This is the project for the Prova Finale of the course Ingegneria del Sofware held at Politecnico di Milano under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Margara. It consists in developing a multiplayer online table game, both client and server side (CLI and GUI interfaces), using the object-oriented programming paradigm and its common design patterns.
Andrea Bosisio (@andreabosisio)
[email protected] -
Matteo Beltrante (@Beltrante)
[email protected] -
Marco Bendinelli (@MarcoBendinelli)
[email protected]
Functionality | State |
Basic rules | ✅ |
Complete rules | ✅ |
Socket | ✅ |
CLI | ✅ |
GUI | ✅ |
Advanced Functionality | State |
Resilience to disconnection | ✅ |
Persistence | ✅ |
Local Game | ✅ |
Multiple Games | ❌ |
Parameters Editor | ❌ |
Full game rules can be consulted here.
In the deliverables there is the jar file to start the application as both Server or Client.
To run it as Server type the following command (as default it runs on port 1337):
> java -jar AM65.jar -server
This command can be followed by a desired port that server will be listening on.
To run it as Client type the following command:
> java -jar AM65.jar
This command MUST be followed by one of these arguments:
- -cli: to start the Command Line Interface (NOTE: Windows users must run it using WSL);
- -gui: to start the Graphical User Interface;
The Server's IP and port can be specified during the execution.
To play a local game run only the Client application and:
- for the CLI just follow the instructions available during execution
- for the GUI go to Settings and select "Local Game"
To facilitate the demo of the game, a cheat functionality has been implemented. It simply adds some Resources into the StrongBox.
SPOILER ALERT: To use it, click here to see the command to be inserted in the Server terminal
> cheat
- DrawIO - UML Diagrams
- Maven - Dependency Management
- IntelliJ - IDE
- JavaFX - Graphical Framework
- SceneBuilder - Visual Layout Tool for JavaFX
This project is developed in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and Cranio Creations.