options can be set / reset from admin panel
- Several CSS bug fixes
- Bug fix for answer selection on tablets
- Added minified donut.css file for the prod mode
- Offset fix for the navigation bar
- Fix for action buttons dropdown
- Fixed overflow of search box in chrome
- Fixed hidden questions page
- Added cache boosting for the newer css and JS files
- Support for multiple languages
- Several minor CSS bug fixes
- Fixed view count overlaps when error is shown on question page
- Fixed badge plugin integration on profile page
- Fixed text overlap for the profile page
- Improved profile page layout
- Improved tags page layout
- Fixed tags page layout
- Fixed users page layout
- Improved layout for the wall posts and messages
- Fixed RSS widget
- Fixed positioning RSS and the favorite button
- Improved question title
- Improved comments layout
- Changed icons for login and logout
- Fixed flicker issue when the page size is smaller (http://stackoverflow.com/a/32110545)
- Fixed the search bar padding issue for FF (Thanks to Hamza Yusuf Çakır)
- Updated Ask button icon
- Added IP block and unblock icons
- Bootstrap updated to 3.3 and FontAwesome updated to 4.2.0
- Major LESS refractoring for saving KBs in the generated CSS file
- Full compactibility with q2a 1.7
- Fixed wordpress integration (Thanks to Fabio Brunelli)
- More light CSS than the previous versions
- File based customization options
- Improved color scheme
- Improved the question and answer list layout
- Added top bar above the main navigation bar (Can be hidden from option settings)
- Completely rewritten main navigation bar
- Fixed navigation bar (Can be configured from option settings)
- The search box on the header moved to sidebar and for mobile devices on the top of every page
- Added website header for the home page
- Allow users to close the home page banner
- New elegant footer design
- Added social settings for the topbar and the footer
- Added new
Ask box
for home page - Better integration with the Breadcrumbs plugin
- Better integration with the Onsite notifications plugin
- On question page the extra buttons collapses to a single action button (configurable from the option settings)
- Added site stats above the footer
- Added back to top button
- Added support to show the copyright text at the footer
- Updated tag element for better stability
- Styled default q2a
Ask box
- Fixed blocked users page
- Fixed Separate vote buttons
- Updated attribution of the Donut theme
- Fixed #22
- Fixed #23
- Fixed Admin buttons issue
- Fixed tool tips issue on the voting buttons
- Added style for disabled voting buttons
- Updated sidebar layout
- Updated navbar for non loggedin users
- Fixed responsive navigation bar
- Improved
Answer form
- Added Closable error boxes
- Updated for errors when ajax response
- Added private message link in the user dropdown navigation
- CSS bug fixes
- Added template files
- several bug fixes
- Improved CSS
- Improved nav bar
- Improved navbar for mobile devices
- Better integration with the Open login plugin
- Several minor CSS bug fixes
- Initial version
- Responsive layout
- Powered by Bootstrap
- LESS files for generating CSS
- Icons provided by [FontAwesome] (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome)
- Nice question page view
- Nice profile page view
- Inbuilt CDN support for the bootstrap and fontAwesome libraries for faster loading