pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 buildnotify
pyenv activate buildnotify
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
for running testspip install -e .
for installing locally. Usepython
to launchpaver mk_resources
is used to regenerate source files corresponding to icons/dialogs.
Paver commands can be viewed by running paver -h
. Run pip install paver
if not installed.
To edit the dialog windows, you should use Qt Designer. Once you're done, invoke the following command to regenerate its Python implementation:
pyuic5 -x data/<file>.ui -o buildnotifylib/generated/<file>
Dependencies for creating a pip/deb package (use virtualenv)
pip install paver
pip install stdeb
pip install twine
pip install keyrings.alt
apt-get install debhelper dput