This directory contains a set of Python scripts to convert grids to the Geodetic TIFF grids (GTG), and check them
GDAL >= 3.1 (currently master) is required to write geoid models with GeoTIFF 1.1 encoding of Geographic 3D CRS. Otherwise, GDAL 2.4/3.0 can be used to produce horizontal shift grids.
The "osgeo/gdal:alpine-normal-latest" docker image documented at can be used for that purpose (the default "osgeo/gdal" can also be used. It is larger, using a Ubuntu base, whereas "osgeo/gdal" uses a smaller Alpine Linux base)
For Windows, the development version of GisInternals builds can also be used. Or the "gdal-dev-python" package of OSGeo4W
Python 3 is suggested, but the scripts should still be compatible of Python 2.7
With the script.
usage: [-h] --source-crs SOURCE_CRS --target-crs TARGET_CRS
--copyright COPYRIGHT [--description DESCRIPTION]
[--positive-longitude-shift-value {east,west}]
[--uint16-encoding] [--datetime DATETIME]
[--accuracy-unit {arc-second,metre,unknown}]
[--area-of-use AREA_OF_USE]
source dest
- --source-crs SOURCE_CRS: the source CRS, as a "EPSG:XXXX" value or a CRS WKT string. Mandatory. Must be a Geographic 2D CRS.
- --target-crs SOURCE_CRS: the target CRS, as a "EPSG:XXXX" value or a CRS WKT string. Mandatory. Must be a Geographic 2D CRS.
- --copyright COPYRIGHT: Attribution and license to be stored in the TIFF Copyright tag. Mandatory
- --area-of-use AREA_OF_USE: To specify a textual area of use for the grid. For example "France", "Germany - Saxony". Strongly recommended.
- --description DESCRIPTION: Text describing the grid. If not provided, a default value will be automatically set. For example "NAD27 (EPSG:4267) to NAD83 (EPSG:4269). Converted from ntv2_0.gsb (last updated on 1995-07-05)"
- --do-not-write-accuracy-samples: To prevent accuracy samples from the NTv2 grid to be written in the output. Note: if it is detected that those samples are set to dummy values (negative values), they will automatically be discarded
- --positive-longitude-shift-value {east,west}: To force the convention for the longitude shift value. NTv2 uses a positive-is-west convention, that is confusing. By default, the script will negate the sign of the longitude shift values to output a positive-is-east convention. Setting this option to "west" will preserve the original convention. Not recommended
- --uint16-encoding: Whether values should be encoded on a 16-bit unsigned value, using a offset and scale floating point values. Default behaviour is to use Float32 encoding, which will preserve the binary values of the original NTv2 file
- --datetime DATETIME: to specify the value of the TIFF DateTime tag. Must be formatted as "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS" (note the use of colon as the separator for the Y-M-D part, as mandated by the TIFF specification). If not specified, the script will try to use the value from the corresponding NTv2 header
- --accuracy-unit {arc-second,metre,unknown}: to specify the unit of the accuracy samples. The NTv2 specification has been historically interpreted in different ways regarding that. Mandatory if accuracy samples are written (the script contains a few hardcoded rules for known datasets)
python3 \
--area-of-use "Canada" \
--copyright "Derived from work by Natural Resources Canada. Open Government Licence - Canada:" \
--source-crs EPSG:4267 \
--target-crs EPSG:4269 \
ntv2_0.gsb ca_nrc_ntv2_0.tif
Using the Docker image:
docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-normal-latest python3 $PWD/ \
--area-of-use "Canada" \
--copyright "Derived from work by Natural Resources Canada. Open Government Licence - Canada:" \
--source-crs EPSG:4267 \
--target-crs EPSG:4269 \
$PWD/ntv2_0.gsb $PWD/ca_nrc_ntv2_0.tif
With the script.
usage: [-h] --type
--source-crs SOURCE_CRS
[--interpolation-crs INTERPOLATION_CRS]
--target-crs TARGET_CRS --copyright
[--encoding {float32,uint16,int32-scale-1-1000}]
[--ignore-nodata] [--datetime DATETIME]
[--area-of-use AREA_OF_USE]
source dest
- --type {GEOGRAPHIC_TO_VERTICAL,VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL}: specify the type of the grid. GEOGRAPHIC_TO_VERTICAL is for geoid-like grids transforming between a vertical CRS and ellipsoid heights. The value in the grid must be the offset to add to the height in the vertical CRS to get an ellipsoidal height. VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL is for transformations between 2 vertical CRS: the value in the grid must be the offset to add to heights in the source CRS to get heights in the target CRS.
