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Lab 2: Resilience - Retry, Circuit Breaking and Rate Limiting

In the second lab we will add resilience design patterns to the gateway.

See Spring Cloud Gateway Retry, Spring Cloud Gateway CircuitBreaker and Spring Cloud Gateway RequestRateLimiter for all details on how to configure the corresponding resilience patterns.

Lab Contents

Learning Targets

Productive software has to deliver quality attributes, i.e. it has to be functional correct, reliable, performant, secure, and available (see ISO/IEC 25010 for more details on software quality).

When it comes to resilience in software design, the main goal is build robust components that can tolerate faults within their scope, but also failures of other components they depend on. In this lab we take a look at some resilience design patterns:

  • Retry
  • Circuit Breaker with fallback strategy
  • Rate Limiting

In lab 2 you will learn how to:

  • Add the Retry pattern to a request, that is calling a special endpoint in the customer service which is implemented to fail randomly
  • Configure a Circuit Breaker for calling the customer-service including a Fallback when the call is failing
  • Configure a rate limiter to restrict the amount of requests that can be executed in a certain amount of time.

Folder Contents

In the lab 2 folder you find 2 applications:

  • initial: This is the gateway application we will use as starting point for this lab
  • solution: This is the completed reference solution of the gateway application for this lab including all configured resilience patterns

Start the Lab

Now, let's start with this lab.

Explore the initial application

Please navigate your Java IDE to the lab2/initial/api-gateway project and explore this project a bit. Then start the application by running the class com.example.apigateway.ApiGatewayApplication inside your IDE
or by issuing a mvnw[.sh|.cmd] spring-boot:run command.

If you have not yet seen the sample application architecture we will be building then please have a look into the sample application architecture.

For this lab we will also need the two provided sample backend services that you can find in the microservices root folder:

  • product-service: Provides a REST API for products
  • customer-service: Provides a REST API for customers

To test if the backend microservice applications work as expected, please run the corresponding spring boot starter classes and check if you can access the following REST API endpoints via the browser or the provided postman collection in /setup/postman:

You may also use a command-line client as well. Here are example requests using httpie and curl.


http localhost:9091/api/v1/customers
http localhost:9092/api/v1/products


curl http://localhost:9091/api/v1/customers
curl http://localhost:9092/api/v1/products

Step 1: Retry the request call to the customer-service

Whenever we assume that an unexpected response (i.e. for a non-reliable service) can be fixed by sending the request again, using the retry pattern can help. It is a very simple pattern where failed requests are retried a configurable number of times in case of a failure before the operation is marked as a failure.

In this step we will use the retry feature with a special API endpoint at http://localhost:9091/api/v1/customers/retry of the customer service that is randomly returning one of the following http status values:

  • 200 (OK)
  • 400 (Bad Request)
  • 408 (Request Timeout)
  • 500 (Internal Server Error)
  • 503 (Service Unavailable)

Next, we will add a new route including the Retry filter.

Please open the file src/main/resources/application.yml in the /lab2/initial/api-gateway project and add the following entries at the end of the routes path:


    name: api-gateway
        - id: retry
          uri: http://localhost:9091
            - Path=/api/v1/customers/retry
            - name: Retry
                retries: 5
                methods: GET
                  firstBackoff: 10ms
                  maxBackoff: 50ms
                  factor: 3
                  basedOnPreviousValue: false

This defines a route from localhost:9090/api/v1/customers/retry (gateway) to localhost:9091//api/v1/customers/retry (customer-service).

The retry filter is configured as follows:

  • retries: The number of retries that should be attempted. In our scenario the request is tried to execute 5 times.
  • statuses: The HTTP status codes that should be retried, in our sample only 408 (REQUEST_TIMEOUT) and 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) is retried
  • methods: The HTTP methods that should be retried, we only want GET requests to be retried.
  • backoff: The configured exponential backoff for the retries. Retries are performed after a backoff interval of firstBackoff * (factor ^ n), where n is the iteration. If maxBackoff is configured, the maximum backoff applied is limited to maxBackoff. If basedOnPreviousValue is true, the backoff is calculated by using prevBackoff * factor.

Please see the Retry GatewayFilter Factory docs for full parameters description.

