Build a function takes in a number and converts it to roman numerals
Roman numeral conversion:
Base roman digits
- 1 : I
- 5 : V
- 10: X
- 50 : L
- 100 : C
- 500: D
- 1000 : M
Writing numbers other than base digits:
- larger than base digit and smaller than next base digit, concatenate them together
- 2 is II. 3 is III
- Smaller than base digit: Writen as the base digit minus whatever smaller digits come before it, so for example
- 4 is 5 minus 1, or IV
- Larger than base digit: Writen as the base digit plus whatever smaller digits after it, totally up to the number, so for example
- 6 is 5 plus 1, or VI
- 11 is 10 plus 1, or XI
- 56 is 50 plus 5 plus 1, or LVI
- 67 is 50 plus 10 plus 5 plus 2, or LXVII
- larger than base digit and smaller than next base digit, concatenate them together
Write a function that takes one parameter
- Parameter 1 - A number
The function should output an a string with the corresponding roman numerals
var the_number = 62;
- Returns -