- --source-crs SOURCE_CRS: the source CRS, as a "EPSG:XXXX" value or a CRS WKT string. Mandatory. For type=GEOGRAPHIC_TO_VERTICAL, this must be a Geographic 3D CRS. For type=VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL, this must be a Vertical CRS.
- --interpolation-crs INTERPOLATION_CRS: the geographic CRS in which the grid is referenced to. This is ignored for type=GEOGRAPHIC_TO_VERTICAL (the interpolation CRS is the source CRS), but mandatory for type=VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL
- --target-crs SOURCE_CRS: the target CRS, as a "EPSG:XXXX" value or a CRS WKT string. Mandatory. Must be a vertical CRS.
- --area-of-use AREA_OF_USE: To specify a textual area of use for the grid. For example "France", "Germany - Saxony". Strongly recommended.
- --description DESCRIPTION: Text describing the grid. If not provided, a default value will be automatically set. For example "NAD27 (EPSG:4267) to NAD83 (EPSG:4269). Converted from ntv2_0.gsb (last updated on 1995-07-05)"
- --encoding {float32,uint16,int32-scale-1-1000}: How values should be encoded. Defaults to float32. If specifying uint16, values will be encoded on a 16-bit unsigned value, using a offset and scale floating point values. If specifying int32-scale-1-1000, values will be conded on a 32-bit signed integer with a scaling factor of 1000 (this is the encoding naturally used by the .byn format of Canadian vertical shift grids)
- --ignore-nodata: whether the nodata value from the source should be encoded. This might be useful because there is an ambiguity for the GTX format. In some circumstances, the -88.8888 value must be interpreted as a nodata value, in others as a valid value. If not specifying this option, the script will print a warning if encountering a grid value that matches the nodata value, so as to call for manual verification.
- --datetime DATETIME: to specify the value of the TIFF DateTime tag. Must be formatted as "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS" (note the use of column as the separator for the Y-M-D part, as mandated by the TIFF specification). If not specified, the script will use the modification date of the source file.
python3 \
--area-of-use "World" \
--source-crs EPSG:4326 \
--target-crs EPSG:5773 \
--copyright "Public Domain. Derived from work at" \
egm96_15.gtx us_nga_egm96_15.tif
Using the Docker image:
docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-normal-latest python3 $PWD/ \
--area-of-use "World" \
--source-crs EPSG:4326 \
--target-crs EPSG:5773 \
--copyright "Public Domain. Derived from work at" \
$PWD/egm96_15.gtx $PWD/us_nga_egm96_15.tif
With the script.
usage: [-h] filename
If the script outputs anything and return the success error code, then everything is perfect.
Otherwise, it will messages among one of the three following categories:
- information: optional metadata missing, or extra metadata elements found. No corrective action is required
- warning: the file will probably be read correctly by PROJ, but corrective action may be required. Adressing those warnings is recommended
- error: the file will not be read correctly by PROJ. Corrective action is required. The return code of the script will be an error code.
Example of output on non-conformant file:
/home/even/gdal/git/gdal/gdal/byte.tif is NOT a valid PROJ GeoTIFF file.
The following errors were found (corrective action is required):
- CRS found, but not a Geographic CRS
- Datatype Byte of band 1 is not support
The following warnings were found (the file will probably be read correctly by PROJ, but corrective action may be required):
- This file uses a RasterTypeGeoKey = PixelIsArea convention. While this will work properly with PROJ, a georeferencing using RasterTypeGeoKey = PixelIsPoint is more common.
- Missing TYPE metadata item
- GDAL area_of_use metadata item is missing. Typically used to capture plain text information about where the grid applies
- TIFF tag ImageDescription is missing. Typically used to capture plain text information about what the grid does
- TIFF tag Copyright is missing. Typically used to capture information on the source and licensing terms
- TIFF tag DateTime is missing. Typically used to capture when the grid has been generated/converted
- Image is uncompressed. Could potentially benefit from compression
The following informative message are issued (no corrective action required):
- Metadata LAYER_TYPE=athematic on band 1 ignored
With the script.
usage: [-h] source dest
This file takes an existing GeoTIFF file and optimize its layout, so that headers are put at the beginning of the file. This is used internally by the and script
This can be useful as the final step if preparing a file with the GDAL API / tools such as gdal_translate or
Note: this script will not compress data. This must be done in a prior step.