Now (re-)start the api-gateway application and make sure you also have started the customer-service microservice located in /microservices/customer-service.
Next, try to call the new route at http://localhost:9090/api/v1/customers/retry using either the web browser or the provided postman collection (corresponding request in folder Resilience)

In the logs of the api-gateway you will notice that it might have some entries for retrying to call the customer service because of error results. But the service call should be successful in the end.

o.s.c.g.f.f.RetryGatewayFilterFactory    : setting new iteration in attr 0
o.s.c.g.f.f.RetryGatewayFilterFactory    : exceedsMaxIterations false, iteration 0, configured retries 5
o.s.c.g.f.f.RetryGatewayFilterFactory    : retryableStatusCode: true, statusCode 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, configured statuses [403 REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE], configured series [SERVER_ERROR]
o.s.c.g.f.f.RetryGatewayFilterFactory    : retryableMethod: true, httpMethod GET, configured methods [GET]
o.s.c.g.f.f.RetryGatewayFilterFactory    : disposing response connection before next iteration

Step 2: Configure a Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker protects your services from being spammed while already being partly unavailable due to high load. It also protects a service just coming back online from breaking down again when it is flooded with lots of pending requests.
The circuit breaker pattern was described by Martin Fowler. It can be implemented as a stateful software component that switches between three states: closed (requests are performed without any restriction), open (requests are rejected without being submitted to the remote resource), and half-open (one probe request is allowed to decide whether to close the circuit again). Circuit breakers may also be combined with retries, timeouts and fallbacks.

We will now configure a circuit breaker for the routing to the customer service, including both API versions:

The circuit breaker in the spring cloud gateway is implemented using the Resilience4J library.
So we have to add the corresponding dependencies to the maven pom.xml file:



We also have added a dependency that introduces a corresponding metric for the Resilience4J circuit breaker. With this all circuit breaker events can be monitored at http://localhost:9090//actuator/circuitbreakerevents.

After ensuring all prerequisites are now met we can configure the circuit breaker. Open the file src/main/resources/application.yml in the /lab2/initial/api-gateway project and add the following entries in the filters list of the route entry with the customers id:


    name: api-gateway
        - id: customers
          uri: http://localhost:9091
            - Path=/api/v1/{segment},/api/v2/{segment}
            - name: CircuitBreaker
                name: myCircuitBreaker
                fallbackUri: forward:/customer-fallback

Now a circuit breaker is configured as filter for these routes:

Before we can try the circuit breaker we still have to implement the endpoint for the configured circuit breaker fallback in the api gateway at http://localhost:9090/customer-fallback.

Create the new class FallbackApi in the package com.example.apigateway.resilience with the following implementation:

package com.example.apigateway.resilience;

import org.springframework.http.HttpStatusCode;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class FallbackApi {

    ResponseEntity<String> customerFallback() {
        return new ResponseEntity<>("We are sorry, but customer service is currently out of service. \nPlease try later",

Her we have implemented a very simple fallback just informing consumers of the application of a temporary service outage. Other possible solutions would be to cache a previous result.

Now (re-)start the api-gateway application and make sure you also have started the customer-service microservice located in /microservices/customer-service.
Next try to call the route at http://localhost:9090/api/v1/customers or http://localhost:9090/api/v2/customers using either the web browser or the provided postman collection (corresponding requests in folder routing). This should still work fine as before with returning the list of customers.

Now please stop the customer service and try again to call the same requests above. This time the circuit breaker kicks in and the fallback API gets called. So you should see the message of the implemented fallback API endpoint above instead.
After restarting the customer service again the call should work fine again, and you should see the customer list.

Finally, you may check all circuit breaker events at http://localhost:9090//actuator/circuitbreakerevents.

Next up: Rate limiting.

Step 3: Configure a rate limiter

In this last step we will introduce a rate limiter for the product service call. A rate limiter can support in achieving the following features:

  • Mitigate web attacks
    • Brute forcing
    • DoS and DDoS attacks
  • Limit the number of requests according to a pricing model

If a request is blocked by the limiter then the response HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests is sent instead of a HTTP 200 - OK status.

The standard rate limiter implementation of the spring cloud gateway is the Redis rate limiter. That is why a Redis database is required.

First, we have to add another dependency to the maven pom.xml file:



Second, we have to start a local Redis database. For this you need to have installed docker and docker compose.

Now open a terminal window and navigate to the lab2/initial folder and issue this command:

docker compose up

If this does not work as expected, please re-check that there is the docker-compose.yml file in the current directory.

