composer req andersundsehr/no-ci
This plugin adds the possibility to add @no-ci
to any composer script.
you can Add it in front of every possible composer script. documentation
"scripts": {
"test": [
"@no-ci @php vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml",
"@ci @php vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit-ci.xml"
"other:examples": [
"@no-ci Composer\\Config::disableProcessTimeout",
"@no-ci @clearCache",
"@no-ci @composer install",
"@no-ci @php script.php",
"@no-ci @putenv COMPOSER=phpstan-composer.json",
"@no-ci ls -alh"
"clearCache": "rm -rf var"
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or you appreciate this Extension 🥰 let us know.
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