The final step is the configuration of the rate limiter.
So let's do this (again in the application.yml file):


    name: api-gateway
        - id: products
          uri: http://localhost:9092
            - Path=/api/v1/products
            - name: RequestRateLimiter
                redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: 10
                redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity: 10
                redis-rate-limiter.requestedTokens: 1
                key-resolver: "#{@productKeyResolver}"

The rate limiting algorithm used is the Token Bucket Algorithm. The rate limiter defines the following properties:

  • redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: Defines how many requests per second to allow (without any dropped requests). This is the rate at which the token bucket is filled.
  • redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity: The maximum number of requests a user is allowed in a single second (without any dropped requests). This is the number of tokens the token bucket can hold. Setting this value to zero blocks all requests.
  • redis-rate-limiter.requestedTokens: Defines how many tokens a request costs. This is the number of tokens taken from the bucket for each request and defaults to 1.
  • rate-limiter: You can also define your own (optional) implementation of the rate limiter as spring bean.
  • key-resolver: An (optional) key resolver defines the key for limiting requests.

See RequestRateLimiter reference doc for more details.

As we don't have a Principal (authenticated user) yet (see next lab) it is not possible to use the default PrincipalNameKeyResolver implementation of spring cloud gateway.
Instead, we provide our own simple implementation, limiting the requests based on the request origin address. Our custom resolver is set as bean reference in the configuration above.

Here you find the implementation. Please create a new class ProductKeyResolver in the package com.example.apigateway.resilience.

package com.example.apigateway.resilience;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.util.Objects;

public class ProductKeyResolver implements KeyResolver {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductKeyResolver.class);

  public Mono<String> resolve(ServerWebExchange exchange) {"Request from {}", Objects.requireNonNull(exchange.getRequest().getLocalAddress().getHostName()));
    return Mono.just(Objects.requireNonNull(exchange.getRequest().getLocalAddress().getHostName()));

Now (re-)start the api-gateway application and make sure you still have started the product-service microservice located in /microservices/product-service.
Next try to call the new route at http://localhost:9090/api/v1/products using either the web browser or the provided postman collection (corresponding request in folder Routing).

To test the rate limiter you need a mechanism to create multiple requests in short time. You won't reach the maximum number of possible requests by manually executing requests in the browser or from postman.
You may use one of these client tools:

  • Apache Bench: On Linux and macOS operating systems you may use Apache Bench (ab). This is a tool from the Apache organization for benchmarking a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) web server. With this tool, you can quickly know how many requests per second your web server is capable of serving.
  • Rate Limiter Client: This workshop also provides a simple client to issue multiple requests to the product service. You find the project for the Rate Limiter Client in the directory /rate-limiter-client.

With Apache Bench you can try to perform this command:

ab -c 2 -m GET -n 10 -v 3 http://localhost:9090/api/v1/products

This executes 2 concurrent requests at a time (-c 2), uses the GET HTTP method (-m GET), issues 10 requests (-n 10) and sets a verbose level of 3 to receive HTTP status results.

You could also use Locust for this. If you already have installed python3 then you just have to perform a pip install locust to install locust.

Then use the provided file and run locust -f In the Locust web UI specify the target server http://localhost:9090 of the gateway.

If you cannot install the Apache Bench tool then you may use the rate-limiter-client as an alternative.
Navigate to the directory /rate-limiter-client and start the class com.example.client.RateLimiterClientApplication.

This provides one simple API endpoint:


The API requires the following request parameters:

  • requests: The number of requests to be triggered
  • delay: The delay to wait between requests (in milliseconds), when 0 is given then no delay is configured


You may configure the base URI and a JWT bearer token in the class WebClientConfiguration:

package com.example.client;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;

public class WebClientConfiguration {

    public WebClient webClient() {
        return WebClient
                //.defaultHeader("Authorization", "Bearer <JWT>")

Independent of the client you are using, if you increase the number of requests, then at some point you will recognize that you get the HTTP status of 429(Too Many Requests) instead of the 200(OK) HTTP status.

This ends lab 2. In the next lab 3 you will learn how to configure authentication using JWT bearer tokens.

Important Note: If you could not finish this lab, then just use the project lab3/initial/api-gateway as new starting point.

To continue please head over to Lab 3.